Happy When You're Near

Song Created By @Diamond With AI Singing

음악 음성

Happy When You're Near
created by Diamond
Happy When You're Near
created by Diamond

음악 상세 정보

가사 텍스트

In the dark I see light
Your smile takes my fright
Every echo in my mind
Fades when you're by my side

[Verse 2]
You break the silence loud
Make me want to scream out
Heartbeat racing like a drum
With you it’s never numb

Happy when you're near
All my fears disappear
You’re the beat in my chest
You're my chaos and my rest

[Verse 3]
City lights don’t shine as bright
As your eyes in the night
Every shadow loses grip
When you hold me like this

Echoes fade in your embrace
In your smile I find my place
I feel alive with every touch
With you it's never too much

Happy when you're near
All my fears disappear
You’re the beat in my chest
You're my chaos and my rest

음악 스타일 설명

strong bass drill visual kei

가사 언어


Emotional Analysis

The song's lyrics convey a sense of comfort, happiness, and security that comes from being with someone special. The imagery of light, smiles, heartbeat, and embrace evokes feelings of love and contentment.

Application Scenarios

This song could be used in romantic settings, such as weddings, anniversaries, or as background music for heartfelt moments in films or commercials.

Technical Analysis

The use of strong bass and drill elements in the music style complements the emotional depth of the lyrics, creating a powerful and dynamic sound. The visual kei influence adds a visual and theatrical aspect to the performance, enhancing the overall impact of the song.

관련 음악 더 많은 스타일의 음악

Love in the Air-Prakash-AI-singing
Love in the Air

[Verse] I see your face bright like the sun Your eyes they shine we become one Heartbeats fast we're on the run In this love game we've just begun [Verse 2] Whispering sweet words in my ear Every moment with you oh so dear With your touch my doubts disappear Holding you close keeping you near [Chorus] Love in the air feeling so new You and I just me and you Nothing else matters nothing to do In this world it's just us two [Verse] Walking down streets hand in hand Dreaming of life perfectly planned Our love strong like the ocean sand In your eyes a lover's land [Bridge] Never let go we’ll rise above Perfect harmony two in love Endless sky stars shining above Together forever in this love [Chorus] Love in the air feeling so new You and I just me and you Nothing else matters nothing to do In this world it's just us two


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Rider of the Crimson Road-James-AI-singing
Rider of the Crimson Road

[Verse] Ben The restless soul Always something new First it was shootin' Then Warhammer too Metal detector buzzin' Found some rusty gold Diamond setting shiny In his hardened hold [Verse 2] Gym or grind Muscles made of steel Now he's talkin' motors Feels the burning wheel Every week a hobby Never stands still Craves the roar of engines Needs another thrill [Chorus] Rider of the crimson road No chains can bind Hobbies burn like fire Never far behind From shootin' to the diamonds Now the motor calls Ben's soul craves the chaos The ride never stalls [Verse 3] Gravel dust Helmet in the wind Handles tight Desires yet to end Engine roars Beast beneath the frame Ben chases shadows Constant in his game [Bridge] Speed and fury Crave his restless mind Heart of steel grinds Never be confined Foot on the pedal Throttle to the red Ben's new hobby The beast must be fed [Verse 4] Every week a journey Paths unknown Echoes of the engine Into dark he's thrown From lead to diamonds Ceaseless in his chase Motor as his beacon Through the night's embrace

Alexandra’s Fries-MJ-AI-singing
Alexandra’s Fries

[Verse] Alexandra loves her fries Golden crispy broad or thin Salt them up and hear her sigh Bite of joy that makes her grin [Verse 2] She don’t need no fancy dish Just a plate of fries to munch Ketchup side or mayo wish Every time it's fries for lunch [Chorus] Alexandra’s fries oh she cries Every day can’t get enough Bites of gold light in her eyes Fries are love and fries are tough [Verse 3] She'll walk miles just to find That perfect spot where fries are kind Crunchy warm and soft inside Alexandra’s fries her guide [Bridge] No fancy feasts no lavish buys Just a simple plate of fries Hold the burgers hold the pies Fries alone can reach her highs [Verse 4] Up the mountain through the snow Alexandra's fries in tow Anywhere she dares to go Oh those fries they always show

Dancing in the Neon-Clercq-AI-singing
Dancing in the Neon

[Verse] City lights they shine so bright Echoes pulse in the night Feel the rhythm find the beat Lost in crowds on the street [Verse 2] Heartbeat syncs with flashing lights Shadows dance in neon nights Feel the vibe the music's near Every sound is crystal clear [Chorus] We keep dancing till the dawn In the night we're never gone Lost in dreams we come alive In this world we truly thrive [Verse 3] Step by step we move as one Underneath the glowing sun Hands in air we reach the sky In this moment we can fly [Bridge] No more worry no more fear In the music we are here Let the melody take flight In the dark we find our light [Chorus] We keep dancing till the dawn In the night we're never gone Lost in dreams we come alive In this world we truly thrive

