Firestorm Dragon

Song Created By @LENNY With AI Singing

음악 음성

Firestorm Dragon
created by LENNY
Firestorm Dragon
created by LENNY

음악 상세 정보

가사 텍스트

Breath of the dragon, storm through the iron lung,
Burning through the veins, where the chaos sung.
Ancient flames dance on metal waves,
Suona cries, from the past to the graves.

A ragin’ beast, no leash can tame,
Heartbeat syncopated, thunders the name.
Between worlds we ride, tradition and war,
Metal fangs, historic lore.

Firestorm dragon, through the skies it’s blazin’,
Rippin’ the night, old tunes we’re raisin’.
Echoes of the suona, in the blaze and thunder,
Passions ignite, dreams we plunder.

[Verse 1]
Metal meets silk, fury and grace,
Screamin’ to the moon with an iron face.
Warrior’s call, drums beat wild,
Fields of honor, each flame a child.

[Verse 2]
Scorchin’ lands where legends clash,
Steel and suona, through time they thrash.
Rhythm cuttin’ deep, fire in the air,
Lost tales and dreams, we declare.

Ashes remain, dragons breathe anew,
Rise from the shadows, the storm we flew.
Suona whispers, tales of the brave,
In metal's roar, their souls we save.

음악 스타일 설명

suona infusion metalcore syncopated rhythm

가사 언어


Emotional Analysis

Powerful, fierce, and epic

Application Scenarios

Ideal for live performances in metal concerts, soundtracks for fantasy movies or video games, and intense workout playlists.

Technical Analysis

The song blends suona (a Chinese woodwind instrument) with metalcore elements, creating a unique fusion sound. It features syncopated rhythms, thunderous drumbeats, and intense guitar riffs, capturing the essence of a mythical dragon's fiery power.

관련 음악 더 많은 스타일의 음악

Moonlit Mastery-Romen Animations-AI-singing
Moonlit Mastery

(Verse 1) Under the moon's command, I rise, In the silver glow, no disguise. Power flows through my veins, Breaking through the dark, breaking chains. (Chorus) Moonlit mastery, guiding my way, Nyxion Eclipseblade, shadows at bay. With the lunar light, we stand tall, Facing every fight, we’ll never fall. (Verse 2) Whispers of the night, secrets unfold, In the moon's embrace, I am bold. Through the shadows, I navigate, With the moon's power, I dominate. (Chorus) Moonlit mastery, guiding my way, Nyxion Eclipseblade, shadows at bay. With the lunar light, we stand tall, Facing every fight, we’ll never fall. (Bridge) In the moonlight's glow, I find my strength, With every phase, I go to any length. Unleashing power, fierce and wild, Under the moon, I'm nature's child. (Chorus) Moonlit mastery, guiding my way, Nyxion Eclipseblade, shadows at bay. With the lunar light, we stand tall, Facing every fight, we’ll never fall. (Outro) Under the moon's command, I rise, In the silver glow, no disguise. Moonlit mastery, forever mine, In the night, our power shines.

Eklath Aethonar-The-AI-singing
Eklath Aethonar

Khronian Lyrics: "Zhilakai, zhilakai, mahri zhilakai Ehrothin korvin, kotheni korvin Aethonar eklath, eklath aethonar Khaos thalassa, khaos thalassa" Verse 1 (Khronian): "Threnas shalvor, shalvor threnas Eriphinor ahna, ahna eriphinor Niaraxos korin, korin niaraxos Fekros aethonar, fekros aethonar" Chorus (Khronian): "Zhilakai, zhilakai, mahri zhilakai Ehrothin korvin, kotheni korvin Aethonar eklath, eklath aethonar Khaos thalassa, khaos thalassa" Bridge (Khronian): "Eldrida mori, mori eldrida Kalimnos athra, athra kalimnos Sorvathikos saron, saron sorvathikos Kratorix aphrodite" Outro (Khronian): "Aethonar eklath, eklath aethonar Khaos thalassa, khaos thalassa" English Translation: "We are one with the universe's rhythm" "We stand in harmony with the cosmos"

