
Song Created By @Star With AI Singing

음악 음성

created by Star
created by Star

음악 상세 정보

가사 텍스트


음악 스타일 설명


가사 언어


Emotional Analysis

lighthearted, playful

Application Scenarios

suitable for children’s entertainment or educational purposes

Technical Analysis

simple melody, repetitive lyrics, easy to sing along

관련 음악 더 많은 스타일의 음악


窗透初晓 日照西桥 云自摇 想你当年荷风微摆的衣角 木雕流金 岁月涟漪 七年前封笔 因为我今生挥毫只为你 雨打湿了眼眶 年年倚井盼归堂 最怕不觉泪已拆两行 我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂

The Power of the Pen-Mark-AI-singing
The Power of the Pen

[Verse] In a little town with white picket fences, Where streets are worn and dreams are endless, There's a bard whose words can mend, Healing hearts they gently mend. [Verse 2] With an acoustic guitar under starlit skies, He shares stories that make you laugh and cry, Every note and every line, Manages to bottle time. [Chorus] Oh, the power of the pen, it speaks to souls, Through highs and lows, it makes us whole, From the farmhouse porch to the neon light, Words find a way to make it right. [Verse 3] He writes of love lost in the summer rain, Of working hard through the joy and pain, Each syllable, a craftsman’s touch, For the ones who feel too much. [Verse 4] From the city lights to the open fields, His lyrics turn to golden yields, Harvesting the heart’s consent, Through every line and sentiment. [Bridge] In every verse, there’s a common thread, Of hopes and dreams, both alive and dead, It’s the writer's gift, the singer’s call, To shine a light and say it all.

The Rise of Unlimited CFW-COBRA-AI-singing
The Rise of Unlimited CFW

[Verse] In the land of icy peaks We roared the warrior's fight Years we sailed through stormy seas For victory on the finest night [Verse 2] Hammers clashed with shields of steel Dreams of gold in battle won Planted flags in kingdoms lost Unlimited CFW has come [Chorus] Together we stand United and grand Unlimited CFW Our kingdom in hand [Verse 3] Frost and flame we did endure Through the storms we found our way Hearts of iron spirits pure Led us to the dawn of day [Bridge] Glory in the realms we seek Honor screams a warrior's creed Forward march no turning back Unlimited CFW we lead [Chorus] Together we stand United and grand Unlimited CFW Our kingdom in hand

In My House and In My Flat-xiaodan-AI-singing
In My House and In My Flat

Verse 1: Upstairs, upstairs, high we go, Downstairs, downstairs, nice and slow. In my house, there's a place below, Basement, basement, don't you know? Chorus: In my house in the village green, So many places to be seen. Verse 2: Lift, lift, up we go, To the flat, high and low. Balcony, balcony, out we peek, In the town, where we speak. Chorus: In my flat in the busy town, So many places all around. Ending: Upstairs, downstairs, basement too, Lift and balcony, just for you. In a house or in a flat, Homes are special, fancy that!

Let's Play Together-Kila-AI-singing
Let's Play Together

[Verse] Sun is shining birds are singing Come and join the fun today Hands are clapping feet are tapping Smiles are shining all the way [Verse 2] Colorful balloons are flying Catch a rainbow in the sky Friends are laughing dancing playing Time for joy come on don't be shy [Chorus] Let's play together In any weather Singing and dancing Happy forever [Verse 3] Jump and twirl hop like bunnies Feel the giggles deep inside Skipping stones and telling stories On this joyful magic ride [Chorus] Let's play together In any weather Singing and dancing Happy forever [Bridge] Round and round we go In a circle fast and slow Hold on tight don’t let go Feel the love let it show

Kimi and Kamila-yuqi-AI-singing
Kimi and Kamila

在阳光灿烂的日子里,我们肩并肩, Kimi and Kamila,兄妹情深,梦想在心间。 汗水不会骗你,每一滴都闪耀希望的光, 家庭是我们的港湾,爱让我们更坚强。 Kimi的歌声,Kamila的吉他, 在清晨的微风中,奏响了新的篇章。 我们手牵手,走过四季的变换, 在每个夜晚,星辰下许下愿望。 一起追逐,那彩虹的尽头, Kimi and Kamila,心连心,不言放弃。 汗水是我们的见证,每一滴都珍贵无比, 家庭的温暖,是我们力量的源泉。 在挑战面前,我们从不退缩, 兄妹的肩膀,是彼此最坚实的依靠。 一起笑对风浪,一起勇敢飞翔, 因为我们知道,汗水铺就成功的道路。 当世界变得灰暗,我们点亮希望的灯, 在彼此的眼神中,找到前进的力量。 Kimi and Kamila,我们的爱无边界, 在爱与梦想的旅途上,我们永不孤单。 在每个清晨,我们迎接新的阳光, Kimi and Kamila,兄妹情深,共创辉煌。 汗水不会骗你,它记录我们的努力, 家庭的爱,让我们的梦,展翅高飞。 Kimi and Kamila,我们的笑声,我们的泪, 在这条不平凡的路上,我们共同前行。 汗水不会骗你,它见证我们的辉煌, 家庭的爱,让我们的梦,永远照亮。

