Beverly's Initiation

Song Created By @The With AI Singing

Music Audio

Beverly's Initiation
created by The
Beverly's Initiation
created by The

Music Details

Lyrics Text

“I am but a fool, in search of the greatest wisdom.
Will you teach me, the mysteries of the deepest, 
darkest pit in the Abyss, 
O....Mighty Eye....?!”

“Enter my child.”

“Enter and never leave..”

“Forever cease to be.”

“A warning to you.” 

“Listen if you will.”

“Now you can see through all the lies.”

“You are becoming like one of us.”

“You have come to a place of death and rebirth.”

“That is those who are lucky enough.”

“Many simply die and cease to be.”
“Let's keep things simple.” 

“Are you willing to commit?”

“Yes, let’s dance.” I said boldly.

“Alright, I like your style.”

“I ask you now to bless me with your Serpent Seed. 
Teach me my master, 
Wise Old Serpent, 
Teach me your cunning ways.
Allow me to serve with you,
Deep inside the deepest darkness,
Where man is nowhere to be found, 
In the realm of the creatures,
 Most unkind.

Kill all the life that may be hiding in me. 
Leave no room for the pain of the living.
Bring me from dark,
Into the light!
Erase me from life, 
And enlist me,
Into death and beyond!”
“May I never see the light of day. 
May I forever remain in darkness.
Kill me! Kill me now!”
“As Gods you shall rise! 
All who follow me.
For madness and insanity!
My children from the deep,
Deep below,
Where no man dares to go.”
“Feast upon me!
Suck out all the life!
Destroy me, 
So that I may truly be reborn.
As a child of darkness,
 I shall roam, 
And eternally!”

Description of Music Style

Trance Violin.

Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke dark and intense emotions, exploring themes of death, rebirth, darkness, and serving a mysterious entity. The emotional tone can be described as eerie, haunting, and sinister.

Application Scenarios

This song would be suitable for gothic-themed events, Halloween parties, or as background music for horror-themed productions such as films, TV shows, or video games.

Technical Analysis

The song is characterized by a Trance Violin style, featuring haunting violin melodies and dark, atmospheric trance elements. The use of minor keys, slow tempo, and eerie vocal delivery contribute to creating a chilling and mysterious ambiance.

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Tout fout le camp-Jean-AI-singing
Tout fout le camp

(Verse 1) Dans les ombres des couloirs de **SOBEGI**, Où les échos du désespoir appellent, La **Compta** tache son grand livre d'encre cramoisie, La **Gestion** serre ses chaînes, les âmes au bord du précipice. (Pré-refrain) La lune pleure du sang, les étoiles s'alignent, La **Direction** perdue, un labyrinthe en déclin, Tout fout le camp, le monde se dérobe, Dans cette symphonie gothique, notre destin se débat. (Refrain) **SOBEGI**, sanctuaire hanté, Les fantômes de la Compta dansent, leurs secrets variés, Les spectres de la Gestion murmurent, perdus dans la brume, Le corbeau de la Direction crie, un épilogue funèbre. (Verse 2) Sous le regard pâle de la lune, nous avançons, Les couloirs de **SOBEGI**, où les ténèbres se propagent, Les pages du grand livre de la Compta volent comme des chauves-souris, Les ombres de la Gestion se tordent, prises dans leurs pièges. (Pré-refrain) L'horloge sonne minuit, un glas funèbre, La boussole de la Direction tourne, les âmes perdues, Tout fout le camp, la raison s'effrite, Dans cette ballade gothique, nos âmes s'embrasent. (Refrain) **SOBEGI**, l'asile maudit nous enlace, Les fantômes de la Compta virevoltent, leurs péchés effacés, Les banshees de la Gestion gémissent, perdues dans la brume, Le hibou de la Direction hulule, un dernier retournement. (Pont) La lune se reflète dans l'encrier de la Compta, Le labyrinthe de la Gestion, une descente aux enfers, Les vitraux de **SOBEGI** pleurent, La boussole de la Direction brisée, gardienne de secrets. (Refrain) **SOBEGI**, hymne oublié de la cathédrale, Le grand livre de la Compta brûle, la rédemption s'amenuise, Les sirènes de la Gestion gémissent, les âmes s'entrelacent, La tempête de la Direction gronde, un signe brisé. (Outro) Tout fout le camp, l'abîme nous appelle, Dans ce requiem metal gothique, notre essence se mesure, **SOBEGI**, Compta, Gestion, la chute de la direction, Nos âmes entrelacées à jamais, dans ce hall hanté.

