Song Created By @姿潁 With AI Singing


created by 姿潁
created by 姿潁








中間有一小段rap 其他是悲傷抒情歌



Emotional Analysis

The song evokes a sense of sadness and longing, with poetic imagery depicting nature, loss, and the passage of time. The lyrics paint a melancholic picture of reflection, disappearance, and unfulfilled hopes.

Application Scenarios

This song would be suitable for reflective moments, emotional scenes in films or dramas, or as a performance piece for singers who want to convey deep emotions to their audience.

Technical Analysis

The song features a mix of traditional pop elements with a rap segment, showcasing a variety of vocal styles and dynamics. The use of imagery and symbolism in the lyrics adds depth to the emotional impact of the music.

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ian & azteca-Narcis-AI-singing
ian & azteca

[Refren: Ian] Yeah Când am plecat, ți-am zis C-o să combin un vis Îi văd prin lupă, da' Nu sunt vreun lunetist Nu sunt vreun sunetist Chiar dacă sună trist Stai la bloc și pe fix Asta numesc închis [Strofă: Ian] Și câteodată stau, mă gândesc Pe unde pășesc, nu țip, răgușesc Oricum reușesc și nu mă feresc Mesaje cu text, și ăsta-i un test (Yeah) M-am pierdut pe mine când am zis că nu plec M-ai învățat să evit un eșec Am pulsu' mare, nu vreau să mă cert Sută la sută nu vreau să te pierd Am trăit iluzii, mă-nvârteam în cerc Miraje de parcă trăiam în deșert Acu' regret că m-am riscat să te cred Au rămas decât durerile din piept [Punte: Ian] M-aleargă, nu glumă (Glumă) Se uită la lună, cred c-am și-o latură bună (Bună) O las să rămână, nu pleacă, îmi plânge pe mână (Mână) O dată pe lună schimbă iubire în ură, o face fără măsură [Refren: Ian] Yeah Când am plecat, ți-am zis C-o să combin un vis Îi văd prin lupă, da' Nu sunt vreun lunetist Nu sunt vreun sunetist Chiar dacă sună trist Stai la bloc și pe fix Asta numesc închis [Partea II] [Interludiu] You are now listening to supernOva [Strofa 1: Oscar] (Deja e prea târziu) Spui că nu ai cum să mă ierți Doare că nu poți să m-accepți Vreau să-mi vorbești, nu să mă cerți Am greșit, știu, totu' vine cu un preț Nu vrea să mă vadă, nu vrea să mă creadă Nu vrea să-și dea voie să iubească înc-o dată Mi-am pus sufletu' pe tavă Acum văd cum își face bagaju' și pleacă [Refren: Oscar] Wow, wow, fă-ți bagajele și pleacă Wow, wow, fă-ți bagajele și pleacă Wow, wow, fă-ți bagajele și pleacă Wow, wow, as-asta e ultima dată [Strofa 2: Oscar] Probabil nu știu să iubesc, poate trebuie să cresc Poate trebuie să mă detașez Citesc ce-ascunde zâmbetul pervers pe care-l afișezi doar ca să mă rănești, woah (Vreau mai mult decât, vreau mai mult decât) I, I just wanna come over, vreau să-ți spun tot ce simt E așa de greu să fiu sober, m-ajuți să mă ridic? Aveam așa multe vise pe care nu le-am trăit

Bass and Metal Hybrid-AwesomeAJ81-AI-singing
Bass and Metal Hybrid

[Verse] Bumpin' in the hood, the bass shake the ground, Echoes through the city, like an incoming sound. Drums hittin' harder than my mama's fried chicken, In the jungle, where the killers be kickin'. [Verse 2] Eyes rollin' back, pupils wide like Saturn's rings, Lyrics cuttin' deep, sharper than a dragon's wings. Rhymes twist and burn, volcanic eruption, Adrenaline rush, cardiac disruption. [Chorus] Bass and drums pound, metal in the mix, Rockin' to the rhythm, world start to fix. Heavy beats drop, breakdown hit the bricks, Headbangin' with a fury, like a metal crucifix. [Bridge] Electric guitar screamin', solo pierce the night, Metalheads moshin', lose themselves in sight. Bassline grumblin', drumsticks flyin', Sound so potent, feel you almost dyin'. [Verse 3] Dark alleys whisper, shadows in the mist, Metaphors twisted, like a serpent's hiss. Verse go from grime to metal, a transition blend, Soundtrack of chaos, your ears I bend. [Chorus] Bass and drums pound, metal in the mix, Rock to the rhythm, make the world fix. Heavy beats drop, breakdown hit the bricks, Headbang with a fury, like a metal crucifix.

