Mr patriot pt2

Song Created By @Ted With AI Singing

음악 음성

Mr patriot pt2
created by Ted
Mr patriot pt2
created by Ted

음악 상세 정보

가사 텍스트

lyrics title: 4th of July Humorous Lyrics
lyrics content:
[Verse 1]
The old man sat on his porch swing,
Watching kids play and birds sing.
He thought about the good old days,
When he was young and full of craze.

Oh, the 4th of July,
A day for fun and revelry.
We celebrate our independence,
With fireworks and cookouts, and send fence.

[Verse 2]
He remembered the time he dressed as Uncle Sam,
And marched in the town's 4th of July parade.
He waved to the crowd and shouted,
"Happy Independence Day!"

Oh, the 4th of July,
A day for fun and revelry.
We celebrate our independence,
With fireworks and cookouts, and send fence.

He watched his family eat, laugh and play,
Feeling full of contentment, he thought to say.
"There's no place I'd rather be,
Than here with my family, on the 4th of July."

Oh, the 4th of July,
A day for fun and revelry.
We celebrate our independence,
With fireworks and cookouts, and send fence.

With food in his tummy and happiness in his heart,
He sleeps soundly, knowing he played his part.

음악 스타일 설명

Hard rock metal

가사 언어


Emotional Analysis

Humorous and nostalgic

Application Scenarios

This song can be a fun addition to a 4th of July playlist or performed at Independence Day celebrations to bring a lighthearted feel to the event.

Technical Analysis

The song features a simple verse-chorus structure with storytelling lyrics that create a visual narrative. Musically, it may include heavy guitar riffs, energetic drumming, and powerful vocals to capture the theme of celebration and reminiscence.

관련 음악 더 많은 스타일의 음악

Gonna get the Cheater FINAL HURT version-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing
Gonna get the Cheater FINAL HURT version

pain and suffering caused from the cheater Broken bonds and connection Adultery is so tragic A sexual sin drives a rage for revenge Gonna get the cheater Gonna get the cheater Gonna get the cheater Gonna make him pay Gonna end this sin nature that makes all this suffering The pain drives an uncontrollable emotion seeking a violent revenge Can’t stop now must take revenge upon the cheater This uncontrollable revenge has taken my soul over Uncontrollable rage within from the sin

rock-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

pain and suffering caused from the cheater Broken bonds and connection Adultery is so tragic A sexual sin drives a rage for revenge Gonna get the cheater Gonna get the cheater Gonna get the cheater Gonna make him pay Gonna end this sin nature that makes all this suffering The pain drives an uncontrollable emotion seeking a violent revenge Can’t stop now must take revenge upon the cheater This uncontrollable revenge has taken my soul over Uncontrollable rage within from the sin

Dark rock-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing
Dark rock

pain and suffering caused from a cheater Bonds broken and connection broken Adultery is so tragic A sexual sin drives a rage for revenge Gonna get the cheater Gonna get the cheater Gonna get the cheater Gonna make him pay Gonna end this sin that makes all this suffering The pain drives the uncontrollable emotions for a violent revenge Can’t stop now must take revenge upon the cheater This uncontrollable revenge has taken my soul over Uncontrollable rage within from the sin

Reign of Shadows-Wannes-AI-singing
Reign of Shadows

[Verse] Wrath unchained The world in flames No mercy No hope Skies bled black Bones shatter Screams echo loud Chaos reigns Fear consumes all [Verse 2] Blood-drenched earth Filled with despair Terror's grip Relentless fate Rivers of anguish The end draws near Humanity's fall Shadows embrace [Chorus] Reign of shadows Conquer the light Infinite suffering Hellish delight Ravage the weak Power divine Eternal abyss Night interred [Verse 3] Mountains crumble Oceans boil Death's whisper Infernal cries Ravenous beasts Souls devoured Echoes of pain Endless dirge [Verse 4] Iron fists rule Tyranny prevails Hope extinguished Darkness birth Ashes of life Sepulchral throne Immortal anguish Chained to the void [Bridge] Ceaseless torment Night eternal Despair cascades Drowning fate Wails of the damned Symphony of pain Eclipsed by horror Succumb to rage

Loser-Mang Muan-AI-singing

"Strings of Betrayal" (Verse 1) They call themselves the rebels, fighting for the land, But look closer, it's a puppet show, they're playing in the sand. ZRA, you're just the same, as the masters you call out, Playing games of power while our people live in doubt. (Chorus) Oh, ZRA, you're the puppet masters, dancing on a string, Not for the people, not for rights, it's power that you bring. You're old and fading, your cause is hollow, While the people suffer, you just follow, oh! Rap: Yo, ZRA, who you think you're fooling? Claiming to be rebels, but really just drooling. Behind closed doors, you're in bed with the foe, Selling out our freedom, for a taste of their dough. You ain't fighting for the people, just filling up your cup, While the real heroes bleed, you're sipping on corrupt. Wake up, wake up, to the truth in the light, ZRA ain't the answer, they're the darkness in the fight. (Verse 2) You claim to fight for freedom, but where's the freedom found? In the shadows of corruption, you wear the same old crown. Not like PDF, who stand with pride, for the people's voice, ZRA, you're the echo, of the military's choice. (Chorus) Oh, ZRA, you're the puppet masters, dancing on a string, Not for the people, not for rights, it's power that you bring. You're old and fading, your cause is hollow, While the people suffer, you just follow, oh! (Bridge) To your old supporters, lost in myths and tales, Wake up from the slumber, see beyond the veils. The educated know the truth, it's clear as day, ZRA, you're not the savior, just a pawn in their play. (Chorus) Oh, ZRA, you're the puppet masters, dancing on a string, Not for the people, not for rights, it's power that you bring. You're old and fading, your cause is hollow, While the people suffer, you just follow, oh! (Outro) So hear this song of truth, let the echoes ring, ZRA, you're just the same, as the masters you call king. It's time to wake the people, break free from this game, No more puppet masters, we'll rise above the shame.