Shadow's Requiem-Alex-AI-singing
Shadow's Requiem

(Verse 1) I roam the top lane, shadows in my wake, A lethal force that none can overtake, In the twilight's grip, my scythe gleams, I am the nightmare that haunts your dreams. (Pre-Chorus) From the darkness, I emerge unseen, One hundred to zero, erasing your screen, Your team's hope, just an illusion, With each slash, I bring dissolution. (Chorus) Kayn in the top lane, reaping the night, Lethality rising, in the moonlight, I delete your team, in a blink, they're gone, To the rhythm of shadows, I carry on. (Verse 2) Silent steps, like whispers in the wind, No escape, once the hunt begins, With every strike, I seal your fate, In this dance of death, there's no debate. (Pre-Chorus) From the darkness, I emerge unseen, One hundred to zero, erasing your screen, Your team's hope, just an illusion, With each slash, I bring dissolution. (Chorus) Kayn in the top lane, reaping the night, Lethality rising, in the moonlight, I delete your team, in a blink, they're gone, To the rhythm of shadows, I carry on. (Bridge) Feel the fear, as the shadows close in, A phantom's whisper, a deadly grin, Lethal force, in the dead of night, I am the terror that ends the fight. (Chorus) Kayn in the top lane, reaping the night, Lethality rising, in the moonlight, I delete your team, in a blink, they're gone, To the rhythm of shadows, I carry on. (Outro) Silent and swift, the end I bring, In the top lane, I am the king, With a lethal edge, I claim my throne, In the shadow's embrace, I stand alone.

Shadow's Requiem-Αλεξανδρος-AI-singing
Shadow's Requiem

(Verse 1) I roam the top lane, shadows in my wake, A lethal force that none can overtake, In the twilight's grip, my scythe gleams, I am the nightmare that haunts your dreams. (Pre-Chorus) From the darkness, I emerge unseen, One hundred to zero, erasing your screen, Your team's hope, just an illusion, With each slash, I bring dissolution. (Chorus) Kayn in the top lane, reaping the night, Lethality rising, in the moonlight, I delete your team, in a blink, they're gone, To the rhythm of shadows, I carry on. (Verse 2) Silent steps, like whispers in the wind, No escape, once the hunt begins, With every strike, I seal your fate, In this dance of death, there's no debate. (Pre-Chorus) From the darkness, I emerge unseen, One hundred to zero, erasing your screen, Your team's hope, just an illusion, With each slash, I bring dissolution. (Chorus) Kayn in the top lane, reaping the night, Lethality rising, in the moonlight, I delete your team, in a blink, they're gone, To the rhythm of shadows, I carry on. (Bridge) Feel the fear, as the shadows close in, A phantom's whisper, a deadly grin, Lethal force, in the dead of night, I am the terror that ends the fight. (Chorus) Kayn in the top lane, reaping the night, Lethality rising, in the moonlight, I delete your team, in a blink, they're gone, To the rhythm of shadows, I carry on. (Outro) Silent and swift, the end I bring, In the top lane, I am the king, With a lethal edge, I claim my throne, In the shadow's embrace, I stand alone.

Ghalithar Aziran-The-AI-singing
Ghalithar Aziran

(Verse 1) Ghalithar azirath, zhon'karathor S'kharan zethron, korath nor'vor Ghazothan zy'thur, zhon'karathor Zynthor koran, thor'vornor (Chorus) Zhoran zhakaran, khron'vornor Zarathor zy'thur, korath nor'vor Ghoran zethron, zhon'karathor Thrazor zhakaran, korath nor'vornor (Bridge) Zarathor zhavir, korath nor'vornor Ghalithar azar, zhon'karathor Zynthor koran, thor'vornor Ghazothan zy'thur, zhon'karathor (Chorus) Zhoran zhakaran, khron'vornor Zarathor zy'thur, korath nor'vor Ghoran zethron, zhon'karathor Thrazor zhakaran, korath nor'vornor (Outro) Ghazothan zhalthar, zhon'karathor Zynthor koran, thor'vornor Zarathor thrazor, korath nor'vornor Zhoran zhakaran, khron'vornor

