
Song Created By @耘謙 With AI Singing

Audio de la musique

created by 耘謙
created by 耘謙

Détails de la musique







Description du style musical


Langue des paroles


Emotional Analysis

Uplifting, patriotic, inspirational, and hopeful

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for national events, celebrations, and occasions where a sense of unity, pride, and determination is needed. It can be used to motivate and inspire people to work together towards a common goal.

Technical Analysis

The song features a typical pop music structure with catchy melodies, repetitive chorus, and simple lyrics that are easy to sing along. The use of traditional Chinese elements in the music arrangement and the incorporation of Taiwanese language add a unique cultural touch to the song.

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Shimmering Nights-Alain-AI-singing
Shimmering Nights

[Verse] Dancing under neon lights Shimmer shines and feels so right Grooving to the beat tonight We own the night we’re outta sight [Verse 2] Mirror ball makes colors dance Lose yourself in wild romance Take my hand and take a chance This disco fever we enhance [Chorus] Shimmering nights burning bright We dance till the sunlight Glitter dreams in our sight Disco lights our guiding light [Bridge] Feel the rhythm let it guide Move together side by side Passion in each step we stride Feeling free nothing to hide [Verse 3] Underneath the smoky haze Love ignites in flashing rays Lost inside the music’s maze Euphoria in this craze [Chorus] Shimmering nights burning bright We dance till the sunlight Glitter dreams in our sight Disco lights our guiding light

Walk Through Dreams-Tim-AI-singing
Walk Through Dreams

[Verse] Walking through dreams Stars all around me Night's song is playing Heart feels so free [Verse 2] Bright lights above City never sleeps Feel the rhythm move From my head to my feet [Chorus] Dance in the moonlight Dreams come alive Feel the night ignite Living to survive [Verse 3] Under neon glow Rooftops singing loud Midnight's song we know One with the crowd [Bridge] Heartbeat electric Pulse of the street Magic so kinetic Lost in the beat [Chorus] Dance in the moonlight Dreams come alive Feel the night ignite Living to survive

Sinh Nhật Vui Vẻ-Andrew-AI-singing
Sinh Nhật Vui Vẻ

[Verse] Mừng sinh nhật ông anh Trong ngày vui rộn ràng Từ quê nhà Huế thương Đến xứ Úc thân yêu [Verse 2] Ta cùng nhau hát ca Kỷ niệm bao năm qua Tình anh em thắm thiết Mãi mãi không rời xa [Chorus] Melbourne nay rực rỡ Như ánh nắng ban mai Trong trái tim hạnh phúc Tiếng cười chẳng bao giờ phai [Verse 3] Bên nhau chúng ta vui Như dòng sông không vơi Tháng ngày trôi êm ả Kỷ niệm mãi trong đời [Bridge] Dù cho bao nắng mưa Chẳng cùng nhau chia cắt Tình này mãi không xa Suốt đời ta bên nhau [Chorus] Melbourne nay rực rỡ Như ánh nắng ban mai Trong trái tim hạnh phúc Tiếng cười chẳng bao giờ phai

Les étoiles brillent-timothee-AI-singing
Les étoiles brillent

[Verse] Les étoiles dans le ciel Nous guident chaque nuit Avec leur douce lumière Elles nous montrent le chemin [Verse 2] La lune se lève lentement Ses rayons touchent nos cœurs Dansons sous les étoiles Jusqu'au petit matin [Chorus] Sous le ciel Rempli de rêves Nous chantons ensemble La mélodie du bonheur [Verse] Les fées des prénoms veillent Sur nos rêves les plus fous Avec leurs ailes dorées Elles viennent à notre secours [Bridge] Dans la nuit mystérieuse Les étoiles chuchotent des secrets Elles racontent des histoires De magie et de tendresse [Chorus] Sous le ciel Rempli de rêves Nous chantons ensemble La mélodie du bonheur


