Symbols of America

Song Created By @Anna With AI Singing

Audio de la musique

Symbols of America
created by Anna
Symbols of America
created by Anna

Détails de la musique


National parks 
Famously fantastic formations
Lush mossy green forests
Magnificent majestic mountains
These are symbols of America

From the depths of Crater Lake
To the ridges of the Grand Canyon
Across the plains of the Badlands
Atop a Redwood tree, like a sentinel in a tower
These are symbols of America

Herds of bison roaming the Yellowstone grassland
Alligators peeking out from the Everglade swamps
Bears surprising tourists in Yosemite forests
Eagles soaring high over Acadia mountains
These are symbols of America

The awe-inspiring snow-capped volcano of Mount Rainier
Enormous chambers and stunning formations at Carlsbad Caverns
The extensive rolling sand dunes of scorching Death Valley 
Peaceful solitude on the numerous islands at Voyageurs
These are symbols of America

Because of the nobility of Theodore Roosevelt
We can enjoy these preserved reservations
With the help of John Muir 
He restored national parks to their great beauty
These are symbols of America

Description du style musical

acoustic pop

Langue des paroles


Emotional Analysis

Pride, appreciation, wonder, nostalgia

Application Scenarios

Ideal for relaxation, background music for nature documentaries, environmental campaigns, national park promotions

Technical Analysis

The song is characterized by acoustic instruments such as guitar and possibly some light percussion. It has a mellow and soothing sound, with a focus on the vocals and lyrics conveying a sense of admiration for America's natural landscapes.

Musiques connexes Plus de styles musicaux


[Verse] Smoki jag minns natten klar Under stjärnorna vi var Men ödet tog dig bort Nu är du där du inte hör hemma [Verse 2] Fångad i mörkrets famn Bilder från våran hamn Tiden står still för mig Du är borta men ändå så nära [Chorus] Smoki mitt hjärta gråter Bakom galler men vi är två För även om du är borta Din kärlek den finns kvar [Verse 3] Jag går på gamla stigar Minns varje ord vi sa Ser dina spår i dammet Och hör din röst i vinden [Bridge] Kom tillbaks till mig Kan ej leva utan dig Drömmen bär oss vidare Tills natten blir dag [Chorus] Smoki mitt hjärta gråter Bakom galler men vi är två För även om du är borta Din kärlek den finns kvar


(Verse 1) बिना तेरे मेरी ज़िन्दगी, एक ख्वाब सा लगता है, तेरी यादों की बरसात में, अब तुझे पाना सा लगता है। अच्छे और बुरे पलों को, हर वक्त याद करता हूँ, खुदा ने तुझे भेजा नहीं, सिखाने जीवन के सबक सजा जाता है। (Chorus) अकेलापन में, दर्द की कहानी सुनाने से अलग हूँ, अपने दर्द को किसी से कह नहीं पाता, अपनी भूल से गुलज़ार हूँ। हर दिन यह जानता हूँ, कि तेरी यादें नहीं भूल सकता, हार गया हूँ, अपने प्यार को हार गया, अपने समर्थन को खो गया। (Verse 2) अपने लक्ष्य को हासिल करने के लिए, मैं वापस आना चाहता हूँ, तेरे स्थिर और सफलता में मदद करना चाहता हूँ। मानता हूँ कि हमारा भाग्य अलग है, तुझे भूलने की कोशिश करनी होगी, खुदा ने हमें एक साथ नहीं भेजा, स्वीकार करना होगा यह सच्चाई। (Chorus) आखिरी दिन मिलूँगा, तुझसे कहूँगा, क्षमा माँगूँगा, तेरी कठोरता के लिए, जो मैंने किया सबकुछ।


[Verse] 阳光照亮我的脸 海边浪花轻轻拍 [Verse 2] 微风吹过沙滩的边 笑声中自由自在 [Chorus] 假期的欢愉 在心间 拥抱每一天 爱无限 [Bridge] 梦里青山绿水间 欢笑声不断 回味甘甜 [Verse 3] 夜空星辰闪耀光 仲夏夜晚歌声扬 [Chorus] 假期的欢愉 在心间 拥抱每一天 爱无限

Happy Birthday, Barbie-Ron-AI-singing
Happy Birthday, Barbie

(Verse 1) Living in Springdale, under Zion's charming sun, Barbie hosts an AirBnb, where guests have so much fun. She keeps them entertained and happy, with a heart so kind, In her Jeep, she loves to travel, Utah's back roads she does find. (Chorus) Happy Birthday, dear Barbie, with love and cheer, With Steve by your side in the Subaru (when he’s not fishing!), have no fear. You shop at Walmart in Hurricane, supporting the local scene, And at Cliffside in St George, you dine like a queen! (Verse 2) Diet Pepsi and chips, oh how you love them so, You know Jesus, love your church friends, in bible studies you grow. Lunch with Pat at the Painted Pony, is always a delight, But when Pat dresses as a clown, oh Barbie, you pout with all your might! (Chorus) Happy Birthday, dear Barbie, you're one of a kind, With the world's greatest brother and sister-in-law, a better family we couldn't find. So here's to another year of joy, of love, and of fun, Happy Birthday, dear Barbie, your new journey has just begun!