War Chant-The-AI-singing
War Chant

[Intro] (Guitar: Korvixian Riffs) (Khroxo) Ah-roh-kah-koh! (Honor calls!) [Verse 1 - Vocals: Thalorian Growls] In the realm of shadows, where the winds do howl A warrior-magi rises, with a tale to unfold With sword and spell, he fights for what is right His honor burning bright, like a beacon in the night [Chorus] Khronian fury, raging like a storm With every battle, our honor we'll form Through fire and steel, we'll rise to the test Our glory forever, forever we'll quest [Verse 2 - Vocals: Thalorian Growls] Through the desert sands, where the sun does blaze A legion marches forth, with a warrior's gaze With every step, they claim their rightful place Their honor unwavering, like a mountain's face [Chorus] Khronian fury, raging like a storm With every battle, our honor we'll form Through fire and steel, we'll rise to the test Our glory forever, forever we'll quest [Bridge - Vocals: Araxi Scream] The gods of old awaken, as the battle rages on Their power coursing through us, like a mighty throng With every blow, our bond will grow strong Together we'll triumph, where our honor belongs [Chorus] Khronian fury, raging like a storm With every battle, our honor we'll form Through fire and steel, we'll rise to the test Our glory forever, forever we'll quest [Outro] (Guitar: Korvixian Riffs) (Khroxo) Ah-roh-kah-koh! (Honor calls!)


[Intro] Aeroth'storm, vel'shara nora'mira (Ay-roth-storm, vell-shah-rah noh-rah-mee-rah) Tor'nora kha'lara, kha'lara nora'khora (Tohr-noh-rah kah-lah-rah, kah-lah-rah no-rah-koh-rah) [Verse 1] Nora'mira shala, tor'nora shala (No-rah-mee-rah shah-lah, tohr-noh-rah shah-lah) Aeroth'nora vel'shara, kha'lara'nora (Ay-roth-noh-rah vell-shah-rah, kah-lah-rah noh-rah) Vel'shara'nora shala, nora'mira shala (Vell-shah-rah-noh-rah shah-lah, no-rah-mee-rah shah-lah) [Chorus] Kha'lara siora kha'lara, nora'mira siora nora (Kah-lah-rah see-orah kah-lah-rah, no-rah-mee-rah see-orah noh-rah) Tor'nora kha'lara, kha'lara tor'nora (Tohr-noh-rah kah-lah-rah, kah-lah-rah tohr-noh-rah) [Bridge] Kha'lamora vel'shara, vel'kha'lara aeroth (Kah-lah-moh-rah vell-shah-rah, vell-kah-lah-rah ay-roth) Nora'khora tor'nora, vel'shara'nora shala (No-rah-koh-rah tohr-noh-rah, vell-shah-rah-noh-rah shah-lah) [Outro] Aeroth'storm, vel'shara nora'mira (Ay-roth-storm, vell-shah-rah noh-rah-mee-rah) Tor'nora kha'lara, kha'lara nora'khora (Tohr-noh-rah kah-lah-rah, kah-lah-rah no-rah-koh-rah)

Beverly's Initiation-The-AI-singing
Beverly's Initiation

“I am but a fool, in search of the greatest wisdom. Will you teach me, the mysteries of the deepest, darkest pit in the Abyss, O....Mighty Eye....?!” “Enter my child.” “Enter and never leave..” “Forever cease to be.” “A warning to you.” “Listen if you will.” “Now you can see through all the lies.” “You are becoming like one of us.” “You have come to a place of death and rebirth.” “That is those who are lucky enough.” “Many simply die and cease to be.” “Let's keep things simple.” “Are you willing to commit?” “Yes, let’s dance.” I said boldly. “Alright, I like your style.” “I ask you now to bless me with your Serpent Seed. Teach me my master, Wise Old Serpent, Teach me your cunning ways. Allow me to serve with you, Deep inside the deepest darkness, Where man is nowhere to be found, In the realm of the creatures, Most unkind. Kill all the life that may be hiding in me. Leave no room for the pain of the living. Bring me from dark, Into the light! Erase me from life, And enlist me, Into death and beyond!” “May I never see the light of day. May I forever remain in darkness. Kill me! Kill me now!” “As Gods you shall rise! All who follow me. For madness and insanity! My children from the deep, Deep below, Where no man dares to go.” “Feast upon me! Suck out all the life! Destroy me, So that I may truly be reborn. As a child of darkness, I shall roam, Free, And eternally!”