**“我能”全员技能竞赛主题歌曲征集** --- **歌曲名称**:《潮头勇立 技能飞扬》 **歌词**: 主歌A1 在潮头我们并肩站立 技能之光照亮海的方向 党建引领 我们心向阳光 全员参与 展现真实力量 手中的工具 心中的梦想 实战练兵 我们毫不退缩 拼搏奋斗 汗水洒满大地 事争第一 我们是最好的榜样 主歌A2 磨砺精兵 在这大校场上 锤炼作风 我们斗志昂扬 赓续传统 熔炉里我们成长 党建引领 助力我们飞翔 岗位胜任 风险防控心中记 技能报国 我们永不言弃 每一次挑战 都是新的起点 我们共同谱写辉煌的诗篇 副歌B 潮头勇立 技能飞扬 “我能”精神 在心中激荡 党建引领 旗帜飘扬 我们是最强的海洋战士 强技能 练精兵 我能护航海油 守护梦想 勇往直前 不惧风浪 “我能”竞赛 我们共创辉煌 (重复副歌B) --- **曲风建议**: 曲风应明快、激昂,适合集体合唱,旋律易记,易于传唱。可以使用一些具有海洋元素的音乐元素,如海浪声、号角声等,以增强歌曲的氛围感。 **音频要求**: 参赛者需提交完整的音频作品,包括人声演唱和伴奏部分。音频应清晰、无杂音,音质良好。建议使用专业录音设备和软件进行录制,以确保音频质量。 **其他注意事项**: 1. 词曲创作需保持原创性,不得侵犯他人版权。 2. 作品篇幅应得当,不宜过长或过短,以适应不同场合的演唱需求。 3. 请在提交作品时注明作者姓名、联系方式及创作背景等相关信息。 希望这些建议能对您有所帮助,期待收到您精彩的作品!

Trường Đại Học Công Nghệ TP HCM-Thang-AI-singing
Trường Đại Học Công Nghệ TP HCM

[Verse] Trường ta đẹp quá hồn nhiên Nơi đây học tập bao niềm tin Trường Công Nghệ rực rỡ ánh dương Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh yêu thương [Verse 2] Ngày ngày qua mỗi giảng đường Lòng say mê ấm áp tình thương Thầy cô tận tụy từng lời Bạn bè cùng bước ngọt ngào bên đời [Chorus] HUTECH ngôi trường mến yêu Cùng nhau ta tiến bước rợp trời xanh HUTECH vững bền tương lai Dưỡng sức thêm vững vàng giữa đời [Verse 3] Giọt mồ hôi với bao hy vọng Từng bài học vượt ngàn gian khó Mãi mãi khắc ghi niềm vinh quang Chúng ta hứa cùng nhau tỏa sáng [Bridge] Hành trang kiến thức bao la Đi khắp muôn nơi chẳng hề phai Vững một lòng ta luôn kiên định Vững chãi qua muôn vàn thăng trầm [Chorus] HUTECH ngôi trường mến yêu Cùng nhau ta tiến bước rợp trời xanh HUTECH vững bền tương lai Dưỡng sức thêm vững vàng giữa đời

David's No-Peter-AI-singing
David's No

[Verse] David stands at 7/11 He’s the guardian of the gates When folks ask for the restroom It’s always no he states [Verse 2] Customer in a hurry David’s got his role to play Shakes his head with firm conviction Every single day [Chorus] No no no he says it so No no no they’ve got to go Sorry friend it’s a no Better find another store [Verse 3] Little Jimmy needs a pit stop David’s eyes stay strong He might smile just a little But the answer’s always wrong [Chorus] No no no he says it so No no no they’ve got to go Sorry friend it’s a no Better find another store [Bridge] Why he says no no one knows He’s got a secret rule that shows Just one word he needs to say No no no it’s his only way

Días de Verano-Roberto-AI-singing
Días de Verano

[Verse] Días de verano En el pueblo de La Guardia Nos reunimos Alrededor de las banderas bajadas Club O Caldeiro Llamando en voz alta Jugamos juntos Sintiéndonos orgullosos [Verse 2] Petanca bajo el sol Risas y camaradería Las tardes largas Mientras el tiempo se va Los niños corren Los adultos conversan Recordamos siempre Esa magia veraniega [Chorus] Días de oro Días tan soleados Juntos en La Guardia Los corazones ardiendo No hay nada mejor No hay nada más grandioso Días de verano Recordar es glorioso [Verse 3] Las cantinas llenas De historias y canciones La brisa suave Nos acaricia con amor Los abuelos cuentan Análogas antiguas La vida es simple En este rincón del sol [Verse 4] Bajo las estrellas La noche nos cautiva Las fiestas continúan El espíritu no decae Las chispas vuelan En fuegos artificiales Todo el pueblo En un abrazo se encuentra [Bridge] Nosotros juntos Unidos en amistad Tantos recuerdos Guardados tan adentro La Guardia brilla En la noche estrellada Nuestros corazones Siempre llenos de alegría

