Love Blooms in July

Song Created By @Zachary With AI Singing

Audio musical

Love Blooms in July
created by Zachary

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

Dated a redneck almost four months
Cheated on me two weeks later
Broke up in springtime sun
Healing started with a friend

[Verse 2]
Three months later more than friends
Talking in the middle of June
You needed help with heartbreak
I said ok let’s make it through

Do you want me on the line?
When you need someone
I’ll be kind
Comfort you
Ease the pain
I can heal you
That’s my gain

[Verse 3]
July 2nd
Message from you
Name lighting up
Hey let’s date
You said to me
Terrified but dreams come true

Do you want me on the line?
When you need someone
I’ll be kind
Comfort you
Ease the pain
I can heal you
That’s my gain

Girl of your dreams
You see
Sunset in oceans
That’s me
Would you take this chance with me?
Love so true
Can’t you see?

Descripción del estilo musical

Acoustic Country with Female Vocals and Love Vibes

Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

The song portrays themes of love, heartbreak, healing, and taking chances. The emotions conveyed include vulnerability, kindness, comfort, and hope.

Application Scenarios

This song would be suitable for a romantic or love-themed playlist, a country music night, a chill acoustic music session, or for listeners going through heartbreak and seeking comfort.

Technical Analysis

The song features acoustic instruments, female vocals, and a heartfelt lyrical content. The structure includes verses, choruses, and a bridge, following a typical country music storytelling format.

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a lonely soldier's prayer-Bill-AI-singing
a lonely soldier's prayer

Verse 1) In the quiet of the night, under a blood-red moon, A soldier lies in silence, knowing morning comes too soon. His body’s torn and broken, his leg wrapped tight with pain, He whispers through the darkness, calling out her name. (Chorus) Oh, Mama, can you hear me? I’m so far from your embrace, With friends and foes around me, in this godforsaken place. The stars above are shining, like tears from up on high, I pray to hear the chopper, before I close my eyes. (Verse 2) He dreams of home and family, the dog he left behind, A warmth that once was his, now lost in space and time. The weight of war upon him, the brass shells on the ground, He hears the cries of fallen, but no rescue can be found. (Chorus) Oh, Mama, can you hear me? I’m so far from your embrace, With friends and foes around me, in this godforsaken place. The stars above are shining, like tears from up on high, I pray to hear the chopper, before I close my eyes. (Bridge) His throat is dry and burning, no water for relief, The field of death around him, a testament to grief. His heart beats slow and heavy, each breath a ragged plea, In the stillness of the night, he prays for you and me. (Verse 3) In the darkness, he’s awaiting, the sound of rotors near, A hope that in the morning, the rescue he’ll finally hear. The hum of distant engines, the promise in the sky, He prays for that salvation, before he says goodbye. (Chorus) Oh, Mama, can you hear me? I’m so far from your embrace, With friends and foes around me, in this godforsaken place. The stars above are shining, like tears from up on high, I pray to hear the chopper, before I close my eyes. (Outro) In the dawn, a whisper, the hope of morning light, A soldier’s prayer to heaven, for an end to this night. Oh, Mama, can you hear me? In your heart, keep me alive, For in the darkest moments, it’s your love that helps me survive. (End) The stars above are fading, but his hope is burning bright, A soldier on the battlefield, holding on with all his might.

Happy anniversary-G-AI-singing
Happy anniversary

In '01, St. Paddy's at the Yard House, Green beers flowing, hearts light as the breeze, Crossing paths, fate's game we would play, Years danced by, leading us to today. Through the ups and downs, we've stood tall, From separate lives to a family with a drawl, Nine kids strong, our love a steadfast ride, Said our vows in '07, still by each other's side. Yours and mine, blending line by line, A patchwork quilt, each thread intertwined, Through the storms, we've found our way, 17 years and counting, stronger every day. Beating the odds, hand in hand, we roam, Through life's wild country, we've made our home, From that St. Paddy's toast to today's grace, Our love's journey, our forever embrace. Through the ups and downs, we've stood tall, From separate lives to a family with a drawl, Nine kids strong, our love a steadfast ride, Said our vows in '07, still by each other's side. Here's to us, the years we've wrangled, From green beers to a love so tangled, In every twist of fate, we found our endeavor, Forever together, in this country love forever.


Unki Chahat Mein Hum Kuchh Yoon Bandhe Hain, Ki Wo Saath Bhi Nahin Aur Hum Akele Bhi Nahin. Mohabbat Mein Kahin Hum Se Gustakhi Na Ho Jaye, Hum Apna Har Qadam UnKe Qadam Ke Baad Rakhte Hain.