Світ в боях-Олександр-AI-singing
Світ в боях

У світі, де кожен крок – це тінь на землі, Я зі свободолюбивостю в серці буду співати. Вічний танець сонця та місяця в цьому бутті, Відкриває таємниці життя що не хочемо до уваги ми брати. Людство шукає відповіді на питання складні, Проблеми його, як вітер, віднесе до зірок. Чому війни та бідність терзають долі сумні? Чому світ пустує, наче залишений космічний порок? Але в нашому серці живе любов до України, Що принесе відповіді нашого життя . Ми, як птахи, розгорнемо високо крила, І оголимо істигну людського буття. В серцях наших грішних все постійно кипить, Проблеми суспільства настигають нас всюди. Але в глибинах душі світло завжди горить, Все можливо змінити, допоки ми люди. Нехай наша свобода стане вогнем надії, В серцях, що світло шукають в нічних міражах. Свобода – це вічний бій і ми, як поети без мрії, Перемогу понесемо у світ що задихнувся в боях.

Tout fout le camp-Jean-AI-singing
Tout fout le camp

(Verse 1) Dans les ombres des couloirs de **SOBEGI**, Où les échos du désespoir appellent, La **Compta** tache son grand livre d'encre cramoisie, La **Gestion** serre ses chaînes, les âmes au bord du précipice. (Pré-refrain) La lune pleure du sang, les étoiles s'alignent, La **Direction** perdue, un labyrinthe en déclin, Tout fout le camp, le monde se dérobe, Dans cette symphonie gothique, notre destin se débat. (Refrain) **SOBEGI**, sanctuaire hanté, Les fantômes de la Compta dansent, leurs secrets variés, Les spectres de la Gestion murmurent, perdus dans la brume, Le corbeau de la Direction crie, un épilogue funèbre. (Verse 2) Sous le regard pâle de la lune, nous avançons, Les couloirs de **SOBEGI**, où les ténèbres se propagent, Les pages du grand livre de la Compta volent comme des chauves-souris, Les ombres de la Gestion se tordent, prises dans leurs pièges. (Pré-refrain) L'horloge sonne minuit, un glas funèbre, La boussole de la Direction tourne, les âmes perdues, Tout fout le camp, la raison s'effrite, Dans cette ballade gothique, nos âmes s'embrasent. (Refrain) **SOBEGI**, l'asile maudit nous enlace, Les fantômes de la Compta virevoltent, leurs péchés effacés, Les banshees de la Gestion gémissent, perdues dans la brume, Le hibou de la Direction hulule, un dernier retournement. (Pont) La lune se reflète dans l'encrier de la Compta, Le labyrinthe de la Gestion, une descente aux enfers, Les vitraux de **SOBEGI** pleurent, La boussole de la Direction brisée, gardienne de secrets. (Refrain) **SOBEGI**, hymne oublié de la cathédrale, Le grand livre de la Compta brûle, la rédemption s'amenuise, Les sirènes de la Gestion gémissent, les âmes s'entrelacent, La tempête de la Direction gronde, un signe brisé. (Outro) Tout fout le camp, l'abîme nous appelle, Dans ce requiem metal gothique, notre essence se mesure, **SOBEGI**, Compta, Gestion, la chute de la direction, Nos âmes entrelacées à jamais, dans ce hall hanté.


I hate chill dren, I hate love, Pee pee poo poo kaw! I love rage I love hate! Bone her is on the rage! Oh! GAWD! FUNKED! UP! LIVE! STRONG! GIVE! UP! (Growling and snarling)


