Betrayed by a Traitor

Song Created By @Haya With AI Singing

Audio musical

Betrayed by a Traitor
created by Haya
Betrayed by a Traitor
created by Haya

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

Once upon a time you were by my side \
But now I see the truth your colors have dried \
You wore a mask of loyalty but it was all lies \
Betrayed by a traitor I can't even cry

[Verse 2]
Shared our dreams held our hopes so high \
But you shattered them like a broken sky \
Now the trust is gone no more lullabies \
Betrayed by a traitor can’t even say goodbye

You were a traitor in disguise \
With your false smiles and empty eyes \
Now I'm standing in the ruins of our lives \
Betrayed by a traitor can’t even cry

[Verse 3]
Memories of laughter now a bitter taste \
Every promise you made was just a waste \
You played your game with such bitter haste \
Betrayed by a traitor nothing left to chase

Thought we had forever but it was just a ruse \
Now I'm left wondering what I’m supposed to choose \
Picking up the pieces of a heart you used \
Betrayed by a traitor feeling so bruised

You were a traitor in disguise \
With your false smiles and empty eyes \
Now I'm standing in the ruins of our lives \
Betrayed by a traitor can’t even cry

Descripción del estilo musical

emotional ballad pop

Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

The song conveys feelings of betrayal, heartbreak, and disillusionment. The lyrics evoke a sense of loss, pain, and bitterness, capturing the emotional turmoil of being deceived by someone close.

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for a variety of scenarios related to heartbreak, betrayal, and loss. It could be used in a dramatic film or television scene depicting a broken relationship, or as a cathartic anthem for individuals going through similar experiences.

Technical Analysis

The song features emotional ballad pop style, characterized by poignant lyrics, expressive vocal delivery, and melodic instrumentation. It may include piano or acoustic guitar accompaniment to enhance the emotional impact of the song.

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vui quá hôm nay sinh nhật tao đây là bài hát tao tạo bằng trí tuệ nhân tạo yeah điệp khúc tới rồi yeah tại vì tao hết ý tưởng rồi L.U.P.I.N gọi tắt, viết đủ là Nguyễn Hoàng Bảo Ngọc say my name louder for the people in the back vua của mọi loại bá vương, lấy của người giàu chia cho người nghèo L.U.P.I.N gọi tắt, viết đủ là Nguyễn Hoàng Bảo Ngọc mừng ngày sinh nhật lần 21 yeah âm nhạc của trí tuệ nhân tạo yeah

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