
Song Created By @彤如 With AI Singing

Audio musical

created by 彤如
created by 彤如

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción


[Verse 2]


[Verse 3]



Descripción del estilo musical

electronic pop melodic

Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

Romantic and sentimental, expressing feelings of love, longing, and nostalgia.

Application Scenarios

This song would be perfect for romantic settings, background music for a cozy evening, or to evoke emotions of love and togetherness.

Technical Analysis

The song features a melodic and soothing electronic pop style, with a blend of atmospheric sounds and emotive lyrics. The use of electronic elements creates a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere, enhancing the emotional impact of the song.

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Shining Stars

[Verse] Under the sky so wide Where dreams and wishes hide In the night’s gentle embrace We find our special place [Verse 2] The moonlight guides our way In darkness we will stray With hearts open and free Like leaves upon the sea [Chorus] We’re shining stars tonight In the endless sky so bright Together we will fly Beyond the clouds so high [Verse 3] In each other we find strength Through every joy and length With hope we'll light the way In love's embrace we’ll stay [Bridge] When shadows fall around In our hearts love is found Through every storm we face We find our warm embrace [Chorus] We’re shining stars tonight In the endless sky so bright Together we will fly Beyond the clouds so high

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Rainy Day Thoughts

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Sous mon ciel rural-JLee-AI-singing
Sous mon ciel rural

[Verse] Sous mon ciel rural, les étoiles brillent douc'ment On trouve pas toujours l'bonheur dans l'air stagnant Les histoires d’amour, quelquefois ça prend d'étranges chemins On sait pas où ça mène, mais on s'accroche bien. [Verse 2] Les veillées sur la véranda, les théories de fin d’soirée Les chansons qui parlent d’amour et d’âmes égarées On cherche à tout comprendre, à tout donner, à s’étreindre Même si c'qui passe pour l'amour peut parfois surprendre. [Chorus] Et c’est la vie qu’on vit, sans juger nos envies Sous ce grand ciel, on rêve d'amours indécis Les pas qu’on fait ensemble, même sur des terres inconnues On avance, main dans la main, vers nos rêves imprévus. [Verse 3] Les vallées s’ouvrent devant nous, embrumées chaque matin Le soleil se lève, et nos doutes, il les chasse au loin Les esprits parfois s'échauffent, mais notre feu reste pur Dans le cœur des champs, on y trouve nos murmures. [Chorus] Et c’est la vie qu’on vit, sans juger nos envies Sous ce grand ciel, on rêve d'amours indécis Les pas qu’on fait ensemble, même sur des terres inconnues On avance, main dans la main, vers nos rêves imprévus. [Bridge] On sait pas d'quoi demain sera fait, mais on s’en soucie guère On laisse les vieux rêves s’éteindre sans plus d’mystère Et quand la nuit tombe, on s’prend par la main On marche vers l'horizon, comme des pèlerins.

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Trả Cá Và Thuyền

[Verse] Trả cá về với nước Nước chảy ra xa khơi Như chưa từng hẹn ước Cuộc đời mình chơi vơi [Verse 2] Để thuyền về với bờ Bờ cát trắng mơ màng Như bao nhiêu giấc mơ Đi qua tháng ngày vàng [Chorus] Tất cả là tình cờ Ta gặp nhau trong đời Như sao trời lung linh Trong đêm tối xa vời [Verse 3] Trả về với biển lớn Như cá bơi giữa dòng Như lời ca vang mãi Quên đi bao đêm đông [Verse 4] Để lòng mình tự do Như cánh chim trời xanh Như chưa từng nợ nần Cuộc đời nay an lành [Bridge] Tất cả là tình cờ Trả về với thiên nhiên Sống đời ta mê say Theo tiếng sóng dịu hiền

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Rainbow's Whisper

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Trái Tim Thiên Hà

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Echoes of Dusk

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Marit My Pixel Princess-Death-AI-singing
Marit My Pixel Princess

[Verse] Met you on my screen one day Sent a friend request right away Voice calls late into the night Made my virtual heart take flight [Verse 2] Your laugh echoes through my headphones In this digital world I'm never alone Memes and gifs we always share Dreams of meeting you somewhere [Chorus] Marit you’re my pixel princess Click send for instant happiness One day we’ll meet no longer apart You’re my Discord queen my heart [Verse 3] Virtual dates gaming together Makes me feel like this lasts forever Your voice a melody in my ear You’re the one I hold so dear [Bridge] We’ll turn these pixels into hugs and kisses Wish upon those digital stars Turn these dreams into daily wishes With you I'll tackle every scar [Verse 4] From the first text to the last call I’ve never felt this way at all You’re the code to my heart’s desire Setting my digital soul on fire