Cegah NSI

Song Created By @Amirul With AI Singing

Audio de la musique

Cegah NSI
created by Amirul
Cegah NSI
created by Amirul

Détails de la musique


Di tempat kerja harus waspada,
Tercucuk jarum boleh terjadi,
Buang dengan betul, ditempat yang disediakan,
Utamakan keselamatan,kecederaan dihindari,

Jarum pakai buang, jangan buat sembarangan,
Berhati-hati ketika mengendalikannya
Jaga keselamatan,cegah jangkitan
Kita semua selamat, itulah misi kita

Latihan yang cukup, pengetahuan tinggi,
Prosedur dipatuhi langkah diikuti
Membasuh tangan cegah infeksi
Dengan kesedaran tinggi, kita semua selamat di sini,

Cegah  N,S,I  amalkan setiap hari,
Zero N,S,I sasaran kita,
Cegah  N,S,I  amalkan setiap hari,
Zero N,S,I sasaran kita,

Description du style musical


Langue des paroles


Emotional Analysis

Safety and precautionary message conveyed in a direct and energetic manner.

Application Scenarios

Suitable for safety campaigns, workplace training, or educational purposes in a dynamic and engaging way.

Technical Analysis

The song features an upbeat tempo with a mix of rock and techno elements. The lyrics emphasize the importance of safety protocols and procedures in a workplace setting, reminding listeners to handle needles carefully and follow proper disposal methods to prevent injuries and infections. The repetition of 'Cegah N,S,I amalkan setiap hari, Zero N,S,I sasaran kita' reinforces the message of practicing prevention measures daily to achieve zero needle stick injuries.

Musiques connexes Plus de styles musicaux


[Verse] 节奏跳动,像心跳的节拍 我在这儿,飞扬的夜晚,舞动自在 贝斯低吟,鼓声轰隆,音浪如潮 梦幻光环,眼前闪烁,光辉明耀 [Verse 2] 霓虹闪烁,提醒我这儿的魅力 电音卷浪,涌向我的脉搏,感受奇妙 摇滚之魂,引导我前行,无所畏惧 男声穿透,梦想起飞,不再迟疑 [Chorus] 跳进梦幻电音乐园,释放自己 鼓声隆隆,鼓舞我心,振奋灵魂 在这快乐之海,不再沉沦 音乐奇迹,点亮夜空,让我狂欢 [Verse 3] 电音蜿蜒,解锁内心的密码 摇滚炸裂,燃烧沉睡的激情,无法被停下 贝斯重低音,震荡四周,让世界颤抖 鼓点坚定,带领我们步入奇妙章程 [Bridge] 梦幻旋律,牵引着心灵的绳线 男声狂欢,欢声笑语,永不褪色 在这音乐海洋,任我们扬帆远航 夜晚漫长,电音旋舞,尽情欢畅 [Chorus] 跳进梦幻电音乐园,释放自己 鼓声隆隆,鼓舞我心,振奋灵魂 在这快乐之海,不再沉沦 音乐奇迹,点亮夜空,让我狂欢

Kicking under the radar-Kevin-AI-singing
Kicking under the radar

From Monday Night Raw to Friday night smackdown it's a kicking under the radar podcast where the heat lives and wrestling night lights surrender on the biggest stage of them all it's a kicking under the radar podcast, Cody is bringing the game to the fight, Damian brings hell to the cell, she is Tiffy in the bank and you can bank on that, Jey is Yeeting his way to the top, And The Ring General is crushing everything in sight

Shauban's Merry Men-Julio-AI-singing
Shauban's Merry Men

[Verse] Shauban's Merry Men they roam the land Psychic Khenra with the mind so grand Leonin on the run from foes untold Desert Serpent Monk disciple bold [Verse 2] Changeling with a secret hiding deep Elf Warlock in the shadows creep Mortalwood the forest they call home In this cartoon they freely roam [Chorus] Shauban's Merry Men they're on the go Epic battles everywhere they show With their strength and bravery so pure Evil they shall never endure [Bridge] Guitar solo riffs and starts to soar Shauban's crew forever wanting more Magic powers mystical and true Every fight a legend born anew [Verse 3] From the sands to the enchanted wood They fight for good as heroes should Laughing loud 'neath the desert moon Shauban’s Merry Men will see you soon [Chorus] Shauban's Merry Men they're on the go Epic battles everywhere they show With their strength and bravery so pure Evil they shall never endure


真夜中に私たちは集まる 囁きが不気味な恐怖を引き起こす アザゼルに立ち向かう深淵から 私たちの絡み合った運命が見え始める 内なる影と格闘し 暗闇が隠れるカルトと戦う 私たちの魂は絶望の縁に立つ でもここで降参するわけにはいかない 心、体、魂を浄化し 何とか制御を取り戻そうとする 私たちを惑わせた闇に怒りを覚え より明るい日を望む 私たちは屈しない、倒れない 悪魔の呼び声に立ち向かう 灰の中から立ち上がり、夜から解放され アザゼルを倒し、光を見つける

A cold deception.-Michael-AI-singing
A cold deception.

