다시 일어날때

Song Created By @짱언니 With AI Singing

Music Audio

다시 일어날때
created by 짱언니
다시 일어날때
created by 짱언니

Music Details

Lyrics Text

한 발 앞으로
힘차게 걸어가며
꿈을 향해 힘차게
함께 가는 걸 외쳐

어두운 밤을 뚫고
빛나는 내일을 향해
소리쳐봐 함께라면
우리 함께 이길 거야

무너진 내 마음 다시
새로운 희망으로 채워
울지 말고 소리쳐봐
네 힘찬 내일을 위해

용기를 가져 함께
달려가는 그 순간까지
멈추지 말고 걸어봐
세상은 우리 편이야

Description of Music Style


Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

Empowering and hopeful

Application Scenarios

Inspiration, motivation, perseverance

Technical Analysis

The song features a blend of rock and ballad elements, with powerful vocals and uplifting lyrics. The melody is likely to be dynamic with strong emotional peaks and the instrumentation may include electric guitars, drums, and possibly orchestral elements to enhance the emotional impact.

Related Music More Styles of Music

Journey to Valhalla-Antonis-AI-singing
Journey to Valhalla

[Verse] Cold wind blows across the sea Longships sail to destiny Odin's eye watches from afar Guiding us by the northern star [Verse 2] Thor's hammer strikes against the sky Thunder roars the gods on high Lightning splits the darkened clouds Warriors fight fearless proud [Chorus] To Valhalla we ride Where the brave never die In Odin's hall we feast With the gods side by side [Verse 3] Loki's trickery knows no bounds Shapeshifter wearing many crowns Heimdall's horn will sound the end To Hel and back our spirits fend [Verse 4] Tyr's sacrifice holds the line Valor shines a sword divine Baldur's light pierces the gloom Reborn from his icy tomb [Chorus] To Valhalla we ride Where the brave never die In Odin's hall we feast With the gods side by side

SŁOWO NA NIEDZIELĘ-Radosław-AI-singing

W małym mieście przy niedzieli, Diabeł w Rynku się objawił. Ludzi bacznie obserwując, takie o to treści prawił... -Jak to jest, że przy ołtarzu tu w świątyni siedzi gość, który żonę w domu bije tak że biedna woła dość? Zaraz za nim Panie strojne takie wiekiem już leciwe, które wnet o miejsca w ławce przepychają się tu chciwie? Rzecz to prawie niesłychana, ludzie patrzą spode łba. Na sąsiada, który przyszedł z panną której nikt nie zna.- I tak prawił ten Bies stary, przy kościele kwitły bzy. -Ludzie tak się zachowują, a to ja jestem ten zły...-

SŁOWO NA NIEDZIELĘ-Radosław-AI-singing

W małym mieście przy niedzieli, Diabeł w Rynku się objawił. Ludzi bacznie obserwując, takie o to treści prawił... -Jak to jest, że przy ołtarzu tu w świątyni siedzi gość, który żonę w domu bije tak że biedna woła dość? Zaraz za nim Panie strojne takie wiekiem już leciwe, które wnet o miejsca w ławce przepychają się tu chciwie? Rzecz to prawie niesłychana, ludzie patrzą spode łba. Na sąsiada, który przyszedł z panną której nikt nie zna.- I tak prawił ten Bies stary, przy kościele kwitły bzy. -Ludzie tak się zachowują, a to ja jestem ten zły...-


Decide the style of music you want to create(e.g., 'acoustic pop'). models do not recognize artists'names.but do understand genres and vibes.

