
Song Created By @Lukeeez With AI Singing

Audio musical

created by Lukeeez
created by Lukeeez

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

Growing up poor in a northern village of Sweden, Sigrid Magnusson always had the Sight. A very curious girl and a fast learner, she poured over every book she came across and always hungered for more. The small-minded villagers thought her odd and whispered about her. Eventually, those whispers turned sinister and the girl was accused of being a changeling. Sigrid’s mother, having always felt that something was wrong about her youngest daughter, took Sigrid into the deep dark woods and left her there, hoping the creatures of the forest would reclaim her and give her back her true daughter. Sigrid starved for days until a troll found her and took her in. For an entire winter and spring, Sigrid learned the ways of the vaesen and a new previously unseen world opened up to her. However, the betrayal by her mother would forever stain Sigrid’s heart and, fueled by revenge, she returned to her old village one day and burned it all to the ground, including the people. Years later, Sigrid visited Upsala, where she happened to meet Eira, the leader of the Vanadisir. Eira quickly saw the great potential in Sigrid and recruited her into the order. Sigrid became Eira’s second in command, but the two soon clashed. Sigrid wanted to expand the Vanadisir’s power and influence in society, something Eira believed to be foolhardy.

Descripción del estilo musical

norse revenge final battle hype electric viking epic

Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

Intense, dark, vengeful, powerful

Application Scenarios

This song would be perfect for a final battle scene in a movie or video game, particularly one with a Norse mythology or Viking theme.

Technical Analysis

The song likely features heavy electric guitar riffs, pounding drums, and possibly symphonic elements such as choirs or orchestral accompaniment to create a grand, epic sound that builds tension and excitement. The use of dynamic shifts and dramatic crescendos would contribute to the overall intense and powerful feel of the song.

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To the death-Daniel-AI-singing
To the death

In the shadow of the mountains, where the eagles dare to fly, We stand upon the battlefield, beneath the burning sky. With sword and shield in hand, we march into the fray, For honor and for glory, we'll fight until the end of days. Raise your voice and raise your steel, For this is the ultimate test of will. In the heart of the fire, we'll make our stand, Side by side, we fight hand in hand. Through the thunder and the lightning, through the storm and raging tide, We defy the darkness, with courage as our guide. In the echoes of the battle cries, our destiny's revealed, As we face our foes with courage, never to yield. Blood and sweat upon the ground, our spirits burning bright, As we clash in mortal combat, through the endless night. With every strike, with every blow, we write our history, In this epic tale of valor, our souls will always be. Raise your voice and raise your steel, For this is the ultimate test of will. In the heart of the fire, we'll make our stand, Side by side, we fight hand in hand. In the end, when shadows fall, and the dust begins to clear, We'll stand victorious, in triumph without fear. For we fought with all our strength, with every breath and breath, In this epic song of battle, where we fought to the death.

Générique d'isekaï-Jwnz-AI-singing
Générique d'isekaï

Couplet 1 : Dans l'ombre de la nuit, Tu entends ton cœur battre, Pour un monde en péril, Tu ne peux plus reculer.Pré-refrain : Des larmes et des cicatrices, Ton destin se dessine, Uni par le feu et la glace, Ta volonté ne faiblit pas.Refrain : Tu es un guerrier, Debout face à l'adversité, Ton âme brûle d'un feu sacré, Seul, rien ne peut te stopper.Couplet 2 : Les ténèbres t'encerclent, Mais ta lumière guide tes pas, Pour chaque allié tombé, Tu jures de venger leur combat.Pré-refrain : Des rêves et des espoirs, Gravés dans ta mémoire, À travers le sang et les larmes, Tu forges ta victoire.Refrain : Tu es un guerrier, Debout face à l'adversité, Ton âme brûle d'un feu sacré, Seul, rien ne peut te stopper.Pont : Même dans les moments de doute, Quand tout semble s'effondrer, Tu trouves la force en toi, Pour continuer à avancer.Refrain final : Tu es un guerrier, Debout face à l'adversité, Ton âme brûle d'un feu sacré, Seul, rien ne peut te stopper.Outro : Les étoiles veillent sur toi, Ton destin est gravé, Avec courage et vertu, Tu forges ta destinée.





