Theme Celtic

Song Created By @Purple Tree Herbs With AI Singing


Theme Celtic
created by Purple Tree Herbs
Theme Celtic
created by Purple Tree Herbs



I feel your Chi flowing under my fingers
I feel your pain and suffering
With my needle I balance your emotions and energy 
So you can feel some temporary relief 
You have to make some changes and fight the fight alone
With my aid near
I am the wounded healer
I feel your pain





Emotional Analysis

Empathetic, soothing, and healing

Application Scenarios

This song can be used during meditation or relaxation sessions, in alternative healing practices such as Reiki or acupuncture, or to evoke a sense of empathy and emotional healing.

Technical Analysis

The song's lyrics and music create a serene and compassionate atmosphere that resonates with the theme of being a healer and providing comfort to others. The Celtic music style adds a mystical and spiritual element to the overall mood of the song.

関連する音楽 さらに多様な音楽

Mineca test 1-Mina-AI-singing
Mineca test 1

[Verse] In a world of dreams Where the mind can soar Mineca creates Gifts to adore [Verse 2] For the dreamers And the imagines Personalized magic In your hands [Chorus] Mineca crafts it Just for you Perfect presents Dreams come true [Verse 3] In the night sky Ideas swirl high Mineca captures Where visions lie [Bridge] Mee (iii) Né (eee) Ká (aaa) [Chorus] Mineca crafts it Just for you Perfect presents Dreams come true

Theme Celtic-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing
Theme Celtic

I feel your Chi flowing under my fingers I feel your pain and suffering With my needle I balance your emotions and energy So you can feel some temporary relief You have to make some changes and fight the fight alone With my aid near I am the wounded healer I feel your pain

Down in his Luck Duck-Craig-AI-singing
Down in his Luck Duck

Daffy Duck was down in his luck,  He'd been chasing Bugs Bunny in a big Kenworth Truck. Even had the engine honed to beat that rabbit hopping home. The speed that would lead to what he thought he knew, One less show-off in a tasty stew. Our big-eared friend was miles too fast, The motor could not manage and went bang, boom, blast. Coughing and quacking, the cab filling, with smoke, Slowed and turned around avoiding a dangerous choke. Elma Fudd driving in the other direction, Gave a little giggle thinking upon self-reflection, He, himself, had tried to better that buck-toothed bandit, All plans had gone wrong always unable to land it. Now someone else knows just how he feels Waddling off home in a chimney on wheels. Looking over his shoulder buggsey saw them both. He'd soon be in his kitchen fixing up some carrot loaf. No more stress and anger for the rest of this night, Tomorrow's another day to be up with first light.

Whispers of the Earth-The-AI-singing
Whispers of the Earth

Verse 1: Aeroth kha'thrennora With the winds, we call upon the ancient ones Tor'vael sa'renora Earthshapers, we summon thee, to guide us on our way Kha'lara nora'mira In the moon's gentle light, our hearts beat as one Chorus: Saelara kha'nora Ancient wisdom, guiding us on our path Vel'shara kha'thrennora In the silence, we seek wisdom's guidance and truth Tor'vael kha'nyra Earthshapers, awakening the magic within Verse 2: Vael'shara kha'nyra The winds whisper secrets to the earth Aeroth kha'ra'mira With the winds, we dance under the stars tonight Nora'ri kha'thrennora In the silence, we weave our spells to ignite Chorus: Saelara kha'nora Ancient wisdom, guiding us on our path Vel'shara kha'thrennora In the silence, we seek wisdom's guidance and truth Tor'vael kha'nyra Earthshapers, awakening the magic within Bridge: Kha'lara sa'renora In the moon's gentle light, we reflect on our journey so far Vel'shara kha'nora'ri In the silence, we seek wisdom's guidance to carry us far Chorus: Saelara kha'nora Ancient wisdom, guiding us on our path Vel'shara kha'thrennora In the silence, we seek wisdom's guidance and truth Tor'vael kha'nyra Earthshapers, awakening the magic within


**Couplet 1:** Sur la côte bretonne, là où le vent chante, Jessica s'aventure, la mer comme amante. Par monts et par vaux, elle suit son instinct, Des trésors cachés, elle en trouve sans fin. **Refrain:** Jessica, l'aventurière, au cœur des marées, Explore les mystères, les secrets bien gardés. Des grottes enchantées aux phares isolés, Elle découvre la magie des terres oubliées. **Couplet 2:** Sous les falaises, elle marche sans peur, Les vagues lui murmurent des histoires de cœur. Des légendes anciennes, elle entend l'écho, Sur la côte bretonne, elle trouve son halo. **Refrain:** Jessica, l'aventurière, au cœur des marées, Explore les mystères, les secrets bien gardés. Des grottes enchantées aux phares isolés, Elle découvre la magie des terres oubliées. **Pont:** Quand le soleil se couche et que brille l'horizon, Jessica rêve encore de nouvelles explorations. Dans chaque recoin, elle cherche l'invisible, Avec son âme libre, elle rend tout possible. **Refrain:** Jessica, l'aventurière, au cœur des marées, Explore les mystères, les secrets bien gardés. Des grottes enchantées aux phares isolés, Elle découvre la magie des terres oubliées. **Outro:** Sur la côte bretonne, son esprit s'évade, Jessica l'aventurière, l'éternelle nomade.

