
Song Created By @WN With AI Singing

Áudio da Música

created by WN
created by WN

Detalhes da Música


Shining lights we're in the game
Chasing dreams you know the name
Running fast no time to waste
To the top we set the pace

[Verse 2]
Future's bright neon sky
Reach for stars oh we'll fly high
One by one we stand in line
Ready now it's our time

Stardom calling hear the beat
Feel the rhythm move your feet
Rise together never stop
On this stage we reach the top

[Verse 3]
Hearts are pounding feel the heat
Every move is on repeat
Underneath the spotlight's glow
We are stars and it will show

Dreams collide now here we stand
Holding tight to our own brand
In this moment we'll take flight
Shine forever burning bright

Stardom calling hear the beat
Feel the rhythm move your feet
Rise together never stop
On this stage we reach the top

Descrição do Estilo Musical

kpop beat electro y2k

Idioma das Letras


Emotional Analysis

The song conveys a confident, energetic, and uplifting emotion. It inspires determination, chasing dreams, and a shared sense of achievement.

Application Scenarios

This song would be great for a motivational playlist, workout sessions, dance performances, or as a background track for a vlog or motivational content.

Technical Analysis

The song features a kpop beat with an electro y2k style. It has a catchy and upbeat melody, with a dynamic rhythm that encourages movement and high energy. The lyrics focus on themes of pursuing dreams, reaching for stardom, and shining brightly in the spotlight.

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漫步於蜿蜒的林間小徑。 身旁跟隨著小黑狗。 仰望晴朗的天空, 和蝴蝶在溪流旁相遇, 五色鳥飛過樹梢。 摘下香甜的蘋果, 落葉搖曳在半空中。 太陽划向天際, 黑夜從另一端蔓延。 無人知曉是餘蔭追逐光, 還是光尋覓餘蔭。 回望身後寂靜的小路。 牠早已消失在黑夜中, 沒有留下曾經存在的證據。 雲層遮擋了星空, 和天空的距離越來越遠。 在溪流旁守候, 等待不會發生的重逢。 樹梢又在等誰經過, 期待霎那成永恆。 剩下時間的年輪, 分解複雜的葉脈。 蘇打水留不住氣泡, 誰將玩偶遺落在路旁。 停下還在旋轉的陀螺, 放任時間帶走希望。

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