In the Arena-Echo Space-AI-singing
In the Arena


not in my name 2-Corrado-AI-singing
not in my name 2

[intrumental intro wiht Koto solo] Not in my name Not in my name No war should be declared in my name Not in my name Not in my name No war should be declared in my name [intrumental bridge wiht Kora solo] Not in my name Not in my name No war could be declared in my name Not in my name Not in my name No war could be declared in my name [intrumental bridge wiht african guitar and Koto duet] [intrumental intro wiht Koto solo] I'm not to blame I'm not to blame. Let there be n war declared in my name I'm not to blame. I'm not to blame. Let there be n war declared in my name [intrumental bridge wiht Kora solo]

Ballad of Farley Wilder-Cris-AI-singing
Ballad of Farley Wilder

In the days of yore, when giants roamed, A hero rose, his name well-known. Farley Wilder, clad in steel, With a two-handed sword, his fate was sealed. In the Giant Wars, he took his stand, A mighty axe struck his head, yet he remained. Wounded but unbroken, his spirit soared, Farley Wilder, the warrior adored. Through the darkened woods and haunted glades, He ventured forth, where shadows played. The Demon Redwood met its end, By Farley’s hand, the town did mend. With a swing so fierce, the demon fell, And Woods Edge rang with freedom’s bell. The Gulthias tree in the Sunken Citadel, Destroyed by Farley, breaking its spell. So sing, oh bards, of Farley’s might, His deeds of valor, shining bright. In full plate mail, with sword in hand, Farley Wilder, the hero of the land.

Win to Fen-Marjorie-AI-singing
Win to Fen

(Verse 1) In the shadowed groves of ancient yore, Where eldritch hearts beat, their secrets bore, Windraven stood, a man with eyes aflame, His chest a vessel for forbidden flame. (Pre-Chorus) His heart, once mortal, now a cosmic core, A metamorphosis that fate did implore, Human cells dissolved, replaced by dread, A guardian born, hungering to be fed. (Chorus) FenDarious Rise! the monster, fierce and wild, His veins a tempest, his bones beguiled, He guards the child, hatched from dragon’s shell, A bond forged deep, where darkness dwells. (Verse 2) The child, innocent, with scales of gold, A destiny entwined, their story told, Stolen away by shadows in the night, FenDarious vowed vengeance, fueled by spite. (Pre-Chorus) He roamed the underworld, seeking her trace, Through Stygian realms, his fury left no space, Lilith’s whispers echoed in his ears, Find her or be punished, Flaming his fears. (Chorus) FenDarious, the Admiral, clad in abyss, His heart a relic, pulsing with this: “To reclaim my ward, I’ll sail the void, Across dark seas, where fate is buoyed.” (Bridge) He battles demons, wields infernal might, A Fae soul, A dread, His monstrous form, both curse and boon, A protector sworn beneath a blood-red moon. (Chorus) FenDarious, the guardian, relentless and grim, His eldritch heart beats, a requiem, For the stolen child, the dragon’s kin, Their destinies entangled, a dance a blaze. (Outro) So sing the ballad of FenDarious’s plight, A hero damned, yet burning bright, In Lilith’s service, he sails the night, Admiral of shadows, lost in endless flight.

Battle of the Crow-Robyn-AI-singing
Battle of the Crow

In the heart of Witherbloom, where shadows play, We call upon the crows to guide our way. With feathers black and eyes so keen, Help us slay the serpent, fierce and mean. Oh, crows of the night, hear our plea, Fly through the swamp, set us free. With your wisdom and your might, Help us banish the worms of blight. The serpent coils in the murky deep, Guarding secrets that we seek. With your wings, swift and true, Lead us to the battle, we’ll fight with you. Oh, crows of the night, hear our plea, Fly through the swamp, set us free. With your wisdom and your might, Help us banish the worms of blight. In the shadows, we stand tall, With the crows, we’ll conquer all. Serpent’s hiss and worms’ decay, Together we’ll drive them away. Oh, crows of the night, hear our plea, Fly through the swamp, set us free. With your wisdom and your might, Help us banish the worms of blight. In the heart of Witherbloom, we’ll find our way, With the crows beside us, we’ll win the day.

Blades of the North-steve-AI-singing
Blades of the North

[Verse] Blood on the shore Ships in the night Oars cut the waves Thirst for the fight Axes gleaming Burning desire Villages tremble Set them on fire [Verse 2] Armored titans Fearsome and cold Steel and sinew Warriors bold Screams in the air Battle's embrace Death in our wake None leave a trace [Chorus] Storm the gates No mercy shown Pillage Plunder Conquer throne Warrior's creed Honor and might Fear the Vikings Eternal night [Verse 3] Hammers crashing Shields split asunder Songs of torment Roar like thunder Wolf howls echo Moon's cruel light Silent whispers End of the night [Verse 4] Heroes fallen Legends rise Glory claimed Valkyrie skies Blood-red rivers Flowing pain Skalds will sing Forever reign [Bridge] Cold winds howl Spirits of old Frost upon steel Heartbeats bold Echoes of battle History’s scar Viking saga Near and far

