Crush d'Un Stage

Song Created By @Naomi With AI Singing


Crush d'Un Stage
created by Naomi
Crush d'Un Stage
created by Naomi



Semaine d'formation, trouvée comme une étoile filante,
Des regards échangés, moment si brillant.
Un mélange d’envie, touché du bout des doigts,
Des rêves animés, future que j’aperçois.

[Verse 2]
Pause café, rituel sacré, t’es toujours là,
Ton sourire me flingue, mon cœur bat lil à lil.
Des discussions brûlantes, staying up jusqu’à c'que ça démarre,
Impossible d'oublier, t’es comme une odeur de cigare.

La nuit tombe, pensées en ivresse,
Ton visage dans mes rêves, sans cesse.
Semaine éphémère mais toi restes éternelle,
Tiens place dans mon esprit, beauté surnaturelle.

Crush d’un stage, amour passager,
Au fond du cœur, ça va jamais changer.
Moments volés, souvenirs gravé,
Toi et moi, histoire non-déclarée.

[Verse 3]
Dernier jour, l’heure fatidique approche,
Révéler mes sentiments, cœur à l’accroche.
Le temps se fige, ton visage tout près,
Mais les mots restent coincés, coincés comme une clé.

[Verse 4]
Retour à la réalité, séparés par les villes,
Ce crush d'un instant, sensation si subtile.
Messages échangés, distance qui nous blesse,
Amour au téléphone, in a digital mess.


emotif rap/rnb mélancolique



Emotional Analysis

The lyrics depict a melancholic emotional journey of a fleeting romantic relationship, filled with longing, missed connections, and bittersweet memories. The emotions of desire, love, heartbreak, and nostalgia are prominent throughout the song.

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for listening during moments of introspection, reminiscing about past relationships, or simply to evoke a sense of wistfulness and reflection.

Technical Analysis

The song features emotive storytelling through poetic lyrics, with a blend of rap and R&B elements. The verses set the scene and emotions, the bridge intensifies the longing, and the chorus captures the essence of a temporary yet impactful romantic experience. The use of metaphors and imagery enriches the narrative, while the fusion of rap and R&B styles brings depth to the emotional expression.

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(Verse 1) 좁고 정의된 이 길을 걸어왔어요, 그림자는 나의 운명을 속삭이며 비밀을 말해줘요. 작은 표지판이 반짝이며 무언가 큰 것을 암시해요, 내 손을 기다리는 미완성의 미래가 있어요. (Chorus) 나는 자유를 찾아 나아가고 있어요, 더 이상 묶여있지 않아요, 내가 발견한 이 사슬을 벗어 던져요. 나는 더 높이 올라갈 거예요, 하늘에 닿을 거예요, 더 이상 수줍어하지 않고 삶의 꽃을 피울 거예요. (Verse 2) 앞길은 험난하고 시련이 있겠지만, 어둠이 새벽을 막지 못하게 할 거예요. 내가 내딛는 걸음마다 내 영혼이 자라나는 걸 느껴요, 내가 아는 진리의 비전에 이끌려요. (Bridge) 내가 얼마나 멀리 왔는지, 내가 이긴 싸움들, 불꽃에 의해 강해진 내 여정은 이제 시작이에요. 깨지지 않는 정신으로, 절대 포기하지 않을 거예요, 폭풍 앞에서도 내 왕관을 쓰고 있어요. Chorus (reprise) 나는 자유를 찾아 나아가고 있어요, 더 이상 묶여있지 않아요, 내가 발견한 이 사슬을 벗어 던져요. 나는 더 높이 올라갈 거예요, 하늘에 닿을 거예요, 더 이상 수줍어하지 않고 삶의 꽃을 피울 거예요. (Outro) 미래의 속삭임, 그토록 광대하고 제약이 없는, 내 마음 속에 있는 무한한 가능성들. 숨을 쉴 때마다 자유의 소리를 느껴요, 이 끝없는 여정 속에서 나는 자유로워요.