لِماذا الحُبُّ-Asson-AI-singing
لِماذا الحُبُّ

[الآية] لِماذا الحُبُّ يَسْحَرُني أَسِيرًا وَلَيْسَ الحُبُّ يَنْتَقِمُ انْتِقاما [الآية 2] أَلَيْسَ الحُبُّ يُعْطِينا الحَياةَ يُعِزُّ نُفوسَنا، وَيَذِيبُ هاما [الجسر] يَرْفَعُنا إِلى أَفْلاكِ شَوْقٍ فَيَسْكُنُ في قُلوبِنا بسلامٍ [الكورس] الحُبُّ يَأْتِي، الحُبُّ يَذْهَبُ لكنَّ الحُبُّ دائِمًا [الآية 3] يَحمِلنا إِلى عالَمٍ جديدٍ نَسَبحُ في بَحْرِ الأَحْلامِ [الكورس] الحُبُّ يَأْتِي، الحُبُّ يَذْهَبُ لكنَّ الحُبُّ دائِمًا

NATURES WAUY-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

My way is the natural way God intended I feel alive in nature as I comb my horse and feel the sun upon my face The wind blows my hair and I feel the power of the creator Compare to the city life where I sit in traffic and live in boxes called buildings The stress of all humans is magnified in the city life People need to get back to nature and live the way the creator intended Focus less on materialism and selfish means Serve the community and get back to nature as best as you can nature is the place to be Nature heals Nature is what we need more of

NATURES WAUY-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

My way is the natural way God intended I feel alive in nature as I comb my horse and feel the sun upon my face The wind blows my hair and I feel the power of the creator Compare to the city life where I sit in traffic and live in boxes called buildings The stress of all humans is magnified in the city life People need to get back to nature and live the way the creator intended Focus less on materialism and selfish means Serve the community and get back to nature as best as you can nature is the place to be Nature heals Nature is what we need more of

Caleb Never Works-Darian-AI-singing
Caleb Never Works

(Verse 1) Caleb wakes up in the morning light, Dreams of doing nothing through the night, Coffee brewing, but he’s in no hurry, Ain't got no stress, ain't got no worry. (Chorus) Oh, Caleb, never working, living free, No nine to five, just serenity, While the world keeps turning, he’s standing still, Caleb never working, and he never will. (Verse 2) Friends are busy with their daily grind, But Caleb's got a different state of mind, Life's too short for all that strain, He’s chasing sunsets, not the mundane. (Chorus) Oh, Caleb, never working, living free, No nine to five, just serenity, While the world keeps turning, he’s standing still, Caleb never working, and he never will. (Bridge) Some call him lazy, but he’s got a plan, To live life easy, to be his own man, He's got no deadlines, got no boss, Just a carefree spirit, he’s never at a loss. (Verse 3) He’s got a hammock strung between two trees, Spends his days just feeling the breeze, No suit and tie, no meetings to attend, Caleb's got all the time to spend. (Chorus) Oh, Caleb, never working, living free, No nine to five, just serenity, While the world keeps turning, he’s standing still, Caleb never working, and he never will. (Outro) So here’s to Caleb, living his own way, In a world that’s rushing, he’s here to stay, He’s found his peace, he’s found his thrill, Caleb never working, and he never will.

GUND DONT WALK ACROSS TOW SCintry-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

Set up the cans and lets shoot some targets These guns are not the problem it has always been the people Guns don’t kill people, people use guns to kill people More people die from not washing their hands than all the guns in the world The woke agenda demonized the gun not the evil person who kills Should we also outlaws shoe manufactures as people usually wear shoots to commit their evil acts with the gun I want to see guns walk across town and kill not humans We need to use logic and also focus on pharmaceutics and mental illness Lets stop distracting from the real reason we have violence Guns are not the problem its the people Guns are not the problem its the people Guns are not the problem its the people Lets stop the violence and stop the senseless killing Lets stop the violence and stop the senseless killing The discussion has to be had

GUND DONT WALK ACROSS TOWN-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

Set up the cans and lets shoot some targets These guns are not the problem it has always been the people Guns don’t kill people, people use guns to kill people More people die from not washing their hands than all the guns in the world The woke agenda demonized the gun not the evil person who kills Should we also outlaws shoe manufactures as people usually wear shoots to commit their evil acts with the gun I want to see guns walk across town and kill not humans We need to use logic and also focus on pharmaceutics and mental illness Lets stop distracting from the real reason we have violence

cette boucle infine-Helena-AI-singing
cette boucle infine

Hier je repensais à elle A nos derniers appels Et à son doux parfum caramel Je pensais t’avoir oublié Mais tu as bousillé tous mes efforts passés Ils se sont tous brisés Ne m’envoie plus de messages S’il te plait je n’ai plus la force Je t’ai tellement aimé Mais tu m’as dis que je forçais ( x2) Maintenant j’ai peur qu’il y est une suite Et que notre amour ressuscite C’est vraiment une boucle infinie Je me demande quand tout ça sera enfin finie J’ai respecté tes choix, même si ça fais mal Je me suis dis que c’est bon, il faillait arrêter tout ça J’ai tout fait pour passer à autre chose Et t’es revenue, comme ça du jour au lendemain Ne m’envoie plus de messages S’il te plait je n’ai plus la force Je t’ai tellement aimé Mais tu m’as dis que je forçais Moi je penser que c’était la fin Tu étais devenue qu’une amie pour moi Mais t’es revenue, t’as détruit mes efforts passés Et j’ai recommencer à un peu t’aimer Je ne sais pas si je t’aime vraiment ou pas Je suis dans le doute Je ne sais pas si il faut t’aimé, reprendre ou on en étais Ne m’envoie plus de messages S’il te plait je n’ai plus la force Je t’ai tellement aimé Mais tu m’as dis que je forçais Je t’ai fait une promesse Je serai toujours là pour toi Peu importe ce qu’il se passait Mais je pense que le seul moyen de t’oublier Et de renoncer à te parler.