Summer Love-Cole-AI-singing
Summer Love

[Verse] Sun on my skin Breeze in my hair We chase the waves Without a care [Verse 2] Laughter so loud Feet in the sand Holding your hand Days are so grand [Chorus] Summer love Feel the heat Every moment So sweet [Verse 3] Nights are warm Stars above We dance all night In our summer love [Verse 4] Ice cream smiles Long drives down Through the streets Of this beach town [Chorus] Summer love Feel the heat Every moment So sweet

Duo Séraphin-Pascal-AI-singing
Duo Séraphin


Komm Darüber Hinweg-Matthias-AI-singing
Komm Darüber Hinweg


lucky 2-Antuan-AI-singing
lucky 2

(Verse 1) In the dim-lit alley where the shadows fall, I saw her standing, against the graffiti wall. Her eyes, once bright, now hollow and cold, Lost in a story that's never been told. (Pre-Chorus) She used to laugh like a melody, But now she's trapped in her own tragedy. Broken dreams and shattered hope, In the darkness, she tries to cope. (Chorus) Oh, this life is a cruel, cruel game, Where hearts are broken and souls are maimed. She's drowning in tears that never dry, In this lonely world, she says goodbye. (Verse 2) He was her beacon, her guiding light, But love turned to ashes in the dead of night. Promises whispered in the wind, Now memories haunt where happiness had been. (Pre-Chorus) She used to dance in the pouring rain, Now she's swallowed by endless pain. Fading hopes and silent cries, In the wreckage of her own goodbyes. (Chorus) Oh, this life is a cruel, cruel game, Where hearts are broken and souls are maimed. She's drowning in tears that never dry, In this lonely world, she says goodbye. (Bridge) She walked away from the shattered dreams, In the silence, where nothing's as it seems. No more laughter, just echoes of regret, In her solitude, she can't forget. (Chorus) Oh, this life is a cruel, cruel game, Where hearts are broken and souls are maimed. She's drowning in tears that never dry, In this lonely world, she says goodbye. (Outro) Now she's gone, lost in the mist, A fading echo of what once existed. In the silence, her story remains untold, A tragic ending in a world so cold.


(Verse 1) In the dim-lit alley where the shadows fall, I saw her standing, against the graffiti wall. Her eyes, once bright, now hollow and cold, Lost in a story that's never been told. (Pre-Chorus) She used to laugh like a melody, But now she's trapped in her own tragedy. Broken dreams and shattered hope, In the darkness, she tries to cope. (Chorus) Oh, this life is a cruel, cruel game, Where hearts are broken and souls are maimed. She's drowning in tears that never dry, In this lonely world, she says goodbye. (Verse 2) He was her beacon, her guiding light, But love turned to ashes in the dead of night. Promises whispered in the wind, Now memories haunt where happiness had been. (Pre-Chorus) She used to dance in the pouring rain, Now she's swallowed by endless pain. Fading hopes and silent cries, In the wreckage of her own goodbyes. (Chorus) Oh, this life is a cruel, cruel game, Where hearts are broken and souls are maimed. She's drowning in tears that never dry, In this lonely world, she says goodbye. (Bridge) She walked away from the shattered dreams, In the silence, where nothing's as it seems. No more laughter, just echoes of regret, In her solitude, she can't forget. (Chorus) Oh, this life is a cruel, cruel game, Where hearts are broken and souls are maimed. She's drowning in tears that never dry, In this lonely world, she says goodbye. (Outro) Now she's gone, lost in the mist, A fading echo of what once existed. In the silence, her story remains untold, A tragic ending in a world so cold.