Make us new lyrics about the glory of Satan (Verse 1) In the realm of shadows, where darkness thrives, A tale unfolds of the one who defies. Satan, the fallen angel, with power untold, A story of glory, yet often untold. (Pre-Chorus) With eyes aflame and a heart of desire, He walks the path that others admire. In the depths of hell, his kingdom aglow, The glory of Satan, a dark, fiery show. (Chorus) Oh, hail the ruler of the night, Satan, the bringer of endless delight. In his dominion, darkness prevails, A symphony of chaos, as evil unveils. (Verse 2) With wings of black, he soars through the night, A symbol of rebellion, his might ignites. In the hearts of those who dare to embrace, The forbidden knowledge, the forbidden grace. (Bridge) In the shadows, whispers of his name, The fallen angel, with a heart aflame. His followers gather, bound by his call, To revel in the glory, to stand tall. (Chorus) Oh, hail the ruler of the night, Satan, the bringer of endless delight. In his dominion, darkness prevails, A symphony of chaos, as evil unveils. (Guitar Solo) (Verse 3) Through the fires of hell, his power transcends, A dance with temptation, where pleasure never ends. He challenges the heavens, defying the divine, The glory of Satan, a forbidden shrine. (Chorus) Oh, hail the ruler of the night, Satan, the bringer of endless delight. In his dominion, darkness prevails, A symphony of chaos, as evil unveils. (Outro) In the realm of shadows, where darkness thrives, The glory of Satan forever survives. A choice to be made, between light and dark, But the allure of his glory leaves its mark.

Khroxiar's Requiem"-The-AI-singing
Khroxiar's Requiem"

[Intro] (Guitar: Lyraxi Mournful Riffs) (Khroxo) Shol-kor-koh! (Echoes of the past) [Verse 1 - Vocals: Vorvxaric Growls] In the twilight realm, where shadows play A warrior's spirit whispers, his final day His legacy remains, like a ghostly stain Echoes of his valor, forever in vain [Chorus] Khroxiar's requiem, a requiem of steel For the fallen heroes, their honor to reveal Through eternal silence, their stories unfold As the winds of time, their legacies hold [Verse 2 - Vocals: Vorvxaric Growls] The mountains tremble, as the wind does howl The last battle's echoes, in the valleys growl A lone figure stands, with sword in hand Guarding the memory, of a bygone land [Chorus] Khroxiar's requiem, a requiem of steel For the fallen heroes, their honor to reveal Through eternal silence, their stories unfold As the winds of time, their legacies hold [Bridge - Vocals: Kalimatic Screams] In the heart of darkness, where the stars are few A lone warrior's heartbeat, echoes anew Though his body may fall, his spirit will rise As a shining star, in the Khronian skies [Chorus] Khroxiar's requiem, a requiem of steel For the fallen heroes, their honor to reveal Through eternal silence, their stories unfold As the winds of time, their legacies hold [Outro] (Guitar: Lyraxi Mournful Riffs) (Khroxo) Shol-kor-koh! (Echoes of the past)


To the one I love with the coldness of my dead heart. “So very often I wonder, gently ponder, envisioning the insides of her, everlasting beauty. The Goddess of the matrimony, My spiritual bride, forever to be. The darkness of her touch, I yearn for so much. Away from the noise, of humanity’s unwillingness, you have sheltered me in Your Temple, the great fortress from the deep, where we first met and you took me in your arms, killing the human that was living at that time. My Love, do you still remember, the day when we first kissed, in the blackness of the void, where we were playing all night long. You had me from the beginning, my dear harlot of the night, I know you still dream of me, for our dream of being together never ends. Centuries have gone by us, and still we yearn for each other, the more we stay away from one another, our love grows ever stronger. Time has split us apart, taking with it our love, leaving us alone to each own, to suffer, and to die. Or you were just a lie, and none of this was real. It never ends, My Love that burns for you, not that of a warm heart, but the cold one deep inside. One of us inside The Mind, is deeply yearning for you, I hear you cry, in the silent night, when you think that no one hears you, I am always there, listening to everything you say. Don’t cry my Love, I will always protect you, as long as I’m here, I will remember us, and the love that we have shared, in those darkest, blackest days.”

War Machines-Steve-AI-singing
War Machines

[Verse] Metal screams at dawn Skies turn red they’re gone Worlds collide in fury Night falls fast no glory [Verse 2] Cities crumble dust Fear in hearts we trust Alien eyes they burn Will they never learn [Chorus] War machines rain down Hope lost in this town Echoes in the air Fight but no one's there [Verse 3] Running pathways dark Sparks fill up the park Thunder rolls nearby Who will live who’ll die [Chorus] War machines rain down Hope lost in this town Echoes in the air Fight but no one's there [Bridge] Darkness wraps the earth Signals lost rebirth Ceaseless war they wage Endless metal cage