**Verso 1** No, no, no estoy enamorado Lo digo claro, lo tengo negado Es que ella es tan fría como el hielo Y yo me pierdo en su oscuro cielo **Pre-Coro** Últimamente todo es confuso No sé si avanzo o retrocedo Su mirada es un laberinto Y yo me pierdo en cada intento **Coro** ¡No, no estoy enamorado! Aunque mi corazón lo ha callado Ella es un misterio congelado Y yo solo soy su despistado **Verso 2** No, no, no lo voy a admitir Aunque la razón me quiera mentir Sus palabras son cuchillos afilados Y yo sigo enredado en sus enredos **Pre-Coro** Últimamente todo es un caos No sé si soy el héroe o el villano Su sonrisa es una trampa mortal Y yo caigo en cada desencanto **Coro** ¡No, no estoy enamorado! Aunque mi corazón lo ha callado Ella es un misterio congelado Y yo solo soy su despistado **Puente** Ella es la tormenta en mi calma Y yo el barco perdido en su mar Cada paso, cada mirada Es un juego que no puedo ganar **Coro** ¡No, no estoy enamorado! Aunque mi corazón lo ha callado Ella es un misterio congelado Y yo solo soy su despistado **Outro** No, no, no estoy enamorado Es solo un juego, un gran engaño Ella es el hielo en mi verano Y yo solo un tonto atrapado

Ohne Stimme-David-AI-singing
Ohne Stimme

[Verse] Kein Ton kein Laut Angst im Wald am Tag Alles rast vorbei So schnell ohne Plan [Verse 2] 250 BPM Herz klopft wild Lichter blitzen hier Keine Ruhe mehr [Chorus] Hektik Hektik überall Keine Stimme durch den Wald Durch den Wald keine Zeit Alles flieht vor der KI [Verse 3] Pixel flackern schnell Die Welt dreht sich zu Kein Halt kein Stopp Alles rauscht mir weg [Bridge] Schritt für Schritt ich fliehe KI verfolgt mich nur Weg vom Licht ins Dunkel In Panik keinen Halt [Chorus] Hektik Hektik überall Keine Stimme durch den Wald Durch den Wald keine Zeit Alles flieht vor der KI

observando o caos-Gerson Müller-AI-singing
observando o caos

[Intro] No silêncio da cidade, eu vejo o caos dançar Entre as sombras e luzes, ele vem se espalhar Observo sem voz, o mundo girar sem parar E no meio do tumulto, encontro meu lugar [Refrão] Oh, caos que se tece no tecido do tempo Entre gritos e risos, entre o ódio e o alento Eu sou apenas um observador perdido Na sinfonia de caos, onde tudo é vivido [Verso 1] Na esquina da rua, o frenesi se ergue Pessoas correndo, o tempo não perdoa quem segue Carros rugem como feras em fuga desenfreada E eu fico ali parado, minha mente é uma estrada [Refrão] Oh, caos que se tece no tecido do tempo Entre gritos e risos, entre o ódio e o alento Eu sou apenas um observador perdido Na sinfonia de caos, onde tudo é vivido [Ponte] No tumulto dos sentimentos, vejo cores se misturarem Emoções se chocam, como ondas a quebrarem Mas há beleza no descontrole, na ordem disfarçada Cada lágrima, cada riso, é uma história contada [Refrão] Oh, caos que se tece no tecido do tempo Entre gritos e risos, entre o ódio e o alento Eu sou apenas um observador perdido Na sinfonia de caos, onde tudo é vivido [Outro] E assim eu sigo, entre o caos e a calmaria Observando a dança do mundo, sua melodia Porque no fim, é no caos que encontramos a verdade E na observação silenciosa, a nossa própria liberdade

Call Me Darcy-Adam-AI-singing
Call Me Darcy

Verse 1 In the shadows of the night, she's a shining light, Darcy’s got that fire, burning oh so bright. With a bark that shakes the ground, and eyes that pierce the dark, She’s my loyal guardian, a warrior of the park. Chorus Darcy, Darcy, thunder in her paws, Lightning in her eyes, breaking all the laws. Together we are fierce, together we are strong, In the beat of the night, we'll sing our epic song. Verse 2 Through the storm and through the fight, she's always by my side, In the heart of chaos, she’s my guide. With a spirit wild and free, she runs with the wind, In the world of shadows, she's where our dreams begin. Chorus Darcy, Darcy, thunder in her paws, Lightning in her eyes, breaking all the laws. Together we are fierce, together we are strong, In the beat of the night, we'll sing our epic song.