Happy Rain-Rajasekaran-AI-singing
Happy Rain

Look up high, the sky turns gray, Fluffy clouds come out to play. Sun peeks shy, then hides away, Time for rain, hooray, hooray! Tiny drops fall, one by one, Tapping softly, lots of fun. Pitter-patter on the ground, Making happy, splashing sound. Flowers drink with thirsty smiles, Leaves take baths for a little while. Streets get clean, like a big wash, Shiny puddles, don't they splash? Grab your boots, put on a hat, Let's jump and sing, where's the cat? Raindrops dance, a happy tune, Rainy day fun, afternoon!

Back to Westwood-Austin-AI-singing
Back to Westwood

[Verse] Three good ol' boys Jack Tim and Hank Growin' up in a little town Hank leaves Westwood for a bigger place The boys' friendship never down [Verse 2] Hank moves to the city bright lights so new Jack and Tim stay close to home Letters and calls to bridge the gap Hearts connected never alone [Chorus] Back to Westwood where the skies are clear Hank's return brings home the cheer Old friends reunite laughter fills the air Good ol' boys forever standing there [Verse 3] Years roll by faces age with time Memories like finer wine Hank decides it’s time to head back Westwood's where he finds his track [Bridge] Through the miles and all the tears Distance fades with all our fears Back where stories had begun Three good ol' boys now sing as one [Chorus] Back to Westwood where the skies are clear Hank's return brings home the cheer Old friends reunite laughter fills the air Good ol' boys forever standing there


Samantha Hawkins I'm so sorry you never got a song welcoming you to Saratoga Springs We're so glad to have you!


لن نسكتَ لن نستسلمَ لا لا لا لا نفديكِ لنحيا يا فلسطين فلسطين بلادي نحملُها جُرحاً أو أملا لا لا لا ورح نبقى فيها ليوم الدين فلسطين بلادي كي تُشرقَ شمسُكِ فوقَ أمانينا وينامَ صغارُكِ مُبتسمين ونراكِ بخيرٍ حين تُنادينا لعمارِ بُيوتٍ وبساتين سنعيدُكِ وطناً رغم مآسينا أحراراً نشدو متّحدين لن نسكتَ لن نستسلمَ لا لا لا لا نفديكِ لنحيا يا فلسطين فلسطين بلادي نحملُها جُرحاً أو أملا لا لا لا ورح نبقى فيها ليوم الدين فلسطين بلادي

Love in the Shadows-Joshy-AI-singing
Love in the Shadows

[Verse] In a town where the gossip cuts deep, We found a love that we had to keep. Morning light through the churchyard gates, Whispered secrets the night translates. [Verse 2] Hand in hand down a gravel road, Under stars our true feelings showed. In a world that can’t understand, I’m proud to hold my lover's hand. [Chorus] Love in the shadows, but it’s real and right, Hidden smiles in the dark of night. Whispered dreams that we can’t deny, In your arms is where I’ll find my sky. [Verse 3] Countless nights we would run and hide, But there's no shame in what we feel inside. Every glance is a silent vow, Against the world, we only have now. [Verse 4] Mama prays for my soul to heal, But it’s with you I learned to feel. No prayer could ever change my heart, We’re bound together, never apart. [Chorus] Love in the shadows, but it’s real and right, Hidden smiles in the dark of night. Whispered dreams that we can’t deny, In your arms is where I’ll find my sky.

A formiguinha e o elefantinho-Jose-AI-singing
A formiguinha e o elefantinho

Verso 1: No jardim, lá do outro lado, Vivia uma formiguinha bem animada. Com seu amigo, o elefantinho, Juntos brincavam no mesmo cantinho. Refrão: Formiguinha e elefantinho, Amigos para sempre, de coraçãozinho. Grandes ou pequenos, não importa não, A amizade é o que vale, é pura emoção. Verso 2: A formiguinha subia no morrinho, E o elefante ajudava com carinho. Se um tinha medo, o outro estava lá, Juntos, eles sabiam como se ajudar. Refrão: Formiguinha e elefantinho, Amigos para sempre, de coraçãozinho. Grandes ou pequenos, não importa não, A amizade é o que vale, é pura emoção. Ponte: No fim do dia, ao pôr do sol, Cantavam juntos, um lindo farol. Porque na amizade, o que conta de verdade, É ter alguém do lado, em qualquer idade. Refrão: Formiguinha e elefantinho, Amigos para sempre, de coraçãozinho. Grandes ou pequenos, não importa não, A amizade é o que vale, é pura emoção.