Me crazy

Song Created By @Boonesborough Beach Boy With AI Singing


Me crazy
created by Boonesborough Beach Boy
Me crazy
created by Boonesborough Beach Boy



Me Chinese, me play joke 
Me put pee pee in your coke
Well, me Japanese, me get mad
Me take dump in your bed
Me from the past , me got high
Even though I tasted pee in my line


Chinese nursery rhyme



Emotional Analysis

humorous, provocative, controversial

Application Scenarios

This song is likely to be used for shock value or to provoke a reaction due to its controversial and risque lyrics. It should be approached with caution and sensitivity.

Technical Analysis

The lyrics are filled with shock humor and may be considered offensive to some listeners. The use of these lyrics in a Chinese nursery rhyme style adds an unexpected twist to the content.

関連する音楽 さらに多様な音楽

Counting on the Road-Mark-AI-singing
Counting on the Road

[Verse] Out on the open road, miles from Tennessee, Counting every mile, just my guitar and me, Got a purpose in my pocket, a song in my soul, Trying to hit the deadlines, gotta meet that goal. [Verse 2] Typing up those words, under the moon's light, Gotta get it perfect, make sure it sounds right, Accuracy and clarity, just like back at home, On this endless highway, I ain’t ever alone. [Chorus] Counting on the road, a life that's full and free, With every note and every chord, I find my melody, From dusk till dawn, I play and write, Hitting that sweet spot, all through the night. [Verse 3] Small towns and diners, where folks know my name, Living out the stories, in this songwriting game, Speed and precision, that’s what it’s all about, From one dusty town to the next route. [Verse 4] Each word a journey, each tune a friend, Riding through the country bends that never end, I’ll check my pages, make sure they’re fine, Weaving tales of heartache and time. [Chorus] Counting on the road, a life that's full and free, With every note and every chord, I find my melody, From dusk till dawn, I play and write, Hitting that sweet spot, all through the night.


聖帝降世間 神威顯山腳 聖帝奉旨乩水化 賽花做先行 練乩三寶教 身披紅袍勸善化 鼓山山腳關老爺 夜間審陰陽渡善行 消災解厄延壽命  肩頭龍虎踏 關公刀斬妖除魔驚 擁正氣 頭帶玉盔莊嚴化 榕樹蝴蝶 腳力鎮大樹腳 借乩 楊趙渡眾命

طلع البدر علينا-Ahmd-AI-singing
طلع البدر علينا

طلع البدر علينا من ثنيات الوداع وجب الشكر علينا ما دعى لله داع أيها المبعوث فينا جئت بالأمر المطاع جئت شرفت المدينة مرحباً يا خير

Eternal Love-Livrariagpt-AI-singing
Eternal Love

We first crossed paths, a long time ago, Four years of hiding, afraid to show. Math class on a Friday, the final bell, I confessed my feelings, my heart started to swell. He said he felt the same, we were both surprised, Never thought we'd find love in each other's eyes. A week went by, he asked me out, To a place where we could talk and laugh about. First date at the ice cream shop, Laughing over everything, couldn't stop. So shy, but feeling so right, We shared our dreams under the moonlight. He took my photo, said, "You're so beautiful," Showed it to his mom, proud and full. Our second date, a kiss on the cheek, He froze, then smiled, words couldn't speak. First love, so pure and new, Every moment felt so true. From that day, we've been side by side, Together we can take on the world with pride. First date at the ice cream shop, Laughing over everything, couldn't stop. So shy, but feeling so right, We shared our dreams under the moonlight. From hidden feelings to where we are, Our love's a journey, we've come so far. Every step, every moment we share, Is a piece of our story, written with care. First date at the ice cream shop, Laughing over everything, couldn't stop. So shy, but feeling so right, We shared our dreams under the moonlight. Now we look back, smiles on our faces, Grateful for those early traces. Of a love that started, simple and sweet, In a school hallway, our hearts did meet.

ASAs Spanish-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing
ASAs Spanish

Ace a’s story is not a common one Born very weak and fragile Asa was not expected to live very long His grandmother would not stop aiding him Grandma Maria took Asa to the local acupuncturist Dr. Martin was very concerned, he mixed up some herbs and treated Asa for three years Asa afterwards was strong and driven and had learned much under Dr. martin’s supervision Asa dedicated his teen years to study and soon was in med school Yet as Asa learned the truths about health wellness learn by Chinese Medicine took hold Asa switched to an Acupuncture school and became of the best to ever graduate Asa now practices Traditional Chinese Medicine with great passion Using Herbs and needles Asa aids all that see him Serving and caring are his core beliefs, tirelessly striving to increase his talents Asa is a rare wounded Healer who is making a difference in so many lives

Whispers of the Wind-WARISRA-AI-singing
Whispers of the Wind



淨框折剪筆懿弱; 莫言三方自刁拙。 笛涼雲走雀諾樹; 幻河石橋道癲逐。 黑魅雄起雜根錯; 一劍穿心忘初衷。

Amharic old music vibe-dohlk-AI-singing
Amharic old music vibe

አይበረክትላት የያዘችው ሁሉ፣ ያንን የሰው ሸክላ ሰብራው መጣች አሉ፡፡


兒時世人說我醜只能當樹 不配做大俠 或許這一生只能當雜魚不配活著 喜歡的人 只能默默地喜歡 雜魚的結局 技不如人 同門被滅 天煞孤星的安排是上天捉弄 夢裡的愛人開啟命運的輪盤 使我轉世重生 或許這世我還是平凡 但我永不放棄 拋擲天運的骰子再闖這亂世的江湖 或許我還是一事無成直到結局 無限輪迴命運使我堅毅不拔 只為挽救夢裡的愛人 譜寫名為少年活俠的一生

La Señora se Cayó-Agustina-AI-singing
La Señora se Cayó

[Verse] Era una tarde soleada Todo en calma (¡a dar la vuelta!) Doña Juana en la plaza Caminaba sin alarma (¡hey, hey!) [Verse 2] Al buscar en su bolsa Algo sencillo (¡mueve, mueve!) Tropezó con la acera Y voló su sombrero amarillo (¡arriba las manos!) [Chorus] ¡Ay La señora se cayó! (¡todos a un lado!) Pero se levantó con valor (¡y seguimos bailando!) Bailando cumbia ¡ella no se rinde! (¡gira, gira!) Doña Juana con fuerza sigue (¡y no se olvida!) [Verse 3] Los vecinos miraban Preocupados (¡dale un paso!) Pero ella reía Sus pasos no se han parado (¡eso es!) [Bridge] Con una vuelta y un gesto decidido (¡vuelta y vuelta!) Doña Juana demostró Que nada está perdido (¡bajo y sube!) [Chorus] ¡Ay La señora se cayó! (¡todos a un lado!) Pero se levantó con valor (¡y seguimos bailando!) Bailando cumbia ¡ella no se rinde! (¡gira, gira!) Doña Juana con fuerza sigue (¡y no se olvida!)