Nyári Nap Alatt

Song Created By @Maddoxx “Maddoxx” With AI Singing

Music Audio

Nyári Nap Alatt
created by Maddoxx “Maddoxx”
Nyári Nap Alatt
created by Maddoxx “Maddoxx”

Music Details

Lyrics Text

Nyári nap alatt, a tengerparton,
Szkításom mély, mint az óceán.
Elkeseredettségem, mint a hullámok,
Törnek rám, s nem hagyják abba.

A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj,
Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom.
A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít,
Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.

A homokban járok, lábnyomokat hagyok,
De a múlt szele elviszi őket.
A nyár illata betölti a lelkem,
De a szívem még mindig régi sebeket őriz.

A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj,
Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom.
A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít,
Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.

A szkításom tánca, a parton végig,
Mint a táncos, ki elvesztette a ritmust.
A nyár dallama elhal a távolban,
Míg a szívemben csak a csend marad.

A napfény simogat, de a szívem fáj,
Az emlékek súlya alatt roskadozom.
A szellő hűsít, de nem enyhít,
Az elkeseredettség tüzét nem oltja el.

Description of Music Style


Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics convey a sense of deep melancholy and despair, as the protagonist grapples with painful memories and desperation that seem to overwhelm them.

Application Scenarios

This song could be suitable for listening to during moments of introspection or when in need of catharsis. It could also be used in settings where a darker emotional atmosphere is desired, such as in certain types of media productions.

Technical Analysis

The song features a consistent and powerful rhythm typical of the Metal genre, with intense instrumentals and vocals that convey raw emotions. The use of imagery in the lyrics creates a vivid narrative that complements the overall tone of the music.

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Eternal Nightmares-Breanne-AI-singing
Eternal Nightmares

[Verse] Shadows rise Consume the light Endless void Eternal night Fear and hate Born anew Blood and bones Break through [Verse 2] Screaming souls Drowned in fire Torn apart by dark desire Nails and teeth Rip and shred World of pain Draped in dread [Chorus] Crimson rain Feed the beast Sacrifice Darkened feast Twisted minds Born of sin Embrace the void Let it begin [Verse 3] Ravenous thirst Endless scream Flesh and steel Tear the dream Ashes fall Kingdom black Merciless No turning back [Verse 4] Endless war Chaos reigns Wretched cries Endless pains Chains of death Hold you tight Bow to rage Lose the fight [Bridge] Broken wills Shattered hearts Carnage wild Tearing apart In this void We find our fate Despair and hate Seal the gate


[Verse] 闇の中から、悪魔が現れる 破壊と恐怖、街を飲み込む [Verse 2] 炎の翼、燃え上がる街 絶望の叫び、夜を裂く [Chorus] 巨大な悪魔、全てを壊す 無慈悲な力、終わりなき恐怖 [Verse 3] 血の雨が降り、骨が砕ける 絶え間ない痛み、希望は消える [Bridge] 逃げ場はない、魂を奪う 巨大な爪、命を裂ける [Chorus] 巨大な悪魔、全てを壊す 無慈悲な力、終わりなき恐怖

Shockwave Showdown-Ryan-AI-singing
Shockwave Showdown

[Verse] City lights burn like acid dreams Neon veins pumping sick electric screams Crank it up feel the surge in your bones Metal heartbeat shatterin' all thrones [Verse 2] Static voices whisper curse my name Thunderstorm inside can't tame the flame Raging fire tearing through my veins On the edge again dance with the insane [Chorus] Battle cries tearing at the seams Electric shock rap where darkness gleams Fightin' for a crown in a broken world Chaos is the anthem banners unfurled [Verse 3] Bassline hammer like a war drum beat Adrenaline surge make you feel the heat Underdogs rise with a rebel's soul In this wild riot we play the role [Verse 4] Sparks fly in the twilight zone In the heart of madness we make our home No surrender no retreat in sight In the black of night we ignite the light [Bridge] Hear the clash where titans meet In this electric storm we can't be beat Claws out no mercy no escape This is our battlefield forged by hate

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Electric Dreams


Big City Business Small Town Fight-Robert-AI-singing
Big City Business Small Town Fight