Verse 1: Dalam gelapnya malam, aku merintih Dunia ini seakan tiada henti Derita menguasai, hati yang rapuh Menanti harapan yang kian jauh Chorus: Oh dunia, dalam derita Semua mimpi terkubur oleh luka Namun ku percaya, cahaya kan tiba Menghapus segala derita yang ada Verse 2: Dalam sepinya hari, aku meratap Mencari arti dalam langkah yang terlelap Ketika semua harapan sirna Ku tetap berdiri, takkan menyerah Chorus: Oh dunia, dalam derita Semua mimpi terkubur oleh luka Namun ku percaya, cahaya kan tiba Menghapus segala derita yang ada Bridge: Walau jalan penuh duri Ku kan terus melangkah pasti Karena ku tahu di ujung sana Bahagia kan datang jua Chorus: Oh dunia, dalam derita Semua mimpi terkubur oleh luka Namun ku percaya, cahaya kan tiba Menghapus segala derita yang ada Outro: Dunia dalam derita, ku takkan pasrah Karena ku tahu, harapan takkan punah Selama hati masih bernyawa Ku kan terus berjuang, hingga akhir masa

Happy Birthday, Barbie-Ron-AI-singing
Happy Birthday, Barbie

(Verse 1) Happy Birthday to our Barbie, living in Zion's charm, In Springdale, she's a hostess, with an airBnB so warm. She serves so many guests, with a smile that's always bright, And when Pat dresses as a clown, oh, she pouts with all her might! (Chorus) Happy Birthday, dear Barbie, hit the town when Pat's around, In your Subaru, you're always on the go, adventures are abound. With Steve by your side (when he isn’t fishing), Your love story we're all wishing. (Verse 2) You know Jesus, love your church, and your church friends are dear, At the Cliffside, you're a regular, spreading cheer far and near. When in St George, you're the life of the party, At the Painted Pony, with Pat, you're hearty! (Chorus) Happy Birthday, dear Barbie, you're loved by one and all, With the world's greatest brother and sister-in-law, you stand tall. So here's to another year of joy, of love, and of fun, Happy Birthday, dear Barbie, under the Springdale sun!

Afilhados-Pedro Daniel-AI-singing

[verse] Foram cinco anos de muita celebração, Com Pedro e Mónica, unidos nesta missão, Matilde, Guilherme, Beatriz e Inês, Sara, Luís, Neusa e Felisberto, ao início eram só vocês. Depois chegaram Ana Maria, Gonçalo e Rodrigo, Cada um com sua história e todos ao seu estilo, Foi para Nós um privilégio tão belo, Todas as sextas-feiras crescia este nosso elo. Muita pizza no prato, sempre a partilhar, Com paciência e carinho, começaram a escutar, Os padrinhos falavam, mas no final do caminho, Já falavam mais que nós, tivemos de dar mais um bocadinho. [chorus] Este pós-crisma foi uma aventura sem igual, Beber água do bidé, um momento especial Cada encontro uma memória para guardar, A cada risada e a cada novo olhar. Cumprir horários era um sonho distante, Muitas vezes passava da meia-noite, mas que impressionante, Levava cada um para sua casa, ao final desse dia, As fotos no carro, na maior alegria. Ainda nos falta uma viagem a realizar, Valência nos espera, para juntos celebrar, Mais memórias e aventuras para viver, Com vocês ao nosso lado, ninguém nos vai deter. Na casa que estamos a construir, lá nos encontraremos, Em vez de descer, têm de subir, Momentos especiais reviveremos. [final verse] Obrigado por tudo, pela paciência e amor, O nosso grupo pós-crisma, foi de certeza o melhor!