Hurricane Birthday-StreetMedic3598-AI-singing
Hurricane Birthday

[Verse] Birthday girl she stands alone Wind howls through her bones Sand and rain collide tonight Storm rages she holds tight [Verse 2] Candles flicker in her eyes Lightning cuts the midnight skies Twenty-three it feels so near Hurricane screams but she won't fear [Chorus] Dance in the storm feel alive Hurricane howls we survive Under moonlit chaos we thrive In the dark we come alive [Verse 3] Waves crash fierce upon the shore She wants this night forevermore Nature’s fury takes the stage Through the tempest comes of age [Bridge] Heartbeats echo in the wind Hurricane's our only friend Celebrate the wild and free Tonight's her night a memory [Chorus] Dance in the storm feel alive Hurricane howls we survive Under moonlit chaos we thrive In the dark we come alive

Roblox is ohio sigma-Patrick-AI-singing
Roblox is ohio sigma


Renault Obsession-James-AI-singing
Renault Obsession

[Verse] Ben, 30 years, got a ride that’s a beast, Pourin' greens in the machine, call it his prime feast. R26, sleek lines, metallic soul, Dreamin' to be a Renault to rock and roll. He polishes the body, smooth strokes on the chrome, Obsessed like a dog, never leavin' it alone. [Verse 2] Friends whisper in the corners, say Ben’s gone mad, "Spent more on repairs, than it’s worth, that’s sad." He don’t care though, got tools and a dream, Cuttin’ checks like it’s nothin', in that midnight gleam. Knuckles bleed on the gears, love in each screech, This Renault romance, beyond normal reach. [Chorus] He wishes metal skin, to merge with the wheels, Flesh to synthetic, blurred lines, life surreal. Fusion of man and machine, in that turbo thrill, Not worried 'bout costs, just chasing that chill. [Bridge] Friends be like, "Yo Ben, time to get a grip," But he’s high on octane, takin' that trip. Can’t separate the love from the pipes and the rips, Bound to this Renault, tighter than vice grips. [Verse 3] Late nights in the garage, whispers to the ride, “Together, my Renault, we’ll never divide.” Every cent, well spent, in this twisted affection, Wishing for the impossible, metal body perfection. [Chorus] He wishes metal skin, to merge with the wheels, Flesh to synthetic, blurred lines, life surreal. Fusion of man and machine, in that turbo thrill, Not worried 'bout costs, just chasing that chill.

Renault Love-James-AI-singing
Renault Love

[Verse] Thirty year old Ben Loves his Renault R26 Spends his nights in the garage Fixing up his old fix [Verse 2] More money than it's worth But he doesn't even care Friends say Ben's gone crazy But he just won't repair [Chorus] If I were a Renault I would be your dream We'd drive a thousand miles On a never-ending stream [Verse 3] His hands oiled and dirty Heart racing when it's near A love story for the ages Machine Man And gear [Bridge] Some think it's obsession But Ben knows it's true passion Every dent and every scratch A story A reaction [Chorus] If I were a Renault I would be your dream We'd drive a thousand miles On a never-ending stream

Crypto Jeets-Sat-AI-singing
Crypto Jeets

[Verse] They buy the tops they never stop Riding high till markets flop Eyes on charts fingers twitch Hoping that it makes them rich [Verse 2] They sell the drops never learn Wallets burn at every turn Wide-eyed dreams of moon so bright Vaporize in market’s night [Chorus] Oh jeets are wild chasing gold Fortunes lost stories told Buy the tops and sell the drops Hopes afloat until it pops [Verse 3] FOMO strong they rush ahead Dreams of green they’re being led Graphs go down panic in eyes Sell the dip in fear they fly [Chorus] Oh jeets are wild chasing gold Fortunes lost stories told Buy the tops and sell the drops Hopes afloat until it pops [Bridge] Patience gone in snap of light Chasing heights through darkest night Crypto dreams just come and go Up and down the rivers flow

Body Snatchers-Black-AI-singing
Body Snatchers

[Verse] They watch from the shadows Eyes cold and gray Whisper secrets in the night Steal our dreams away [Verse 2] Leaders in the dark Puppets on a string Promises are hollow Their lies take wing [Chorus] Body snatchers in the night Taking what’s ours no fight They control with unseen hands In this twisted land [Verse 3] Music sold and bought Hearts twisted in the wire Sing a tune for fortune Lose soul in the fire [Verse 4] Chasing fame like ghosts In a glittering haze Dance to their cold tune Lose in their maze [Bridge] Break the chains we’re bound Voice our truths out loud Rise up from the ground Fight the growing crowd

Ben and His R26-James-AI-singing
Ben and His R26

[Verse] Ben's thirty man loves his ride Renault R26 keeps him alive Pours cash into that old machine More than it's worth but it's his queen [Verse 2] Friends laugh man they just don't get it See him twistin bolts sweatin fixin Love for metal not for human Gone too far man just keep screwin [Chorus] Wishes he was Renault metal So he could fuck it feel the pedal Lost in chrome and gasoline dream Machine's his life or so it seems [Bridge] Eyes wild hands greasy heart on fire Merged with his ride his only desire Friends worry call him deranged But Ben don't care he won't change [Verse 3] Lonely nights in garage light Caressin curves whisperin tight R26 you got my soul Ran out of friends but I'm still whole [Chorus] Wishes he was Renault metal So he could fuck it feel the pedal Lost in chrome and gasoline dream Machine's his life or so it seems