Zachary and Alexandra

Song Created By @Alexandre With AI Singing

Áudio da Música

Zachary and Alexandra
created by Alexandre
Zachary and Alexandra
created by Alexandre

Detalhes da Música


Zach met Alex on a sunny day
Holding hands they found their way
But there’s a storm in a friend’s eyes
He don't see love he sees lies

[Verse 2]
Running wild hearts on fire
Feeling high never tire
But whispers start from the shadows
Friend’s disapproval like arrows

They don't care what others say
Zach and Alex find their way
Hand in hand they face the night
In their love they see the light

[Verse 3]
Friend says Zach don’t be blind
Says this love you can’t find
But true love is what they see
A love that makes them free

They stand strong against the storm
Hearts together keeping warm
Friend can’t break what’s built so strong
Zach and Alex can’t be wrong

They don't care what others say
Zach and Alex find their way
Hand in hand they face the night
In their love they see the light

Descrição do Estilo Musical

pop rock

Idioma das Letras


Emotional Analysis

The song's lyrics portray a sense of rebellion, determination, and love in the face of adversity. It reflects the emotions of defiance, passion, and unwavering conviction.

Application Scenarios

This song resonates with individuals who are in a relationship facing external opposition or those who are determined to stand by their love despite societal disapproval.

Technical Analysis

The song features a pop-rock style with upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and expressive vocals. It likely incorporates guitar-driven instrumentation and dynamic arrangements to convey the emotional intensity of the lyrics.

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