(Verse 1) 좁고 정의된 이 길을 걸어왔어요, 그림자는 나의 운명을 속삭이며 비밀을 말해줘요. 작은 표지판이 반짝이며 무언가 큰 것을 암시해요, 내 손을 기다리는 미완성의 미래가 있어요. (Chorus) 나는 자유를 찾아 나아가고 있어요, 더 이상 묶여있지 않아요, 내가 발견한 이 사슬을 벗어 던져요. 나는 더 높이 올라갈 거예요, 하늘에 닿을 거예요, 더 이상 수줍어하지 않고 삶의 꽃을 피울 거예요. (Verse 2) 앞길은 험난하고 시련이 있겠지만, 어둠이 새벽을 막지 못하게 할 거예요. 내가 내딛는 걸음마다 내 영혼이 자라나는 걸 느껴요, 내가 아는 진리의 비전에 이끌려요. (Bridge) 내가 얼마나 멀리 왔는지, 내가 이긴 싸움들, 불꽃에 의해 강해진 내 여정은 이제 시작이에요. 깨지지 않는 정신으로, 절대 포기하지 않을 거예요, 폭풍 앞에서도 내 왕관을 쓰고 있어요. Chorus (reprise) 나는 자유를 찾아 나아가고 있어요, 더 이상 묶여있지 않아요, 내가 발견한 이 사슬을 벗어 던져요. 나는 더 높이 올라갈 거예요, 하늘에 닿을 거예요, 더 이상 수줍어하지 않고 삶의 꽃을 피울 거예요. (Outro) 미래의 속삭임, 그토록 광대하고 제약이 없는, 내 마음 속에 있는 무한한 가능성들. 숨을 쉴 때마다 자유의 소리를 느껴요, 이 끝없는 여정 속에서 나는 자유로워요.

RAP WORK OF A WOUNDED HEALER-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

A wounded healer is a rare thing Most take the pain and try to escape Others internalize and get sick One who projects and protects others is a wounded healer We all have struggles and a cross to bear as I have been told by a wise man The belief that we have the misconceptions also are like an onion We peal off the layers to get to the core May are too afraid or distracted to get to the heart of the issues that plague us A wounded healer can reach inside and try reveal the struggle The time to relief the trauma and wound is a long process A wounded healer can aid you to reveal the issue Time and more time and serving others we can overcome the trauma that bound us The sin nature we do is an escape from the pain and ego that contains The patterns we show and the motives we have are a reflection of the pain and suffering A wounded healer can promote the healing yet you have to do the work alone A wounded healer can aid near by yet again you have to do the work alone Once you get to the core then work can be done and growth and freeing occur

Réverbères de Souvenirs-Romain-AI-singing
Réverbères de Souvenirs

J'ai trimé dans l'ombre, suintant l'espoir, Les rêves brisés jonchent le trottoir, Les gilets pare-balles au studio, Des frères tombés, je suis leur écho. Des jours sans fin, enfermé dans ma bulle, La lumière au bout du tunnel s'estompe, Quand t’as vu l’envers du décor, Ton sourire s’efface dans le rétroviseur. Des millions de streams, mais combien d'amour ? Les nuits blanches s’alignent comme des pions sur l'échiquier, Pour un trône, une couronne, une histoire qu'on oublie, Chaque rime est une larme qui cicatrise ma vie. J'ai vendu mon âme à la musique, Pour des rêves qui s'effondrent en public, Les souvenirs me hantent, mélancolie, Dans ce jeu cruel qu'on appelle la vie. Sous les projecteurs, j'ai perdu mon reflet, À chercher la lumière, j’ai trouvé l'obscurité, Les sourires des faux frères comme des masques de théâtre, La loyauté se dissipe, comme la fumée de mes Havanes. Mes rimes sont des cris, des appels au secours, Dans ce monde où l’ego fait office de discours, Chaque morceau, une prière pour mon salut, Mes démons dansent, ma conscience n'est plus. Les murs se resserrent, je suffoque sous les attentes, Les jaloux s'amusent, les amis se mentent, J’ai côtoyé la lune, caressé les étoiles, Mais au sommet, j'ai compris que tout se voile. J'ai vendu mon âme à la musique, Pour des rêves qui s'effondrent en public, Les souvenirs me hantent, mélancolie, Dans ce jeu cruel qu'on appelle la vie. J'ai vendu mon âme à la musique, Pour des rêves qui s'effondrent en public, Les souvenirs me hantent, mélancolie, Dans ce jeu cruel qu'on appelle la vie. Et si je pouvais revenir en arrière, Je danserais moins avec mes chimères, La gloire n’est qu’un leurre, un mirage, Chaque succès, une lueur dans un paysage. Mais malgré les larmes, je continue, À écrire mes maux, à croire en mes vertus, Les cicatrices sont profondes, mais je persévère, Un cœur brisé, un artiste sincère.