Le Barde et le Plectre Maudit-Clifford-AI-singing
Le Barde et le Plectre Maudit

Verse 1 : Sous le soleil de Norobar, écrasé par sa chaleur, Vivait un halfelin, piètre barde et séducteur, Pour être remarqué des yeux de sa belle, C’est à l’Enfer et ses monstres, qu’il lance un appel... Pre-Chorus : Son plectre il a enchanté, d’un pacte avec un diable, Faisant de lui le meilleur musicien, d’un talent incroyable, Mais en échange, c’est sa demoiselle qu’il a emmenée, Laissant l’artiste seul, avec ses remords et ses regrets. Chorus : Zervius, le barde au cœur brisé, Ton chant résonne de peines cachées, Avec les Lions d'Argent, tu cherches à guérir, Les cœurs des autres, pour apaiser tes souvenirs. (Oh Oohoh Oh Oooh!) Verse 2 : Il a rejoint la Guilde d'Urion, en quête de rédemption, Accomplissant ses missions, cherchant sa propre salvassion, Ses amis ignorent le secret qu'il porte, Le plectre maudit, et la honte qui l'escorte. Pre-Chorus : Ses chansons parlent de courage, de douleur et de gloire, Chaque note un espoir, chaque parole une histoire, Il cache son passé, le mal qu'il a fait, Rongé par la honte, chaque jour un regret. Chorus : Zervius, le barde au cœur brisé, Ton chant résonne de peines cachées, Avec les Lions d'Argent, tu cherches à guérir, Les cœurs des autres, pour apaiser tes souvenirs. (Oh Oohoh Oh Oooh!) (acoustic solo) Bridge : Dans la lumière des feux de camp, il trouve un peu de paix, Sa musique une offrande, un remède pour les blessés, Mais chaque fois qu'il joue, le plectre murmure, Un rappel de son erreur, de sa vie moins pure. Chorus : Zervius, le barde au cœur brisé, Ton chant résonne de peines cachées, Avec les Lions d'Argent, tu cherches à guérir, Les cœurs des autres, pour apaiser tes souvenirs. (Oh Oohoh Oh Oooh!) Outro : Sous ce poids, il joue, cherchant le pardon, Une mélodie de rédemption, de luttes et d'émotion, Zervius, le barde, au plectre maudit, Avance vers demain, jouant sa musique infinie.

Dust 2$tardu$t-Kai-AI-singing
Dust 2$tardu$t

From Dust to Stardust Verse 1: Growing up in a small town, working fields of golden wheat, Dreaming of a life beyond, with fame at my feet. Nobody ever noticed, just another face in the crowd, But I held onto my dreams, sang my heart out loud. Chorus: I rose from dust to stardust, found my way back home, Respect and fame, my journey's fame, never felt alone. Through the highs and lows, I found my true flame, From dust to stardust, I'll forever reclaim. Verse 2: Years went by, I chased my dream, with every heartache and pain, Fame came knocking at my door, but respect was never in vain. Lost in the glitz and glamour, forgot where I came from, But when the spotlight faded, I knew where I belonged. Chorus: I rose from dust to stardust, found my way back home, Respect and fame, my journey's flame, never felt alone. Through the highs and lows, I found my true flame, From dust to stardust, I'll forever reclaim. Verse 3: Now I'm back where it all began, under that big oak tree, Taste of sweet lemonade, smell of freshly cut hay, it sets me free. I've learned the lesson, respect is the key to fame, From dust to stardust, I'll always remember my name. Chorus: I rose from dust to stardust, found my way back home, Respect and fame, my journey's flame, never felt alone. Through the highs and lows, I found my true flame, From dust to stardust, I'll forever reclaim. Bridge: In the spotlight or in the shadows, I'll stand tall, With respect in my heart, I'll never fall. Fame may come and go, but one thing remains true, From dust to stardust, my comeback is overdue. Chorus: I rose from dust to stardust, found my way back home, Respect and fame, my journey's flame, never felt alone. Through the highs and lows, I found my true flame, From dust to stardust, I'll forever reclaim. Outro: In the quiet of the night, I sing my song to the stars above, A reminder of where I started, and the power of love. From dust to stardust, my story will always remain, Respect, fame, and comeback, my journey's sweet refrain.