[Verse] Big city streets corners dark hustles silent Broken dreams in the flickering light cold signs stark Steel monsters roar concrete veins vibrating Selling souls on the quick shadow trade night [Verse 2] Where you going hey cruel walls won't answer Towering glass steel gods laugh from above Small town boy finds the city's gut punch Fistful of dirt for a heart full of love [Chorus] Big city business small town fight Running round corners lost in the night Shiny suits bleeding dollars from your eyes Keep pushing back but they breed their lies [Verse 3] Folks back home they whisper stories in the wind John's still fighting the ghost of what he couldn't win Small town fields now feel the burn of neglect As skyscrapers rise they fall to defect [Bridge] Back streets remember every lost face Grime tells stories it never can erase Blur of speed in this concrete wild race Claw your way up or just vanish in space [Verse 4] Still hear Mama's voice calling me home But this city it pounds right to the bone Small boy dreams singe like cigarette burns City lights crush hopes at every turn

Self hatred-HK416-AI-singing
Self hatred

Verse 1: In the depths of my mind, I wage a silent war, Lost in my own lies, can’t find the man I was before. Every night’s a battlefield, every thought’s a curse, Drowning in self-loathing, sinking in the worst. Chorus: Hatred in my veins, I'm bound by my own chains. In my soul, the darkness reigns, I'm the remnants of a broken flame. Verse 2: I’m a shadow in the light, a whisper in the wind, Haunted by my failures, trapped in the sins. Every glance in the mirror, a dagger to my heart, I’m tearing at the seams, falling apart. Chorus: Hatred in my veins, I'm bound by my own chains. In my soul, the darkness reigns, I'm the remnants of a broken flame. Bridge: No forgiveness, no escape, I'm caught in the web of my own mistakes. Every step forward pulls me back, In this endless loop, I fade to black. Chorus: Hatred in my veins, I'm bound by my own chains. In my soul, the darkness reigns, I'm the remnants of a broken flame.


Verse 1: I see the enemy staring back at me, In the night, I roam, lost inside my misery. Every move I make, every breath I take, Is a constant reminder of each and every mistake. Chorus: Self-hatred in my mind, Chained by my own design. In my heart, the shadows creep, I'm the ghost of dreams I couldn't keep. Verse 2: In the silence of the dark, I hear the echoes call, Telling me I’m nothing, that I will always fall. Every whispered word, every silent scream, Is a nail in the coffin of what I used to dream. Chorus: Self-hatred in my mind, Chained by my own design. In my heart, the shadows creep, I'm the ghost of dreams I couldn't keep. Bridge: No redemption, no way out, I’m tangled in my fears, drowning in self-doubt. Every day’s a battle, I’m losing to myself, In this endless war, there's no one else. Chorus: Self-hatred in my mind, Chained by my own design. In my heart, the shadows creep, I'm the ghost of dreams I couldn't keep.

Senjata 8-Amirul-AI-singing
Senjata 8

Di tempat kerja harus hati-hati, Kecedera an tercucuk jarum boleh terjadi tak kira hari, Kendalikan jarum pakai buang dengan teliti Jangan di letak kan di sana sini Buang ditempat yang betul itu yang pasti Agar tak membahayakan rakan dan diri Latihan yang cukup, kakitangan berpengetahuan tinggi, Ikut Prosedur ,langkah diikuti, Kesedaran tinggi, sentiasa ingat mengingati Kawalan infeksi perlu dipatuhi Elak En Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN ES Ai sasaran dicari, Elak EN Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN Es Ai sasaran cari, Ha haa hu huuu Ha haa hu huuu ha haa hu huuu Latihan yang cukup, kakitangan berpengetahuan tinggi, Ikut Pro sedur ,langkah diikuti, Kesedaran tinggi, sentiasa ingat mengingati Kawalan infeksi perlu dipatuhi Elak En Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN ES Ai sasaran dicari, Elak EN Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN Es Ai sasaran cari,