Midnightbel's Melody-Gere-AI-singing
Midnightbel's Melody

[Verse] Midnightbel with her pet rats In the forest where she sat Magic whispers in the air Casting spells with tender care [Verse 2] Beneath the moon’s gentle light She dances through the starry night Flicker’s glow from fireflies Wondrous scenes before her eyes [Chorus] Magic flows through Midnight’s hands Weaving dreams in sparkling strands Rats as friends by her side In their world they softly glide [Verse 3] Her laughter echoes in the trees Carried by the evening breeze Cauldrons bubble potions brew Mysteries in every hue [Bridge] In the woods by twilight's veil Midnightbel spins her tale Joy in every spell she casts Moments here forever last [Chorus] Magic flows through Midnight’s hands Weaving dreams in sparkling strands Rats as friends by her side In their world they softly glide

Serepta ballad celtic-Corrado-AI-singing
Serepta ballad celtic

My life’s blossom might have bloomed on all sides Save for a bitter wind which stunted my petals On the side that you knew The only one that you in village could see. From the dust I lift a voice I lift a voice of protest: I scream out loud, against the sky My flowering side you never saw! My flowering side you never knew You never knew my tears You never knew my fears And all my desires, that could not come true You living ones, you are fools indeed Who do not know the ways of the wind And the unseen forces That govern the processes of life. All the forces that reign of life Cause you don't know the ways of the wind Yes you don't know the ways of the wind And all the forces that govern the processes of life All the forces that reign of life You dont' know the ways of the wind You dont' know the ways of the wind

道德经2-ufo ufo-AI-singing

道可道,非常道。 名可名,非常名。 无,名天地之始;有,名万物之母。 故常无,欲以观其妙;常有,欲以观其徼。 此两者同出而异名,同谓之玄,玄之又玄,众妙之门。 第二章 天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已; 皆知善之为善,斯不善已。 故有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高下相盈,音声相和,前后相随,恒也。 是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教。 万物作而弗始,生而不有,为而不恃,功成而弗居。 夫唯弗居,是以不去。 第三章 不尚贤,使民不争。 不贵难得之货,使民不为盗。 不见可欲,使民心不乱。 是以圣人之治: 虚其心,实其腹;弱其志,强其骨。 常使民无知、无欲,使夫知者不敢为也。 为无为,则无不治。 第四章 道冲而用之或不盈。 渊兮似万物之宗,湛兮似若存。 吾不知谁之子,象帝之先。 第五章 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。 圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。 天地之间,其犹橐龠乎? 虚而不屈,动而愈出。 多言数穷,不如守中。 第六章 谷神不死,是谓玄牝。 玄牝之门,是谓天地根。 绵绵若存,用之不勤。 第七章 天长地久。 天地所以能长且久者,以其不自生,故能长生。 是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存。 非以其无私邪! 故能成其私。

Nola-Ferme du Tonneau-AI-singing

[chorus] Bonjour moi c'est Nono et je suis pas un robot. Je suis, deux points, ouvrez les guillemets : (attention) [solo] Cuisinière, couturière, jardineuse, charpentière, carnétrice, débroussailleuse, pépiniériste, cueilleuse, bucheronne, chercheuse sur le bon coin, coin coin coin mais pas que ça, car je suis je suis JE SUIS : [lyrics] fabriquante de tiramitsu tsu tsu, et vidangeuse de voiture et transformatrice de vélo et vaneuse vaneuse ? ça veut dire que tu fais des vannes ? Mais non je fais des paniers : en osier, en clématite, en ronce, en iris, en cornouiller sanguin, en noisetier ! yeah yeah yeah [chorus] Bonjour moi c'est Nono et je suis pas un robot. Je suis, deux points, ouvrez les guillemets : (attention) [lyrics] Alors je suis : Une fleur, Une fleur, Une fleur, Une fleur, Une fleur, Une fleur. Mais par contre j'aime pas les puzzles. mais j'ai une grosse tronçonneuse Allez venez dans mon automobile, je vous emmène à l'aventchure ! Youhou [chorus] Bonjour moi c'est Nono et je suis pas un robot. Je suis, deux points, ouvrez les guillemets : (attention) [chorus] Bonjour moi c'est Nono et je suis pas un robot. Je suis, deux points, ouvrez les guillemets : NOLA

E100,000,000-I'm a chicken LOL-AI-singing

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt, Erika Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein, Wird umschwärmt , Erika Denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit Zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt, Erika In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein, Und das heißt, Erika Dieses Mädel ist mein treues Schätzelein Und mein Glück, Erika Wenn das Heidekraut rot-lila blüht Singe ich zum Gruß ihr dieses Lied Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt, Erika In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein, Und das heißt, Erika Schon beim Morgengrau'n sowie beim Dämmerschein, Schaut's mich an, Erika Und dann ist es mir, als spräch' es laut Denkst du auch an deine kleine Braut? In der Heimat weint um dich ein Mägdelein, Und das heißt, Erika

Atre-Hudson Minoito-AI-singing

[intro] [verse 1] Aller fpaféy! Pa ow Atrét kó Ov tveim ie tokówdé Zra ov kägystágétt, Bhra humalfeing kómy kaímu, aller Atret ent olgalé. [instrumental] [verse 2] Jei’yzuelétt kónaz ouith bluemäeleto layerifei es, Jei’húm efydé az onlvétt thas yäwäzeti Jei’kezyckänsladé kullaw kërtydaz, bekä froifei es Eila, aller Atret, und su’bepoive ye’byusu él woeu! [instrumental] [verse 3] Das pones, kaímei él wamenes, Lieus ie efsifei, beatrei hopifei es Räs käoires, tamezhdas, Ie’tvoten, One kenive, Atre, humalfeing hedifei es. [instrumental] [verse 4] lieugéalu, ei’yem, scien klyntség ie quópétt, scien yamenétt, tadénféy es. Ei’tyuztétt, humalfeing él anes zväbéalus ie tokówn Eila, aller Atrét, ken ov tolówn ie pavumétt [end]