My cats-Brennan-AI-singing
My cats

(Verse 1) In our house where mischief reigns, where laughter fills the air, Ruby and Gingernut, wild hearts without a care. From leaping over furniture to chasing shadows 'round, They're the kings of every room, where adventure's always found. (Chorus) Oh, Ruby and Gingernut, tails held high in glee, You're the rulers of our hearts, wild and fancy-free. With your purrs and playful leaps, you light up every day, In the kingdom of our home, you'll forever hold sway. (Verse 2) Ruby, with eyes that sparkle bright, a hunter in disguise, Gingernut, fiery and bold, with a spirit that never dies. Together, they're a whirlwind, a duo full of fun, Their antics keep us smiling 'til the setting of the sun. (Chorus) Oh, Ruby and Gingernut, tails held high in glee, You're the rulers of our hearts, wild and fancy-free. With your purrs and playful leaps, you light up every day, In the kingdom of our home, you'll forever hold sway. (Bridge) Through tangled yarn and secret nooks, they weave their own tale, In the dance of paws and whiskers, where mischief will prevail. May their energy and spirit, be a beacon bright and clear, Ruby and Gingernut, forever cherished and held dear. (Verse 3) As the day turns into night, and the stars begin to gleam, Ruby and Gingernut, still chasing after dreams. With a contented purr and a sleepy blink of eye, They settle in beside us, under moonlit skies. (Chorus) Oh, Ruby and Gingernut, tails held high in glee, You're the rulers of our hearts, wild and fancy-free. With your purrs and playful leaps, you light up every day, In the kingdom of our home, you'll forever hold sway. (Outro) So here's to Ruby and Gingernut, our partners in delight, In their world of boundless joy, where everything's just right. May their adventures never end, their spirits always bright, Ruby and Gingernut, our stars that shine so bright!

Libby Rising-Lilly-AI-singing
Libby Rising

[Verse] Libby leaves in the night Bags packed ready to fight No more shadows no more lies Under the moon she flies [Verse 2] Broken chains on the floor Silent tears not anymore Calling out to the stars Finding strength in hidden scars [Chorus] Libby rising from the dark Healing every single mark Feeling power deep inside With her ancestors as her guide [Bridge] Whispers on the wind so clear Spirits tell her never fear Libby walks her path alone Reclaiming all that's her own [Verse 3] Footsteps lead to new dreams Full of light and golden beams Connecting to the universe Every step a sacred verse [Chorus] Libby rising from the dark Healing every single mark Feeling power deep inside With her ancestors as her guide


Todos somos marineros, marineros que saben bien navegar. Todos somos capitanes, capitanes de la mar. Todos somos capitanes y la diferencia está sólo en el barco en que vamos sobre las aguas del mar. Marinero, marinero; marinero... capitán que llevas un barco humilde sobre las aguas del mar... marinero... capitán... no te asuste naufragar que el tesoro que buscamos, capitán, no está en el seno del puerto sino en el fondo del mar.


[Verse] 阳光洒满操场 青春在飞扬 书包肩上甩 梦想在闪光 [Verse 2] 教室的窗前 笑声划过天 情侣手牵手 我们一路往前 [Chorus] 哦 青春的模样 随风在歌唱 每一天 每一夜 欢笑的时光 [Verse] 操场上的奔跑 汗水流过脸 无数的梦想 在心中蔓延 [Bridge] 再见那些年 朋友永不断 岁月很悠长 记忆一万年 [Chorus] 哦 青春的模样 随风在歌唱 每一天 每一夜 欢笑的时光