A Broken Promise in the Kitchen of Love

Song Created By @Larry With AI Singing

Audio musical

A Broken Promise in the Kitchen of Love
created by Larry
A Broken Promise in the Kitchen of Love
created by Larry

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

I stood by the kitchen
Knife in my hand
Carrots and onions
A culinary plan
Your face blurred in my mind
Like a summertime squall
But I tripped on my words
And then I lost it all

[Verse 2]
The soapy water glistened on your old blue car
I scrubbed and I toiled
I meant to go far
But the car turned into secrets
All wrapped in despair
I washed away not just dirt
But the love we shared

Stormy nights and star-crossed skies
Promises tangled in whispered lies
I meant to love you
Forever and a day
But now I chase shadows
Trying to find a way

[Verse 3]
Bouquets in the sunshine
Daisies and more
I'd hand them to you
But they fell to the floor
Each petal a regret
Tangled up in the blues
Each stem a reminder of the love we’d lose

It's not in my nature to break hearts in two
I didn't mean to shatter the dream we drew
Like a moth to a flame
Reckless I flew
I chased all the wrong stars and lost the one true

[Verse 4]
Sitting in the silence
With echoes so loud
Memories of your laughter in a gathering crowd
I meant to cook
To wash
To cherish
To mend
But wound up holding ashes of what couldn't bend

Descripción del estilo musical

mellow introspective acoustic folk

Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics of the song convey a sense of introspection, regret, and lost love. The emotions explored include heartbreak, longing, and the realization of past mistakes. The mellow acoustic melody complements the reflective and emotional tone of the lyrics.

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for listening to during quiet moments of self-reflection, breakup recovery, or when looking back on past relationships. It could also be used in a storytelling context or to evoke feelings of nostalgia.

Technical Analysis

The song features a mellow acoustic style with introspective lyrics that tell a story of lost love and regret. The use of imagery such as kitchen scenes, washing a car, and handing bouquets adds depth to the narrative. The structure of the song includes verses, a chorus, and a bridge, enhancing the storytelling aspect.

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[Verse] 山茶花开花盏静 微风轻拂岁月轻 你的笑容在我心 像那花瓣不散尽 [Verse 2] 皎月冷辉伴孤影 夜深梦长心绪停 手牵着手走过春 山茶花开有好梦 [Chorus] 山茶花白夜不熄 花语呢喃耳边戏 你的爱像歌不停 在我心中永不离 [Verse 3] 细雨绵绵情未泯 细数往事如花影 牵手相伴两心紧 夏秋冬春共花魂 [Bridge] 山茶花开温暖心 花香四溢绕梦境 思念随风逐旧踪 不变的情依然浓 [Chorus] 山茶花白夜不熄 花语呢喃耳边戏 你的爱像歌不停 在我心中永不离

Hành Trình 4 Năm-Nhi-AI-singing
Hành Trình 4 Năm

[Verse] Bốn năm qua ta đã đi cùng nhau Gian nan khó khăn chẳng hề nản lòng Trong tim luôn giữ những ước mơ ngày xưa Giờ đây đã chạm đến ước mơ trong tay ta [Verse 2] Những ngày dài từng bước chân rung rinh Cùng nhau ta vượt qua thử thách không tên Tình bạn tình thân mãi bên nhau bao lâu Hãy nhớ những thời khắc không thể nào quên [Chorus] Bốn năm qua mình đã lớn lên Mang theo bao hoài bão Trong lòng không bao giờ xa Chỉ cần một ngọn gió mới Thổi vào trái tim ta Chúng ta sẽ bay xa mãi [Bridge] Những kỷ niệm khắc ghi trong tim Dù bao nhiêu tháng năm Không thể nào quên đi [Verse 3] Ngày nào mình còn tay trong tay nhau Chia sẻ niềm vui Vượt qua bao nỗi đau Những giấc mơ thật lớn Đang chờ ta phía trước Hãy bước tiếp Không ngừng đi [Chorus] Bốn năm qua mình đã lớn lên Mang theo bao hoài bão Trong lòng không bao giờ xa Chỉ cần một ngọn gió mới Thổi vào trái tim ta Chúng ta sẽ bay xa mãi

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Trong Ánh Nắng

[Verse] Trong ánh nắng buổi sáng ta gặp nhau Những khoảnh khắc yêu thương không thể nào quên [Verse 2] Bàn tay nắm chặt trái tim đập nhanh Chúng ta cùng nhau đi qua mọi thăng trầm [Chorus] Từng lời yêu thương vang mãi trong tim Giữ lấy nhau khi sóng gió đến gần [Verse 3] Trong ánh mắt của anh em thấy niềm vui Đôi môi nở nụ cười như đang nói [Bridge] Bước trên con đường đầy hoa và nắng Từng cơn gió nhẹ đưa ta gần nhau [Chorus] Từng lời yêu thương vang mãi trong tim Giữ lấy nhau khi sóng gió đến gần