looking through the glass mirror-Eleni-AI-singing
looking through the glass mirror

Watching the snowflakes fall down the sky Making the land white as ice A cold but shiny noon A sky full of sparkling stars Like splashes of milk upon the sky And i wonder what is out there looking For us. One two three snapping my fingers Golden sparks,white lights And the next moment I fell into a glass mirror. Waking up in a strange place Without a map I wonder. A land made of chest stones A black & white mystery yet harmonious place. Through the looking glass i see it all. The magic ,the wonder,the rise and the fall. Wonderland is my home! Through the looking glass i see it all. The magic ,the wonder,the rise and the fall. Wonderland is my home! Can’t believe of what i am looking at little brooks marking the edges of the squares


Yo yo yo,大家听我说, 我是骄傲的心尘,心尘站长今天来报到, 全职做站,十多年闪耀, 小年轻站长见我都要叫我一声爷, 玩站老炮,在这圈曾经也独领风骚。 站长心尘,经验摆在这儿, 网络海洋,我是那嗷嗷的领航, 网站运营,SEO我都玩转, 年轻站长们千万别跟我学, 我怕学完,你会爱上我 大家好,我的名字叫心尘, 现在是一名风水师, 八面来财,风水有诀窍, 吉时吉位,我一眼就能看道, 家宅安稳,西面财源滚滚来, 跟随心尘,风水玄学其中很多奥妙。 快快跟着心尘,节奏快跟上, 未来我们一起玩站破浪, 站长风水师,样样我玩的有模有样, 心尘在这儿,梦想一起实现。 Yo yo yo,大家听我说, 我是心尘,今天来show, 粉丝突破五十,庆祝这一天, 带上你的耳朵,把阴尘清扫干净再见! 我是心尘,不只是个名字, 我的音乐让你心中阳光升起, 粉丝们集合,跟我一起唱, 让快乐充满在每一个晚上! 五十个粉丝,是个好的开始, 未来更辉煌,等你们见证, 不管有多少阴影,把它扫光, 跟着心尘,我们一起飞翔! 是的,是的,这是我们的节奏, 心尘在这儿,让你的心波动, 一起嗨,在这阳光里摇摆, 粉丝五十,未来一定更精彩!

Karaoke Crush-Matt-AI-singing
Karaoke Crush

[Verse] Lights are low spotlight's bright He's up there in my sight Microphone in his hand Singing in this crowded land [Verse 2] His smooth voice makes me sway I feel my heart race away With every note he sings I want to be his queen [Chorus] Karaoke crush can't you see You're the only one for me In this club tonight You shine so bright [Verse 3] He looks with eyes that gleam Feels like living in a dream He's got this style so right Making me weak tonight [Verse 4] Every song that he selects Feels like he's got no regrets He's the king of every line Wish that he could just be mine [Bridge] Oh the way you hold that mic Making my heart spike Karaoke king you're the best Wanna put you to the test