Liberty Park Love-Sophia-AI-singing
Liberty Park Love

[Verse] Summer days in Liberty Park Concession stands light up the dark Cooper's smile it's shining bright Cotton candy in the night [Verse 2] Alex laughs on the merry-go-round Dustin plays where joys are found Sophia's eyes they sparkle blue Picnic dreams coming true [Chorus] Liberty Park fill the sky Under stars we'll fly so high Every laugh every cheer Memories we'll hold dear [Verse 3] Ice cream kisses from the stand Holding hands in the sand Cooper swings and feels the breeze Life is easy full of ease [Verse 4] Alex shouts let's play some more Running wild heart will soar Dustin leads the fun parade In our hearts these moments stayed [Chorus] Liberty Park fill the sky Under stars we'll fly so high Every laugh every cheer Memories we'll hold dear

Anak Pejuang-Satulangit-AI-singing
Anak Pejuang

[Verse] Anak kecil di jalan Dengan mimpinya terbungkus Di bawah langit yang kelam Dia terus berjalan terus [Verse 2] Senja datang menggantung Terang rindu jauh pergi Tapak kakinya berdebu Tapi tekadnya tak pernah mati [Chorus] Oh anak pejuang Kau kuat dan takkan mundur Oh tanpa ragu tanpa takut Hadapi dunia yang kasar dan bising Oh anak pejuang [Verse 3] Di lorong sempit kota Ia mencari secercah cahaya Beradu dalam gelap Namun selalu ingin bersorak [Verse 4] Mimpinya setinggi langit Walau sering terpijak arahnya Namun ia tak berduka Tetap melangkah penuh asa [Chorus] Oh anak pejuang Kau kuat dan takkan mundur Oh tanpa ragu tanpa takut Hadapi dunia yang kasar dan bising Oh anak pejuang


Monique, mon cœur, écoute ma voix, Je sais que j'ai failli, que j'ai fait des faux pas, Mais dans chaque battement, dans chaque souffle, Il n'y a que toi, mon amour, qui me touche. Refrain : Oh Monique, reviens vers moi, Donne-moi une chance, une dernière fois, Sans toi, ma vie est une tempête, Je suis perdu, sans boussole, sans tête. Couplet 2 : Les nuits sont longues, les jours sans fin, Sans ton sourire, tout semble si vain, Je promets de changer, d'être meilleur, Pour réparer, apaiser ton cœur. Refrain : Oh Monique, reviens vers moi, Donne-moi une chance, une dernière fois, Sans toi, ma vie est une tempête, Je suis perdu, sans boussole, sans tête. Pont : Les souvenirs de nous, ces moments doux, Sont gravés en moi, comme un tatouage fou, Je ferai tout, tout ce qu'il faut, Pour regagner ta confiance, recoller les morceaux. Refrain : Oh Monique, reviens vers moi, Donne-moi une chance, une dernière fois, Sans toi, ma vie est une tempête, Je suis perdu, sans boussole, sans tête. Outro : Alors Monique, écoute ce chant, C'est l'appel d'un cœur repentant, Je t'aime plus que tout, plus que ma vie, Reviens, mon amour, reviens à moi, Monique.

Friends Forever-22B01A12B0-AI-singing
Friends Forever

[Verse] Hey Sindhu you make me smile Walkin' with you mile after mile Together we laugh we always play In our world it's a sunny day [Verse 2] We dance around in the streetlights glow Best friends forever that's all we know Sharing secrets dreams and more Sindhu together we always soar [Chorus] Oh oh Sindhu you're my buddy true Through and through I'll stand by you Oh oh Sindhu fun times never end With you my friend around the bend [Verse 3] Every moment a memory made In this friendship that won't ever fade From sunrise to the starry night Sindhu you make everything right [Bridge] We got the world at our feet Together life feels so sweet Hand in hand we face the dark Sindhu you always light the spark [Chorus] Oh oh Sindhu you're my buddy true Through and through I'll stand by you Oh oh Sindhu fun times never end With you my friend around the bend

Worst Day Ever-Julio-AI-singing
Worst Day Ever

[Verse] Woke up late my head in a haze Spilled my coffee in a daze Missed the bus ran all the way Worst day ever couldn't sway [Verse 2] Boss was shouting deadlines tight Paperwork in line of sight Printer jammed no end in sight Worst day ever pure delight [Chorus] Oh the worst day ever Feels like it will never Oh the worst day ever Together we endure [Verse 3] Lunch was cold and tasted bland Lost my wallet misplaced hand Homework missing couldn't stand Worst day ever on this land [Bridge] Breaking down tears fall too fast Wondering how long this lasts But with you I'll get past Worst day ever now its cast [Chorus] Oh the worst day ever Feels like it will never Oh the worst day ever Together we endure