Senjata 8-Amirul-AI-singing
Senjata 8

Tapak mula seru Dia Khatam dan tiga purnama Buka jalan kaki kanan Empat pojok bukan saja jalan-jalan Orang kata sudah pistol-pistolan Peduli apa aku ada senjata lapan Datang tubuh kekar aku langgar Buah chakak jadi barang cagar Main lincah aku sambut gayong Main buah aku cari asal Main gerak aku kunci bayang Main elat macam dalam bangsal Hu ha hu… CHORUS Nafas empat dua empat dua Seteru hilang angin jadi mayat Kawan Lakhus hilang dalam ayat Lawan ghadab Fathonah Usah poyo bila ada selendang baldu Belum cuba belum tahu Janggut tebal kuntau lebat Belum jamin engkau selamat Sembang kencang Hidung tinggi macam seludang Al wahn simpan dalam balang Ada hati mahu pergi perang Hu ha hu…..

Tercucuk jarum 6-Amirul-AI-singing
Tercucuk jarum 6

Di tempat kerja harus hati-hati, Kecederaan tercucuk jarum boleh terjadi tak kira hari, Kendalikan jarum pakai buang dengan teliti Jangan disepahkan di sana sini Buang ditempat yang betul itu yang pasti Agar tak membahayakan rakan dan diri Latihan yang cukup, kakitangan berpengetahuan tinggi, Ikut Prosedur ,langkah diikuti, Kesedaran tinggi, sentiasa ingat mengingati Kawalan infeksi perlu dipatuhi Elak En Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN ES Ai sasaran dicari, Elak EN Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN Es Ai sasaran cari, Latihan yang cukup, kakitangan berpengetahuan tinggi, Ikut Prosedur ,langkah diikuti, Kesedaran tinggi, sentiasa ingat mengingati Kawalan infeksi perlu dipatuhi Elak En Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN ES Ai sasaran dicari, Elak EN Es Ai setiap hari, Zero EN Es Ai sasaran cari,

Rebel Yell-obi-AI-singing
Rebel Yell

[Verse] Brick walls scream back shadows fight breathless Graffiti scars promise no tomorrow Shattered moon laughs darkness swallows Lost souls wander seeking light in madness [Verse 2] Broken bottles dreams whisper in the gutter Street lights flicker like hope in the corner Rusted chains bind our voice in thunder We rise we roar shattered bones won't splinter [Chorus] Rebel yell scream the night wide open Chains break bridges burn we're chosen Thunder echoes rage ain't broken By the fire by the fire we keep rollin' [Verse 3] Iron fists clash sparks ignite the fury Neon signs cry tears of toxic worry Caged hearts beat loud in the city's glory Heroes fall rise write their own story [Bridge] Blood runs cold steel hearts on fire Echoes of the fallen scream higher Rebellion's hymn fuels the tire Burn bright through the wire through the wire [Chorus] Rebel yell scream the night wide open Chains break bridges burn we're chosen Thunder echoes rage ain't broken By the fire by the fire we keep rollin'

Generasi AI-Amirul-AI-singing
Generasi AI

Di tempat kerja harus waspada, Tercucuk jarum boleh terjadi, Buang dengan betul, ditempat yang disediakan, Utamakan keselamatan,kecederaan dihindari, Jarum pakai buang, jangan buat sembarangan, Berhati-hati ketika mengendalikannya Jaga keselamatan,cegah jangkitan Kita semua selamat, itulah misi kita Latihan yang cukup, berpengetahuan tinggi, Prosedur dipatuhi,langkah diikuti, Kesedaran tinggi, sentiasa berhati-hati Kawalan infeksi diamalkan,diingati Zero En Es Ai dapat disasari Cegah En Es Ai amalkan setiap hari, Zero EN ES Ai sasaran kita, Cegah EN Es Ai amalkan setiap hari, Zero EN Es Ai sasaran kita, Latihan yang cukup, berpengetahuan tinggi, Prosedur dipatuhi,langkah diikuti, Kesedaran tinggi, sentiasa berhati-hati Kawalan infeksi diamalkan,diingati Zero En Es Ai dapat disasari Cegah En Es Ai amalkan setiap hari, Zero EN ES Ai sasaran kita, Cegah EN Es Ai amalkan setiap hari, Zero EN Es Ai sasaran kita,