Bad Guy Sad Guy-Grim-AI-singing
Bad Guy Sad Guy

[Verse] Dark clouds over my head Heavy heart my bed Asked if she still talks to them Should've known what'd happen then [Verse 2] Tears fall from her eyes Guess I'm not the kinda guy Overthinking in my head Now our love is painted red [Chorus] I'm the bad guy sad guy Made her cry tonight Bad guy sad guy Wishing I could make it right [Bridge] Tangled thoughts in my mind Been a fool not so kind Lost trust for just a while Now my life's a heavy mile [Verse 3] Text messages unread Wishing I could take it back instead Her voice is in my dreams Nothing's ever as it seems [Chorus] I'm the bad guy sad guy Made her cry tonight Bad guy sad guy Wishing I could make it right


[Verse] 战士们准备好了 武器在手中闪亮 我们一起勇敢面对 不让敌人侵占家乡 [Verse 2] 兄弟们互相帮助 力量在心中激荡 团结是我们的信念 无惧风雨不忘理想 [Chorus] 战士们一起上 我们心连着心 坚守这片土地 胜利属于我们 [Verse 3] 汗水在额头滚烫 双手握紧希望 我们无畏无惧 在战场上怒放 [Bridge] 共同前行 一起坚守 信念在心中燃烧 战友们 永远依靠 直到胜利的那一秒 [Chorus] 战士们一起上 我们心连着心 坚守这片土地 胜利属于我们


Prompt: https://i.imgur.com/6GZ1v0X.jpeg /tBW19nj.jpeg homem, negro, cabelos curtos, olhos negros, paletó cinza claro, disney style, chibi, full body, cute, smiling, unreal engine, detailed, ultra high definition, 8k Image without compression Prompt: https://i.postimg.cc/k5cwx33L/cc28a935-6b0a-4359-b195-2981933f19b0.jpg casal, ele negro, ela branca, ela de vestido preto, ele de paletó preto https://i.postimg.cc/k5cwx33L/cc28a935-6b0a-4359-b195-2981933f19b0.jpg Prompt: https://i.postimg.cc/k5cwx33L/cc28a935-6b0a-4359-b195-2981933f19b0.jpg casal, ele negro, ela branca, ela de vestido preto, ele de paletó preto https://i.postimg.cc/k5cwx33L/cc28a935-6b0a-4359-b195-2981933f19b0.jpg O bot já criou 5 músicas para você – este é o limite da assinatura atual para /Suno O bot ainda responderá a perguntas em texto. 🚀 Faça upgrade de sua assinatura e compre até 200 gerações de músicas com o Suno na seção /premium 🔀 Modo de continuação da música. Você pode escolher o mesmo estilo de música ou um novo. 🎵 Estilo de Música: rock BARATAS, CUPINS, RATOS, PERCEVEJOS, NEM PENSAR, ACABOU O SEU PROBLEMA, A PHHP SERVIÇOS DÁ UM FIM NESSE DILEMA, É SÓ CHAMAR QUE VAMOS EXTERMINAR, É SÓ CHAMAR NO WHATSAPP: VINTE HUM, NOVE, NOVE, QUINHENTOS E NOVE, SETE, TRÊS, MEIA CINCO, P H H P SERVIÇOS, REPETINDO: VINTE HUM, NOVE, NOVE, QUINHENTOS E NOVE, SETE TRÊS, MEIA CINCO, P H H P SERVIÇOS E ADEUS PRAGAS.

Downward Spiral-Rerraseth-AI-singing
Downward Spiral

[Verse] Numb nights shadows crawl Needle whispers take it all Faded dreams empty void Whisked away chance destroyed [Verse 2] Blurry stares lost in echo Tattered veins desperate hollow Ghosts of laughter buried deep Scars on skin pain won't sleep [Chorus] Dark descent can't break free Poison kiss won't let me be Falling faster lost my way Chasing ghosts every day [Verse 3] Cold sweat trembling lie Faking life on borrowed time Darkened eyes haunted past Grip of steel shadows cast [Bridge] Fragmented mind broken tune Silent screams under the moon Chasing highs drowning lows Endless fight nobody knows [Verse 4] Echoed voices solemn plea Shattered hope can’t you see Burning bridges nothing’s left Wasted dreams final theft