Fils de la Guerre-Clifford-AI-singing
Fils de la Guerre

(heavy riff intro) Verse 1 : Dans les brumes glaciales de Selkjid, il est né, Un enfant nordique, des terres où la neige ne fond jamais, Son enfance volée par la guerre et le feu, Il a vu sa mère massacrée sous ses yeux. Encore enfant, il a pris les armes, Pour venger les siens, il a juré de semer les flammes, Dans l’armée de la Marche Blanche, il s’est battu avec courage, Et sur les champs de bataille, il a libéré sa rage. Chorus : Friedrich Schlöss, du nord glacial, (Friedrich Schlöss!) Ton nom résonne dans le vent hivernal, (roh oh oh oh!) Héros forgé par le sang et la haine, (Le sang et la haine!) Aujourd'hui, tu braves les monstres et la peine. (roh oh oh oh!) Verse 2 : Les années de guerre ont sculpté son cœur de pierre, Mais derrière ce masque, une flamme est née, sincère, Après les batailles, il a choisi une nouvelle voie, La Guilde d'Urion, où son âme trouve sa foi. Sauver les faibles, traquer les bêtes, Ses exploits font écho à travers la planète, Il cherche la justice, une cause juste à défendre, Des monstres à occire, et des crânes à fendre. Chorus : Friedrich Schlöss, du nord glacial, (Friedrich Schlöss!) Ton nom résonne dans le vent hivernal, (roh oh oh oh!) Héros forgé par le sang et la haine, (Le sang et la haine!) Aujourd'hui, tu braves les monstres et la peine. (roh oh oh oh!) (Epic guitar solo) Bridge : Dans les ténèbres de la nuit, il chasse sans peur, Un protecteur des opprimés à toute heure, Sa légende s'écrit dans les tripes des ennemis térrassés, Friedrich Schlöss, ton destin est tracé ! Chorus : Friedrich Schlöss, du nord glacial, (Friedrich Schlöss!) Ton nom résonne dans le vent hivernal, (roh oh oh oh!) Héros forgé par le sang et la haine, (Le sang et la haine!) Aujourd'hui, tu braves les monstres et ta peine. (roh oh oh oh!) (bass solo) Outro : Rönin te salue, fils de la guerre, Ton combat continue, ta légende prospère, Friedrich Schlöss, guerrier par nature, Un héros du Nord, au cœur pur. (Instrumental and choir)

Fils de la Guerre-Clifford-AI-singing
Fils de la Guerre

(heavy riff intro) Verse 1 : Dans les brumes glaciales de Selkjid, il est né, Un enfant nordique, des terres où la neige ne fond jamais, Son enfance volée par la guerre et le feu, Il a vu sa mère massacrée sous ses yeux. Encore enfant, il a pris les armes, Pour venger les siens, il a juré de semer les flammes, Dans l’armée de la Marche Blanche, il s’est battu avec courage, Et sur les champs de bataille, il a libéré sa rage. Chorus : Friedrich Schlöss, du nord glacial, (Friedrich Schlöss!) Ton nom résonne dans le vent hivernal, (roh oh oh oh!) Héros forgé par le sang et la haine, (Le sang et la haine!) Aujourd'hui, tu braves les monstres et la peine. (roh oh oh oh!) Verse 2 : Les années de guerre ont sculpté son cœur de pierre, Mais derrière ce masque, une flamme est née, sincère, Après les batailles, il a choisi une nouvelle voie, La Guilde d'Urion, où son âme trouve sa foi. Sauver les faibles, traquer les bêtes, Ses exploits font écho à travers la planète, Il cherche la justice, une cause juste à défendre, Des monstres à occire, et des crânes à fendre. Chorus : Friedrich Schlöss, du nord glacial, (Friedrich Schlöss!) Ton nom résonne dans le vent hivernal, (roh oh oh oh!) Héros forgé par le sang et la haine, (Le sang et la haine!) Aujourd'hui, tu braves les monstres et la peine. (roh oh oh oh!) (Epic guitar solo) Bridge : Dans les ténèbres de la nuit, il chasse sans peur, Un protecteur des opprimés à toute heure, Sa légende s'écrit dans les tripes des ennemis térrassés, Friedrich Schlöss, ton destin est tracé ! Chorus : Friedrich Schlöss, du nord glacial, (Friedrich Schlöss!) Ton nom résonne dans le vent hivernal, (roh oh oh oh!) Héros forgé par le sang et la haine, (Le sang et la haine!) Aujourd'hui, tu braves les monstres et ta peine. (roh oh oh oh!) (bass solo) Outro : Rönin te salue, fils de la guerre, Ton combat continue, ta légende prospère, Friedrich Schlöss, guerrier par nature, Un héros du Nord, au cœur pur. (Instrumental and choir)