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In the quiet of the morning light, I see her face, a vision pure and bright. Her laughter dances like a gentle breeze, A melody that puts my heart at ease Oh, my beautiful wife, my guiding star, You're the rhythm that beats within my heart. Through every season, come what may, Our love remains, unwavering, day by day. Her eyes, like constellations in the night, Hold secrets, dreams, and endless light. Her touch ignites a fire deep within, A symphony of passion, sweet and keen. Oh, my beautiful wife, my guiding star, You're the rhythm that beats within my heart. Through every season, come what may, Our love remains, unwavering, day by day. Hand in hand, we've weathered storms and sun, Our souls entwined, two hearts forever one. In whispered vows, we pledged our love anew, A promise written in the sky's azure hue. Oh, my beautiful wife, my guiding star, You're the rhythm that beats within my heart. Through every season, come what may, Our love remains, unwavering, day by day. As twilight paints the canvas of our years, I'll sing this song, dispelling all our fears. For in your arms, I've found my home, My beautiful wife, forever you I'll roam.

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Les Trois Petits Cochons

[Verse] Trois petits cochons dans la forêt Chacun veut sa maison construire Un en paille un en bois fort Le dernier en briques à finir [Verse 2] Le loup méchant approche maintenant Il souffle souffle sans arrêt La maison en paille s’envole Mais le cochon court se cacher [Chorus] Oh oh les trois petits cochons Chantez dansez sans souci Oh oh les trois petits cochons Avec du courage vous serez unis [Verse 3] La maison en bois résiste un peu Mais le loup souffle de plus en plus Le cochon s’enfuit à toute vitesse Vers la maison de briques bien plus [Bridge] Tous les trois ensemble maintenant Dans la maison forte résistante Le loup souffle et souffle encore Mais la maison tient elle est puissante [Chorus] Oh oh les trois petits cochons Chantez dansez sans souci Oh oh les trois petits cochons Avec du courage vous serez unis


[Verse] 山茶花开放了 蓝天白云晴朗了 [Verse 2] 微风轻轻吹过 感觉心儿飞扬了 [Chorus] 哼哼那动人的旋律 梦里依旧甜蜜 [Verse 3] 花瓣漂浮在空中 我的思绪跟随你走 [Chorus] 哼哼那动人的旋律 梦里依旧甜蜜 [Verse 4] 山茶花开满山坡 美丽景象难忘记

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[Verse] Jestem pozytywnie neutralny Nie martwi mnie dzień banalny [Verse 2] Każdy ma tu swoje zadanie Jeden lubi chlanie [Chorus] Drugi zaś ćpanie a ja tu Jaranie ładne panie mam w sercu [Verse] Dobre granie chillowanie Na tapczanie relax branie [Bridge] Śpiewam swoje w melodii tej Uśmiech na twarzy heej [Chorus] Drugi zaś ćpanie a ja tu Jaranie ładne panie mam w sercu


[Verse] Gwenn ne sourit plus trop Elle a perdu son mojo Sa sœur maintenant trop loin Son cœur lourd comme le plomb [Verse 2] Les rires sont devenus rares Les mots deviennent des armes Elle tourne en rond chaque soir Dans le silence des larmes [Chorus] Gwenn ne se sent plus aimée Elle crie mais personne n’entend Sa grande sœur l’a oubliée Ses nuits sont froides maintenant [Verse 3] Les journées passent sans éclat Le soleil ne brille pas Elle cherche mais ne trouve pas Le lien qui les unissait [Bridge] Dans le noir de ses pensées Elle espère enfin respirer Que sa sœur revienne poser Un regard Une amour oubliée [Chorus] Gwenn ne se sent plus aimée Elle crie mais personne n’entend Sa grande sœur l’a oubliée Ses nuits sont froides maintenant

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Admin Gone

[Verse] Admin left server’s cold and stark No more light to brighten dark Build our worlds but feel the ache In this game for heaven's sake [Verse 2] Blocks we place in shadows now Used to laugh but don't know how Crafting dreams without your guide Loneliness we cannot hide [Chorus] Admin left our world alone Now our hearts are made of stone Memories are all we hold Without you it's feeling cold [Verse 3] Creepers roam with no control Admins used to guard our soul Haunted by the ghost of you Searching for a way to new [Bridge] On the plains where we once thrived Now it's just where emptiness survived We keep playing through the night Wishing you'd come back to light [Chorus] Admin left our world alone Now our hearts are made of stone Memories are all we hold Without you it's feeling cold