Nyári Nap Alatt

Song Created By @Maddoxx “Maddoxx” With AI Singing

Audio de la musique

Nyári Nap Alatt
created by Maddoxx “Maddoxx”
Nyári Nap Alatt
created by Maddoxx “Maddoxx”

Détails de la musique


Nyári nap alatt, a tengerparton,
Szkításom mély, mint az óceán.
Elkeseredettségem, mint a hullámok,
Törnek rám, s nem hagyják abba.

A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj,
Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom.
A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít,
Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.

A homokban járok, lábnyomokat hagyok,
De a múlt szele elviszi őket.
A nyár illata betölti a lelkem,
De a szívem még mindig régi sebeket őriz.

A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj,
Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom.
A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít,
Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.

A szkításom tánca, a parton végig,
Mint a táncos, ki elvesztette a ritmust.
A nyár dallama elhal a távolban,
Míg a szívemben csak a csend marad.

A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj,
Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom.
A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít,
Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.

Description du style musical


Langue des paroles


Emotional Analysis

Emotional lyrics depicting feelings of despair, heartache, and nostalgia.

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for listeners who enjoy metal music with deep emotional themes and introspective lyrics. It could be used in a playlist for reflective or moody moments.

Technical Analysis

The song is likely to feature heavy guitar riffs, intense drumming, and powerful vocals typical of the Metal genre. The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability and pain, which is often expressed through dynamic musical arrangements in Metal songs.

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「----葬列。並ぶ者の居ない、闃寂の空間。参列者は、たった独り。 孤独な少女は回想する。共に過ごした美しい思い出の、その全てを。 彼女は笑いながら呪う。忌まわしい世界に向けた、底なしの悪意。 ...少女の纏う、黒紫の影がざわめきだした----」 響き渡る それは欷歔の声 吹き晒す風に乗せ 猶も届きはしない 身に纏う 無数の「声」が 黒紫の装束となって 信じるべきものを告げている 何を愛し 何を呪う 何を許し 何を憎む 全てその内に 沈む影の中に幾重に 渦巻かせる呪いと愛だけ けして満たされぬその姿 未だ不完全な魔女(riflydia) その声は空虚なほどに 歪にして気高き覚悟を 無貌無尽--"己"は誰かいつか喪う定めでも その無数の命もて その無限の命もて 天の巡るまで 許しを乞い続ける声 この影の中で けして解放たれること無く 犯した罪を嘆く声 この影の中で 永久にその罪 贖い続けよ その運命に涙する声 この影の中で その涙を祈りとするがいい 終わらぬ生獄(いのち)呪う声 この影の中で 私の一部となって生きよと 共に産まれ されど倦まれ 戯れに選ばれたのは 下らぬ神の悪戯で終わらせない そう、誓う--。 その罪人(いのち)も その咎人(いのち)も その凶人(いのち)も その禍人(いのち)も そう 全て愛しき片割(リフル)の為にと 嗚呼。 愚直なまでにただ一心に 愛深きが故に貪欲に けして満たされぬその景色 未だ未完成な理想郷(utopia) ならけして滅びぬようにと その罪咎凶禍(いのち)をこの身に束ねて 無暁無届--"己"は誰かいつか喪う覚悟でも その無数の命もて その無限の命もて 天の巡るまで しかるに分かたれた命 その思いに涙して 吼え猛る----ああ! 「少女は膝をつく。けれど、その心は決して折れない。 それは、最も愛深きが故に、最も貪欲。後にそう伝えられる、 第四の魔女"リディア"の姿----」 「いつか、彼女は帰ってくる----決して潰えることなきその幻想を胸に。 少女は生きる。生きて、生き続ける。 ----いつまでも。世界が終焉するその時まで」

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Firestorm Dragon-LENNY-AI-singing
Firestorm Dragon

[Prelude] Breath of the dragon, storm through the iron lung, Burning through the veins, where the chaos sung. Ancient flames dance on metal waves, Suona cries, from the past to the graves. [Transition] A ragin’ beast, no leash can tame, Heartbeat syncopated, thunders the name. Between worlds we ride, tradition and war, Metal fangs, historic lore. [Chorus] Firestorm dragon, through the skies it’s blazin’, Rippin’ the night, old tunes we’re raisin’. Echoes of the suona, in the blaze and thunder, Passions ignite, dreams we plunder. [Verse 1] Metal meets silk, fury and grace, Screamin’ to the moon with an iron face. Warrior’s call, drums beat wild, Fields of honor, each flame a child. [Verse 2] Scorchin’ lands where legends clash, Steel and suona, through time they thrash. Rhythm cuttin’ deep, fire in the air, Lost tales and dreams, we declare. [Epilogue] Ashes remain, dragons breathe anew, Rise from the shadows, the storm we flew. Suona whispers, tales of the brave, In metal's roar, their souls we save.


[Intro] I think there's a version of me that's happy somewhere In an alternate universe I don't know why, but that just Is so sad to think about [Chorus] She's havin' dinner with her family on Friday night They're talkin' 'bout TV shows and they never really fight I hope she never has to feel empty I hope she never has to meet this version of me [Verse 1] She never had to come home to her mother on the floor of the bedroom Her fathеr, his bags at the door She didn't know it at fourteen If you don't love, thеn they won't leave She didn't have to show up to that wedding with a smile Watch all her father's lies just go walkin' down the aisle She wasn't hated at eighteen By the ones she called family [Pre-Chorus] I like to think about her sometimes I wonder what she's doin' tonight (Tonight) Yeah, yeah See upcoming rock shows [Chorus] She's havin' dinner with her family on Friday night They're talkin' 'bout TV shows and they never really fight I hope she never has to feel empty I hope she never has to meet this version of me [Verse 2] She didn't have to become somebody that she hates And cheat on everyone, realise she's the same Yeah, the same as her father Made for a one-bed apartment [Pre-Chorus] I like to think about her sometimes I wonder what she's doin' tonight Yeah, yeah [Chorus] She's havin' dinner with her family on Friday night They're talkin' 'bout TV shows and they never really fight I hope she never has to feel empty I hope she never has to meet this version of me Version of me [Outro] She ain't got scars on her wrists Not on the edge of a cliff No one she has to forgive She ain't that version of me Ain't got low self-esteem Crippling anxiety She's out there livin' her dream She ain't that version of me