Deuda de Sangre-Blaze-AI-singing
Deuda de Sangre

[Verse] Andreu no paga Cinco euros Se niega Ariadne espera ¡Indiferencia desdichada! [Verse 2] No por Bizum Ni en metálico Andreu ríe Sorbo de la traición [Chorus] ¡Sangre en las manos! Deuda impaga Gritos en la noche Violencia ardiente [Verse 3] Ariadne enfurece Venganza busca Andreu escapando ¡No habrá piedad! [Bridge] Cinco euritos Catalizando el caos Corazón de piedra Pagará con dolor [Chorus] ¡Sangre en las manos! Deuda impaga Gritos en la noche Violencia ardiente

Flammes de Liberté-Vipedart-AI-singing
Flammes de Liberté

Ils nous ont enchaînés, nous ont pris notre liberté, Sous le poids de l'oppression, nous avons courbé l'échine, Dans l'ombre de leur tyrannie, nos rêves se sont fanés, Mais aujourd'hui nous nous levons, une rage dans nos poitrines. Révolution, levez-vous, brandissez vos armes, Contre la cruauté, l'injustice et les flammes, Nous reprendrons la France, notre patrie, Pour la gloire, pour l'honneur, pour notre liberté. Des siècles de haine, de peur et de douleur, Ils ont semé la discorde, divisé nos cœurs, Mais dans nos veines coule le sang des révoltés, Nous serons le fer de lance de cette grande armée. Révolution, levez-vous, brandissez vos armes, Contre la cruauté, l'injustice et les flammes, Nous reprendrons la France, notre patrie, Pour la gloire, pour l'honneur, pour notre liberté. Nos voix s'élèvent, nos poings frappent le sol, Un cri de guerre, un espoir qui résonne, Par le feu et le fer, nous briserons leurs chaînes, Pour redonner à notre terre sa grandeur, sa fierté. Révolution, levez-vous, brandissez vos armes, Contre la cruauté, l'injustice et les flammes, Nous reprendrons la France, notre patrie, Pour la gloire, pour l'honneur, pour notre liberté. Pour la gloire, pour l'honneur, pour notre liberté, Nous marcherons ensemble, unis et décidés.


Sylvan is a booty cheek! Please flush Sylvan and silas down the toilet. Thank you for flushing yourself down the toilet!

Blood Moon Blues-Taco-AI-singing
Blood Moon Blues


Rainbow Rage-Skyler-AI-singing
Rainbow Rage

[Verse] Under neon lights in dark alleys Trapped and fighting claws and malice Judged by eyes that cut so deep With no shelter where we sleep [Verse 2] Strength in softness broken chains Rising from the ashes pain Voices shouting past the fear We exist we breathe we're here [Chorus] Rainbow rage fists of fire Break the cage lift us higher Scream our names more than faces Courage found in all spaces [Verse 3] Lies and labels ain't our truth Streets ignited here’s the proof Ghosts in closets burn the night Reclaim love reclaim the light [Bridge] No more silence in the shadow Hearts ignite furious meadow Break the chains tear the veil United forces never fail [Chorus] Rainbow rage fists of fire Break the cage lift us higher Scream our names more than faces Courage found in all spaces

shey amare-Kevin v-AI-singing
shey amare

সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না কার কপালের টিপ কার কপালের টিপ কার হয়ে যায় চলে গিয়ে ভুল করেছে ভুল করে সে ফুল হয়ে যায় ভুল করে সে ফুল হয়ে যায় সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না কোন সে ভারে নুইয়ে পরে কুয়া তলে নৌকা দোলে সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না কোন সে রাতে আঁচল নাচে শীতের রাতে পিঠা উড়ে সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না কার কপালের টিপ কার কপালের টিপ কার হয়ে যায় চলে গিয়ে ভুল করেছে ভুল করে সে ফুল হয়ে যায় ভুল করে সে ফুল হয়ে যায় সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না সে আমারে আমার হতে দেয় না

I was never book smart-Jim-AI-singing
I was never book smart

As Walter White bangs his head on the countertop 999,999 times in a single second He thinks to himself, "this ain't no accident" As he picks up a rifle and aims it at JFK One shot, one kill, a job well done All the while, Walter's brain has been bruised like none Cause when you bang your head 999,999 times in a second You're bound to do some pretty insane things