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Big Dreams-Max-AI-singing

Big Dreams

[Verse] CaseOH on the rise Can't be contained Got the whole world singing Dancing to his name With a voice so smooth And a style so fly He's a pop sensation Reaching for the sky Rocking stages Making hearts beat fast From the first note You know it's gonna last His melodies infectious Hooks that won't let go CaseOH's taking over The world's in the know [Verse 2] From small beginnings To the spotlight's glare CaseOH's big dreams Will take him anywhere He's got the passion The drive to succeed His determination Is all he'll ever need

Chipotle Love-Cole-AI-singing

Chipotle Love

[Verse] Burrito in my hand Feeling oh so grand Chipotle is the place Where my heart takes a stand With every bite I take My taste buds come alive From farm to table Chipotle You make me thrive [Verse 2] Bowl of rice and beans Spiced flavors so divine Chipotle Oh Chipotle You never fail to shine Tacos filled with goodness Each one a little delight In Chipotle we trust Our cravings take flight [Chorus] Chipotle Chipotle Our taste buds rejoice With every burrito Bowl Or taco We find our voice From farm to table The journey's true Chipotle oh Chipotle We trust in you

Whiskey-Sy Muhammad-AI-singing


if you ended the game, make it the last end don’t ever come back to break the stockade sunny day, i try to friend with shadow of mine and watch FRIENDS try not to cry on the night yesterday you stood in front of my college white shirt, black jeans and old leather jacket i still remember the first time we met looked you there remind me the forelsket and it’s always you break the promises and it’s always me to give you forgiveness and it’s a repeated scene a confession of a sin but we know you never mean but you always win i still remember the second time on 3rd of July you said sorry instead a good goodbye wiped my tears that an hour dried yeah baby i said i’m to tired and it’s always you break the promises and it’s the new me to not give forgiveness and it’s a repeated scene a confession of a sin but we know you never mean now you’ve to be detained


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Electric Dreams-Janes-AI-singing

Electric Dreams

[Verse] Neon lights shining In the city streets Electric vibes Dancing to the beat Synthesized melodies in the air We're floating 'round Like we don't have a care [Verse 2] Analog sounds Pulsing through the night Robotic voices Singing with delight Drum machines ticking Pumping through our veins We're caught up in this electric hurricane [Chorus] Electric dreams We're living in a technicolor haze Lost in the rhythm As the synths continue to blaze In this 80's electronic reign We're lost in the sound It's driving us insane

repeated scene-SM-AI-singing

repeated scene

if you ended the game, make it the last end don’t ever come back to break the stockade sunny day, i try to friend with shadow of mine and watch FRIENDS try not to cry on the night yesterday you stood in front of my college white shirt, black jeans and old leather jacket i still remember the first time we met looked you there remind me the forelsket and it’s always you break the promises and it’s always me to give you forgiveness and it’s a repeated scene a confession of a sin but we know you never mean but you always win i still remember the second time on 3rd of July you said sorry instead a good goodbye wiped my tears that an hour dried yeah baby i said i’m to tired and it’s always you break the promises and it’s the new me to not give forgiveness and it’s a repeated scene a confession of a sin but we know you never mean now you’ve to be detained

Satu University-SM-AI-singing

Satu University

Bersamamu ku pasti bisa meraih mimpi dan wujudkan asa bersamamu ku takkan ragu untuk satu langkah yang lebih maju memilihmu adalah nyata bersama kita kan terus melangkah akan kita raih semua cita menuju masa depan yang bahagia kita pasti bisa kita melangkah bersama Jangan takut Jangan Ragu tentukan langkahmu tuk lebih maju Mari Raih Semua Mimpi di Satu University



亚股星期五,涨跌不一 中国央行出新策,市场欢喜 中港股市转跌为涨,成为主力 房地产市场,迎来新机 中国央行放大招 取消首二套贷款利率下限 公积金利率下调,首付款比例变 三千亿再贷款,带动五千亿 地产股午后走高,市场一片繁荣 香港恒生指数涨,沪指收高 深成指和创业板,一同上涨 房地产板块掀涨停潮,个股涨多跌少 恒大万科股价飙升,投资者欢笑 中国央行放大招 取消首二套贷款利率下限 公积金利率下调,首付款比例变 三千亿再贷款,带动五千亿 地产股午后走高,市场一片繁荣 虽然瑞士银行有疑虑 但全球商品价格将受影响 中国增长靠政府支持 消费者需求待改善 (Verse 3) 东京日经微跌,韩国综指下滑 台北股市开高走低,成交金额大 马来西亚GDP增长,马股大热 东南亚股市表现好,菲律宾独自憔悴 中国央行放大招 取消首二套贷款利率下限 公积金利率下调,首付款比例变 三千亿再贷款,带动五千亿 地产股午后走高,市场一片繁荣 能源交易中,油价微跌 美元兑日元,欧元对美元 黄金上涨,比特币走高



都是勇敢的 你額頭的傷口 你的不同 你犯的錯 都不必隱藏 你破舊的玩偶 你的面具 你的自我 他們說 要帶著光 馴服每一頭怪獸 他們說 要縫好你的傷 沒有人愛小丑 為何孤獨不可光榮? 人只有不完美 值得歌頌 誰說污泥滿身的不算英雄? 愛你孤身走暗巷 愛你不跪的模樣 愛你對峙過絕望 不肯哭一場 愛你破爛的衣裳 卻敢堵命運的槍 愛你和我那麼像 缺口都一樣 去嗎? 配嗎? 這襤褸的披風 戰嗎? 戰啊! 以最卑微的夢 致那黑夜中的嗚咽與怒吼 誰說站在光裡的才算英雄?



(Soft, gentle melody) (Verse 1) From your first little smile, To your tiny baby toes, Month by month you grow, Our love for you just flows. (Chorus) One month, two month, every step you take, Every little moment, every move you make, Our sweet baby boy, you're our pride and joy, Every month with you, fills our hearts with joy. (Verse 2) From your first little laugh, To your wobbly steps so new, Every photo shows, Our endless love for you. (Chorus) One month, two month, every step you take, Every little moment, every move you make, Our sweet baby boy, you're our pride and joy, Every month with you, fills our hearts with joy. (Outro) Our baby boy, our shining star, Every month, how loved you are.