Untamed Bears-Jason-AI-singing
Untamed Bears

**The Untamed Bears Anthem** 🐻🎶 *Verse 1:* In the wild where legends soar, We stand as one, forever more. Damn the death, we fear no fight, Hail UB, our guiding light. *Chorus:* UB, our fortress, strong and free, With boundless courage, our decree. With hearts of iron, spirits grand, Untamed Bears, we rule this land! *Verse 2:* From ashes we rise, bold and true, Our tales of glory, forever new. With fists of steel and minds so keen, Untamed Bears, we reign supreme. *Chorus:* UB, our fortress, strong and free, With boundless courage, our decree. With hearts of iron, spirits grand, Untamed Bears, we rule this land! *Verse 3:* From ashes we rise, bold and true, Our tales of glory, forever new. With fists of steel and minds so keen, Untamed Bears, we reign supreme. *Chorus:* UB, our fortress, strong and free, With boundless courage, our decree. With hearts of iron, spirits grand, Untamed Bears, we rule this land! *Bridge:* Enemies tremble, hear our roar, Untamed Bears, forever more. No force can shatter, no storm can sway, Our unity, come what may. *Verse 4:* UB, our virtual family dear, In your embrace, we have no fear. With hearts united, strong and bold, Untamed Bears, our home of gold! *Outro:* Untamed Bears, brave and true, In this brotherhood, there's always you. Through every storm, we sail, Untamed Bears, we will not fail!

Eyes of the watchers-Trina-AI-singing
Eyes of the watchers

Eyes of the Watchers in shadows we dwell, consumed by fear The world crumbles beneath our feet, apocalypse draws near Surveillance towers loom high above, eyes forever watching Every move we make, every breath we take our freedom they are bosching Helplessness grips our souls, suffocating our will The weight of despair, a crushing chill Cameras in every cothes, recording our every sin A system of control, a nightmare we're living in Anger boils within a fire raging bright But beneath it all, a sense of dread, a hopelens plight Trapped in a cycle of oppression, a prison of our own making The end is nigh, the darkness consuming, there's no escaping In the wasteland of our minds, we wonder lost and alone Haunted by the echoes of the past, a chilling tone The world around us crumbles a symphony of destruction And in our hearts, a silent scream, a desperate eruption So we scream into the vold, a primal cry of rage But the silence echoes back, a cruel disengage Helpless, hopeles

Military Cadence-Blackwater-AI-singing
Military Cadence

(Verse 1) In the depths of unknown realms, where darkness reigns, Hell divers rise, through trials and flames. With jetpacks ablaze, and weapons in hand, We traverse the stars, where our fate is planned. (Pre-Chorus) Alien hordes, with eyes aglow, Test our mettle, where fears don’t show. But united we stand, against cosmic foes, In Hell divers’ saga, our courage grows. (Chorus) Hell divers, across galaxies we roam, Braving the unknown, far from home. With hearts of steel, and resolve so true, We fight as one, for the red, white, and blue. (Verse 2) On distant planets, with skies aflame, We plant our flag, in freedom’s name. Through perilous jungles, and icy plains, We defend our ideals, where no fear remains. (Pre-Chorus) Through laser fire and alien cries, Our spirits soar, beneath starlit skies. For liberty’s call, we answer the plea, In Hell divers, we’re born to be free. (Chorus) Hell divers, across galaxies we roam, Braving the unknown, far from home. With hearts of steel, and resolve so true, We fight as one, for the red, white, and blue. (Bridge) In the echoes of battles fought and won, We stand tall, under the cosmic sun. For every sacrifice, every comrade lost, In unity we stand, no matter the cost. (Guitar Solo) (Chorus) Hell divers, across galaxies we roam, Braving the unknown, far from home. With hearts of steel, and resolve so true, We fight as one, for the red, white, and blue. (Outro) In the legacy we carve, among stars so bright, Hell divers’ legacy, a beacon of light. For freedom’s flame, forever we’ll defend, In Hell divers, our saga shall never end.


(Verse 1) In the depths of unknown realms, where darkness reigns, Hell divers rise, through trials and flames. With jetpacks ablaze, and weapons in hand, We traverse the stars, where our fate is planned. (Pre-Chorus) Alien hordes, with eyes aglow, Test our mettle, where fears don’t show. But united we stand, against cosmic foes, In Hell divers’ saga, our courage grows. (Chorus) Hell divers, across galaxies we roam, Braving the unknown, far from home. With hearts of steel, and resolve so true, We fight as one, for the red, white, and blue. (Verse 2) On distant planets, with skies aflame, We plant our flag, in freedom’s name. Through perilous jungles, and icy plains, We defend our ideals, where no fear remains. (Pre-Chorus) Through laser fire and alien cries, Our spirits soar, beneath starlit skies. For liberty’s call, we answer the plea, In Hell divers, we’re born to be free. (Chorus) Hell divers, across galaxies we roam, Braving the unknown, far from home. With hearts of steel, and resolve so true, We fight as one, for the red, white, and blue. (Bridge) In the echoes of battles fought and won, We stand tall, under the cosmic sun. For every sacrifice, every comrade lost, In unity we stand, no matter the cost. (Guitar Solo) (Chorus) Hell divers, across galaxies we roam, Braving the unknown, far from home. With hearts of steel, and resolve so true, We fight as one, for the red, white, and blue. (Outro) In the legacy we carve, among stars so bright, Hell divers’ legacy, a beacon of light. For freedom’s flame, forever we’ll defend, In Hell divers, our saga shall never end.