Unis dans la foi, chrétiens influents-GiftCo-AI-singing
Unis dans la foi, chrétiens influents

Refrain : Unis dans la foi, Chrétien influents, Bâtissons nos nations. Que brille notre réseau , fort de ses valeurs. Nous marchons par vertus. Car Nous sommes lumières avec Christ pour briller Oui Nous sommes témoins du Royaume pour toujours. Couplet 1 : Dans les affaires, nous brillons avec amour. L'intégrité guide nos pas, chaque instant et chaque jour. Lumière sur la terre, nous sommes appelés à être, En suivant les pas du Christ, notre guide, notre horizon. Chaque action, chaque projet, porte Sa marque divine, Nous aspirons à l'excellence, en Son nom, nous rayonnons. Car Nous sommes lumières avec Christ pour briller Oui Nous sommes témoins du Royaume pour toujours, Couplet 2 : La crainte de Dieu nous inspire, nous garde humbles dans son alliance, Dans nos choix et décisions, en Lui seul nous avons confiance. Nous sommes le sel de la terre, dans le monde la lumière qui brille, Diffusant Son amour, Sa paix, Sa grâce qui scintille. Chaque action, chaque projet, est imprégné de charité. Le zèle du royaume nous propulse, nous sommes forts par solidarité. Car Nous sommes lumières avec Christ pour briller Oui Nous sommes témoins du Royaume pour toujours.

Rainbow's Whisper-am-AI-singing
Rainbow's Whisper

[Verse] In the hush of a drizzling rain Where gray clouds embrace the earth A symphony of droplets weave A tale of rebirth and mirth [Verse 2] Each raindrop a silent poet Whispering secrets soft and sweet Stories of colors hidden tight Where the sky and the earth do meet [Chorus] Rainbow's whisper light and true Promises of skies turned blue Across the stormy canvas wide Hope and joy in each drop's ride [Verse 3] Puddles form like tiny lakes Reflecting dreams and wishes made Dancing lights on water's face Showing paths we've yet to take [Bridge] Through the rain we walk with grace Finding shelter in embrace Together we find the hue In the drops pure and true [Chorus] Rainbow's whisper light and true Promises of skies turned blue Across the stormy canvas wide Hope and joy in each drop's ride

Trái Tim Thiên Hà-Nguyễn-AI-singing
Trái Tim Thiên Hà

[Verse] Chiều hoàng hôn trên bến vắng Mây trôi về chốn xa xăm Em ngồi đây mắt nhìn trời rộng Chờ phi thuyền anh trở về [Chorus] Bến đợi này nơi ta hẹn ước Giữa Trái Đất và thiên hà

Rindu Di Hati-Mohd-AI-singing
Rindu Di Hati

[Verse] Langit mendung tak bawa ceria Hati sepi tanpa kau di sini Rindu bertamu di dalam jiwa Ingin ku sampaikan rasa ini [Verse 2] Setiap bayang wajahmu hadir Hati kecil aku bergetar Suaramu selalu menghantui Dalam malam yang tiada penghujung [Chorus] Rindu di hati mencengkam jiwa Mengharap kasih kau kembali Hati ini ingin kau tahu Kasih sayangku takkan pudar [Verse 3] Bila siang berganti malam Bulan bintang bersaksi cinta Doa ku panjatkan setiap waktu Semoga kau dapat rasakan [Bridge] Resah kian mendera Mimpikan indah wajahmu Hati ini tiada tenang Tanpamu cinta [Chorus] Rindu di hati mencengkam jiwa Mengharap kasih kau kembali Hati ini ingin kau tahu Kasih sayangku takkan pudar

Si la Vida Fuese un Sábado-Franco-AI-singing
Si la Vida Fuese un Sábado

Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué placer, Cada día sería un baile, un amanecer. Sin prisas ni trabajos, solo disfrutar, Con risas y amigos, al sol de un lugar. Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué genial, Todo sería fiesta, nada de mal. Entre copas y abrazos, vivir sin final, Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué ideal. Despertar sin alarmas, sin preocupación, Cada momento sería pura diversión. Rodeados de música, sin miedo a fallar, Con el ritmo en el alma, siempre celebrar. Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué genial, Todo sería fiesta, nada de mal. Entre copas y abrazos, vivir sin final, Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué ideal. Bajo las estrellas, en la playa o el bar, Cada instante perfecto, no habría que planear. El tiempo no corre, no hay que apurar, Si la vida fuese un sábado, podríamos soñar. Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué genial, Todo sería fiesta, nada de mal. Entre copas y abrazos, vivir sin final, Si la vida fuese un sábado, qué ideal. Si la vida fuese un sábado, tan lleno de luz, Cada día una aventura, un nuevo capuz. No hay más que soñar, no hay que esperar, Si la vida fuese un sábado, siempre a disfrutar.