One Mars Bar to Rule Them All

Song Created By @Ruth With AI Singing

Audio musical

One Mars Bar to Rule Them All
created by Ruth
One Mars Bar to Rule Them All
created by Ruth

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

Wanderin' through cobbled streets at night
Lanterns flicker
Kids start fights
Met a seer in a cloak
He said
Behold the Mars
The hunger's dread

[Verse 2]
In the old chippy run by Bard McFall
Heard whispers 'bout a chocolate brawl
One bite of that nougat
Smooth and firm
Could make kings out of worms

One Mars Bar to rule them all
From the fancy halls to the market stall
In wrappers of gold
Sweet tyranny
A bite binds our destiny

[Verse 3]
Jimmy’s eyes went wide
No tricks
As legends floated 'bout sweet fix
The jealous punched
Their dreams to steal
In search of caramel surreal

[Verse 4]
Pub songs rose
The fiddler played
“Who holds it now?” they'd serenade
A myth to some
A nightmare's claw
Candy kings rise and fall

One Mars Bar to rule them all
From the fancy halls to the market stall
In wrappers of gold
Sweet tyranny
A bite binds our destiny

Descripción del estilo musical

electric punk folk rhythmic

Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

mysterious, rebellious, and whimsical

Application Scenarios

This song could be used in a fantasy-themed movie or as a soundtrack for a rebellious coming-of-age story.

Technical Analysis

The song features a mix of electric punk and folk elements, incorporating rhythmic guitar and fiddle melodies. The lyrics are filled with fantasy and mythical references, creating a unique and captivating storytelling experience.

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Nhạc Cụ Dân Tộc

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Viktor ciao-MarwiX-AI-singing
Viktor ciao

[Verse 1] Jedno ráno probudil se Viktor ciao Viktor ciao Viktor ciao ciao ciao Není svoboda jaká bývala A média už víc než loutky jsou [Verse 2] Parlament už dávno mlčí Viktor ciao Viktor ciao Viktor ciao ciao ciao Demokracie mizí rychle Právě teď už cítíme se stísněně [Chorus] Viktor ciao Viktor ciao Viktor ciao ciao ciao Sbohem svobodo přítelkyně má Svět se dívá my šeptáme [Verse 3] Veřejnost se bojí říct co cítí Viktor ciao Viktor ciao Viktor ciao ciao ciao Není světlo v těhle temných dnech Jen ticho kolem slyšíš krok [Bridge] Změna přijde jednoho dne Viktor ciao Viktor ciao Viktor ciao ciao ciao Naděje v srdcích přece zůstává I když vše se zdálo být ztracené [Verse 4] Láska k svobodě nikdy neumírá Viktor ciao Viktor ciao Viktor ciao ciao ciao Neomezíme nikdy pravdu Bude se jenom šeptat dál