
Song Created By @The With AI Singing


created by The
created by The



(Verse 1)
Kraa'kum ee oo kha'nah
Vraa'mah ee sha'krah
Ka'meh ee ta'leh
Aa'ruh ee ta'rah

Oo laa'rah, ee kha'rah
Sha'leh ee ka'rah
Ta'meh ee oo laa'
Ra'kah ee ka'rah

(Verse 2)
Khraa'shah ee oo lehn
Ta'nok ee sha'kreh
Ka'ta ee oo tahm
Aa'suh ee ta'hah

Oo laa'rah, ee kha'rah
Sha'leh ee ka'rah
Ta'meh ee oo laa'
Ra'kah ee ka'rah

Tahvah ee ooh'reh
La'thah ee shi'nah
Kha'reh ee oo lehn
Ta'reh ee ooh'reh

Oo laa'rah, ee kha'rah
Sha'leh ee ka'rah
Ta'meh ee oo laa'
Ra'kah ee ka'rah

Kraa'kum ee oo kha'nah
Vraa'mah ee sha'krah


Desert Flute


Unknown, possibly fictional language

Emotional Analysis

Mystical, enigmatic

Application Scenarios

Suitable for meditation, relaxation, cultural events, or as a background for desert-themed content

Technical Analysis

Utilizes traditional Middle Eastern scales and melodies, features the unique sound of the desert flute, incorporates repetitive chanting in the chorus for a hypnotic effect

関連する音楽 さらに多様な音楽


(Refrain) Maria, Maria, Maria Toujours pleine d'énergie Maria, Maria, Maria Prof d'espagnol, quelle folie ! (Couplet 1) De Tolède à l'Andalousie Elle crie pour se recharger Sur les tables, elle a dansé Pour faire taire les bavards agités (Refrain) (Couplet 2) En voyage, que d'aventures ! La neige en mai, quelle surprise Paulin devient Paouline, c'est dur Et Maria conduit le bus en crise (Refrain) (Couplet 3) "¡Bofetada!" et clé de bras Karaté et espagnol, quel mix ! "Avez-vous vu le loup ?" On rit aux éclats Maria, toujours prête pour une rixe (Refrain) (Couplet final) Maria, tu nous fais rire Tes cours sont inoubliables Ta retraite va nous faire dire "¡Hasta luego!", c'est regrettable Maria, Maria, Maria Notre prof extraordinaire Maria, Maria, Maria Tu resteras légendaire !

La Corrida a Arpaia-306operativa-AI-singing
La Corrida a Arpaia

[Verse 1] Giocando sotto il sole Rider forte non ci vuole Tutti siamo qui a cantare Nel paese a festeggiare [Verse 2] Bambini corrono veloci Voci allegre con le voci Sul palco dilettanti veri Al gran festa dei mestieri [Chorus] Dilettanti allo sbaraglio Tutti insieme a questo ballo Saltiamo al suon del tamburello La Corrida è un gran bordello [Verse 3] Brillan luci sopra il palco E il musico col mandorla arco Ballan giovani e vecchietti Con i sorrisi mai negletti [Verse 4] Accordioni che fan vibrare Le note che ci fan sognare Volano su nel ciel sereno Abbracciando il nostro ameno [Chorus] Dilettanti allo sbaraglio Tutti insieme a questo ballo Saltiamo al suon del tamburello La Corrida è un gran bordello


[Verse] 小鸟在歌唱 风儿在轻扬 自由的方向 藏在心头上 [Verse 2] 小船在摇晃 海浪在歌唱 勇敢的力量 藏在心头上 [Chorus] 张开翅膀翱翔 自由在我心上 无论多么远方 勇气伴我成长 [Verse 3] 星星在闪亮 月光在微笑 梦想的光芒 藏在心头上 [Bridge] 不怕风雨阻挡 心中有光亮 一步一步向前 勇敢追梦想 [Chorus] 张开翅膀翱翔 自由在我心上 无论多么远方 勇气伴我成长


[Verse] 花开时节 梦初醒 月色如银 照人影 拂袖青空 星光明 打马江湖 英姿英 [Verse 2] 风吹起时 心似尘 纸鸢飞舞 青袖存 红尘滚滚 恩怨纷 独守寒夜 盼归人 [Chorus] 青春如诗 不待时 岁月无情 不可追 一笑一泪 随风逝 朝朝暮暮 梦中痴 [Verse 3] 竹林深处 鸟声伴 楼阁高远 望无岸 流水潺潺 伊人叹 悠悠万事 都随缘 [Bridge] 年少轻狂 莫计较 岁月流转 人未老 花开花落 任逍遥 心中少年 不折腰 [Chorus] 青春如诗 不待时 岁月无情 不可追 一笑一泪 随风逝 朝朝暮暮 梦中痴


**[Intro]** 啦啦啦啦 **[Verse 1]** 同学们逃课上瘾, 舍友们刷视频上瘾, 老师们叹息上瘾, 最好的哥们打游戏上瘾, **[Verse 2]** 校园的猫咪,装可怜上瘾, 树上的知了,聊天上瘾, 宿舍的蚊子,打针上瘾, 突然发现,这个世界, **[Bridge]** 除了奶茶加鸡腿, 我就只对你上瘾, **[Chorus]** 除了奶茶加鸡腿, 我就只对你上瘾, **[Piano Solo]** **[Pre-Chorus]** 周围的事物,我都没兴趣 但跟你相关的一切,都让我大脑混乱 我不知道我这是怎么了 **[Chorus]** 只知道,从预见你的那一刻, 我就对你上瘾了 **[Chorus]** 除了奶茶加鸡腿, 我就只对你上瘾 啦啦啦啦 **[Outro]**