Rhonda's Melody-Kaz-AI-singing
Rhonda's Melody

[Verse] Rhonda girl so fine Beauty lit like morning shine Success wrapped in love so sweet Heartfelt words when we meet [Verse 2] Caring touch in her voice Around her life just rejoice San Diego nights so grand Vegas dreams hand in hand [Chorus] Oh Rhonda you're my tune In the dark you light the room Deep talks till the midnight's bloom In your love there's always room [Verse] City lights in her eyes Laughs and love under starry skies Whispered secrets shared so deep Promises in hearts we'll keep [Bridge] Moments turn to memories In her arms I find my peace Walking through those avenues Rhonda love me long and true [Chorus] Oh Rhonda you're my tune In the dark you light the room Deep talks till the midnight's bloom In your love there's always room


(Verse 1) In the golden glow of summer's embrace, A love blossomed, a timeless trace. Warm breezes whispered secrets untold, As our hearts danced, forever bold. (Chorus) Summer, sweet summer, a memory to last, Love that lingers, forever unsurpassed. Though seasons change and time may fly, Our bond remains, reaching for the sky. (Verse 2) Through sun-kissed days and starlit nights, We shared laughter, dreams, and endless flights. Your touch ignited a flame within, A longing that time could never dim. (Verse 3) Distance may separate, miles may divide, But the love we shared can never be denied. I miss your smile, your gentle caress, A bittersweet longing, nothing less. (Chorus) Summer, sweet summer, a memory to last, Love that lingers, forever unsurpassed. Though seasons change and time may fly, Our bond remains, reaching for the sky. (Bridge) Like a sunflower reaching for the sun, My heart turns towards you, where love has begun. Memories flood my mind, a precious refrain, Reminding me of the love we'll always sustain. (Verse 4) Through changing seasons, summer's flame still burns, A beacon of hope, our love forever yearns. I'll cherish the moments we shared under its reign, A lasting bond that time cannot refrain. (Chorus) Summer, sweet summer, a memory to last, Love that lingers, forever unsurpassed. Though seasons change and time may fly, Our bond remains, reaching for the sky. (Outro) As autumn leaves dance and winter's chill arrives, Our love endures, a flame that never dies. Summer's memory, a treasure we both hold, A testament to a love that will forever unfold.

Moonlight Symphony-Lypholt-AI-singing
Moonlight Symphony

[Verse] Under the moonlight glow Stars are singing low Night's a sweet embrace In this soulful space [Verse 2] Melodies in the air Whispers everywhere Sky's a midnight choir Hearts set on fire [Chorus] Moon and stars above We dance in their love Feel the rhythm right In the magic of night [Bridge] Shadows dancing slow Underneath the silver glow Harmonies in sight In this endless night [Verse 3] Cosmic lullabies Bright Shimmering skies Dreams in every tune Underneath the moon [Chorus] Moon and stars above We dance in their love Feel the rhythm right In the magic of night


Desde o primeiro instante em que te vi Soube logo que eras tu para mim Mas percebo a tua alma hesitante Entre o amor e a incerteza do fim Em cada olhar teu, vejo a dúvida a brilhar Mas o meu coração só quer te amar Eu amo-te, mesmo na confusão És tu que fazes bater o meu coração Se estás confusa, eu vou compreender Porque sem ti, não sei viver Nos teus olhos vejo um mar de incerteza E no teu sorriso, uma sombra de dor Sei que o passado deixou marcas profundas Mas quero ser teu abrigo, teu amor Em cada gesto teu, sinto o medo a pairar Mas o meu amor por ti nunca vai cessar Eu amo-te, mesmo na confusão És tu que fazes bater o meu coração Se estás confusa, eu vou compreender Porque sem ti, não sei viver Sei que é difícil confiar de novo Mas vou estar aqui, ao teu lado Cada passo teu, cada sonho Quero ser o teu amado Eu amo-te, mesmo na confusão És tu que fazes bater o meu coração Se estás confusa, eu vou compreender Porque sem ti, não sei viver Eu amo-te, mesmo na confusão És tu que fazes bater o meu coração Se estás confusa, eu vou compreender Porque sem ti, não sei viver

Touch me-Sara-AI-singing
Touch me

Put your hands on me Baby let go and be free