Minecraft survival-lllREDQUEEN666-AI-singing
Minecraft survival

(Verse 1) In a blocky world, where the sun sets low, I mine for diamonds, watch my garden grow. From crafting tools to building towers tall, Creepers lurking, ready for the nightfall. (Pre-Chorus) With my pickaxe in hand, and my sword by my side, I'll survive this world, where adventures collide. (Chorus) Mining through the darkness, under starlit skies, Crafting my path, where the lava rivers lie. With each block I place, and each battle I win, One step closer to the Ender Dragon within. (Verse 2) Through the Nether's fire, where the ghasts scream loud, I gather blaze rods, and face the dangerous crowd. Obsidian towers rise, portals shimmer bright, In this pixelated realm, where I fight the fight. (Pre-Chorus) With my armor of iron, and potions brewed strong, I'll conquer the challenges, prove that I belong. (Chorus) Navigating strongholds, maze-like and vast, Eyes of Ender guiding, as I travel so fast. With courage as my guide, and teamwork at my back, To the End dimension, where destiny's on track. (Bridge) In the End's eerie silence, the dragon waits, A battle for survival, against the fearsome fates. With bows drawn tight, and hearts filled with pride, We face the dragon, in this realm so wide. (Chorus) With each strike we make, and each breath we take, The dragon falls, the ground begins to shake. As the portal opens wide, and the credits roll, I've finished the game, achieved my ultimate goal. (Outro) In this world of blocks, where dreams take flight, I've conquered Minecraft, in the day and the night. But the adventure continues, the world's still mine, Forever in this sandbox, where my creations shine.

Знов без світла-Олександр-AI-singing
Знов без світла

**[Куплет 1]** Бляха-муха, темрява, світло знову зникло, Як же жити, хоч би мигнуло, як ми тут звикли! Генератор реве, навколо шум і крики, І мобільний інтернет - справжнє наше диво. **[Куплет 2]** Свічки вмикаю, кімнату світлом зігріваю, Знову ніч пережити, в компі не зіграю. Сусіди з генератором не дають спати, Електрика потрібна, як вода у крані! **[Приспів]** Чорна ніч, проблеми - ми разом тут всі, Світло чекаємо, наче наказу з висоти! Темрява мине, і світло знов прийде, Електрика до нас колись таки зайде! **[Куплет 3]** Тримаю смартфон, підключаюсь, як можу, Сигнал через мобільний - це взагалі не гоже! Генератор у сусіда крутить все, що може, До світанку йдемо, хоч ніч темна й довга! **[Брідж]** Життя без світла - це ще не кінець, Ми все витримаємо, віримо в свій герць! Генератор гуде, ночі темні долаємо, Світло повернеться, ми сильні - не зламаємось! **[Приспів]** Чорна ніч, проблеми - ми разом тут всі, Світло чекаємо, наче наказу з висоти! Темрява мине, і світло знов прийде, Електрика до нас колись таки зайде!

Lonely Road-Brodie-AI-singing
Lonely Road

[Verse] Empty bottles on dusty floors Echoes of laughter long gone In a diner where dreams decay Old jukebox whisperin' tales of gray [Verse 2] Truck tires roll on a lonesome trail Ain't no end in sight or holy grail Faith slips like sand through calloused hands No savior in these forsaken lands [Chorus] Lonely road takes me down Cryin' out without a sound Shadow chasin' moonlit glow Ain't no peace where I go [Verse 3] Neon signs flicker like broke hearts Barstool prophets spinnin' their darts Whiskey burn under starless skies Weeping songs of long goodbyes [Verse 4] Guitar strings hum a mournful tune Lost souls howlin' at the moon In the mirror I see faded eyes A man who’s lived a thousand lies [Bridge] Nothin' left but miles and dust Broken dreams beneath the rust Hope drifts like smoke in dawn’s first light Another endless Tear-streaked night

Tee- paita rock.-Ville-AI-singing
Tee- paita rock.

Tää on tee-paita rokkii, jengi hyppii ja pomppii.