Entre sombras y botellas-Andy-AI-singing
Entre sombras y botellas

(Verso 1) En Abasolo del Valle, bajo el sol ardiente, donde el río murmura secretos al viento, se esconde un dolor profundo, silente, entre sombras y botellas, en su lamento. (Estribillo) Oh, Abasolo querido, tus calles cuentan historias, de noches eternas, de risas y desvelos, pero también de lágrimas, de almas en agonía, donde el alcohol se convierte en un cruel consuelo. (Verso 2) Los bares se llenan de risueños parroquianos, sus copas tintinean, sus ojos perdidos, mientras el viento susurra tristes desengaños, y el alcohol se adueña de corazones heridos. (Estribillo) Oh, Abasolo querido, tus calles cuentan historias, de noches eternas, de risas y desvelos, pero también de lágrimas, de almas en agonía, donde el alcohol se convierte en un cruel consuelo. (Puente) Los jóvenes sueñan con escapar de esta trampa, pero las botellas los abrazan con fuerza, y el amanecer llega con la resaca, mientras el pueblo se aferra a su añeja inercia. (Estribillo) Oh, Abasolo querido, tus calles cuentan historias, de noches eternas, de risas y desvelos, pero también de lágrimas, de almas en agonía, donde el alcohol se convierte en un cruel consuelo. (Cierre) Abasolo del Valle, entre luces y penumbras, quiz

get aboard-zaxby-AI-singing
get aboard

(Verse 1) As in the days of Noah, so shall it be The Son of Man coming, for all to see People eating, drinking, marrying too Unaware of the judgment, that will ensue (Chorus) As in the days of Noah, the flood did come So will the Son of Man, return for some Be ready, be prepared, for the day is near Jesus is coming, His voice you'll hear (Verse 2) Noah warned, but they did not heed The floodwaters came, their fate was sealed So too will Jesus, come like a thief To take His people, beyond belief (Chorus) As in the days of Noah, the flood did come So will the Son of Man, return for some Be ready, be prepared, for the day is near Jesus is coming, His voice you'll hear (Bridge) Just as in the ark, safety was found In Jesus Christ, salvation is sound Repent of sin, turn to Him For in His presence, there's no sin (Chorus) As in the days of Noah, the flood did come So will the Son of Man, return for some Be ready, be prepared, for the day is near Jesus is coming, His voice you'll hear (Outro) So heed the warning, be not caught unaware For Jesus is coming, to take us there In the days of Noah, judgment did fall Be ready for Jesus, He's coming for all.

Rentbetahouse Anthem-Gideon-AI-singing
Rentbetahouse Anthem

[Verse] House search made easy Oh what a breeze Rentbetahouse We're here to please Find your dream home Just a touch away No more worries It's a brand new day [Verse 2] From Lagos to Abuja We cover it all Rentbetahouse We'll never let you fall With our app in your hand You're in control Discover rentals that'll touch your soul [Chorus] Rentbetahouse The search is over now Rentbetahouse We'll show you how With each listing A world of possibilities Rentbetahouse Finding homes with ease

Nu Muu n-AV-AI-singing
Nu Muu n

(Verse 1) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth. 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah. [Interlude] (Chorus) Learn the books of the Bible you have to know the sword you wield [Instrumental] (Verse 2) Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah. Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah. (Chorus) Learn the books of the Bible you have to know the sword you wield (Verse 3) Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, Tobit, Judith, Additions to Esther, Wisdom of Sirach, Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Corinthians, two in number. (Chorus) Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians too, Colossians, Thessalonians, one and two. (Chorus) Timothy, Titus, Philemon's grace, Hebrews, James, Peter in his place. (Chorus) John again, and Jude's short letter, Revelation's (Outro)

El Sabado-AV-AI-singing
El Sabado

(Verse 1) The Week is gone and the sun is now down on a friday night let your worries vanish with the sun [Interlude] (Chorus) Its the sabbath Es ist der Sabbat Sí, el sábado Ja, de sabbat [Instrumental] (Verse 2) the men are back from war teaching about the lord the sisters and youngins we all have to congregate (Chorus) Its the sabbath Es ist der Sabbat Sí, el sábado Ja, de sabbat (Outro)

Kuchbhii..!!-NISHCHAL GUPTA-AI-singing

(Bridge) Chaandani raatein, taaron ki raahon mein, Woh chalta hai, Shrejal ki yaadon mein. Chaand se poochta hai, uski mohabbat ka raaz, Woh beqaraar hai, Shrejal ke milne ka saath.

da tata 2-Vlad Ferega-AI-singing
da tata 2

Ah, ca pe Champs-Élysées Fac banii repede Brutal ca DMT Haide pizdo rupe-te Ca pe Champs-Élysées Fac banii repede Brutal ca DMT Haide, pizdo, rupe-te Ya, ya, hai, rupe-te Ya, ya, ya, hai, rupe-te Ya, ya, ya, hai, rupe-te Ya, ya, haide, pizdo, rupe-te