Beverly's Initiation-The-AI-singing
Beverly's Initiation

“I am but a fool, in search of the greatest wisdom. Will you teach me, the mysteries of the deepest, darkest pit in the Abyss, O....Mighty Eye....?!” “Enter my child.” “Enter and never leave..” “Forever cease to be.” “A warning to you.” “Listen if you will.” “Now you can see through all the lies.” “You are becoming like one of us.” “You have come to a place of death and rebirth.” “That is those who are lucky enough.” “Many simply die and cease to be.” “Let's keep things simple.” “Are you willing to commit?” “Yes, let’s dance.” I said boldly. “Alright, I like your style.” “I ask you now to bless me with your Serpent Seed. Teach me my master, Wise Old Serpent, Teach me your cunning ways. Allow me to serve with you, Deep inside the deepest darkness, Where man is nowhere to be found, In the realm of the creatures, Most unkind. Kill all the life that may be hiding in me. Leave no room for the pain of the living. Bring me from dark, Into the light! Erase me from life, And enlist me, Into death and beyond!” “May I never see the light of day. May I forever remain in darkness. Kill me! Kill me now!” “As Gods you shall rise! All who follow me. For madness and insanity! My children from the deep, Deep below, Where no man dares to go.” “Feast upon me! Suck out all the life! Destroy me, So that I may truly be reborn. As a child of darkness, I shall roam, Free, And eternally!”

Endless Night-Sascha-AI-singing
Endless Night

[Verse] Dark skies loom heavy Whispering winds cold A tale of sorrow In myths of old [Verse 2] Shadows dance silent Ancient spirits cry In the forest deep Where secrets lie [Chorus] Endless night No dawn in sight Gothic tales take flight Endless night [Verse 3] Morbid echoes call Through the mist they wail Stories of the fallen Legends that prevail [Verse 4] Underneath the moon Lost souls find their way In the realm of darkness Where the brave won't stray [Chorus] Endless night No dawn in sight Gothic tales take flight Endless night


[Verse] 黑夜中 我墜入深淵 妄想裡 你是我的光 瘋狂的愛 縈繞在心間 [Verse 2] 噩夢裡 找不到你的臉 絕望渴望 血色的戀人 病態的心 猛烈地跳動 [Chorus] 我們的愛 痛苦而美麗 在黑暗中 一同墜入地獄 為了你 我可以毀滅一切 [Bridge] 絕望之吻 刺進我的靈魂 在血海中 與你相擁而眠 偏執的愛 永遠不會改變 [Chorus] 我們的愛 痛苦而美麗 在黑暗中 一同墜入地獄 為了你 我可以毀滅一切 [Outro] 我們的命運 交織在陰影中 即使瘋狂 也無悔這段愛 血腥的愛戀 永遠不滅

Stardust speedway "B" future-Theodore-AI-singing
Stardust speedway "B" future

Verse 1: In the echoes of the stardust, where the lights dim low, Futures twisted, turned, and tarnished, where the cold winds blow. Once a tapestry of dreams, now a canvas torn, In the bad future we stand, where hope is forlorn. Chorus: Stardust, stardust, in the sky so vast, Tell me, how did the good times pass? Bad future, bad sound, ringing in my ear, A symphony of chaos, all that we hear. Verse 2: Shadows dance in the silence, of a world undone, Whispers of a past so vibrant, now it's overrun. Glimmering hopes like stardust, scattered in the night, In the bad future's grasp, we're searching for the light. Bridge: Can you hear the stardust crying, in the void of space? A future that's worth defying, can we win this race? Turn the bad sound into music, let the stardust shine, In the heart of the bad future, we'll draw the line. Chorus: Stardust, stardust, in the sky so vast, Crafting a new tomorrow, breaking from the past. Bad future, bad sound, we'll turn it around, From the stardust's ashes, a new hope is found.

hold tight-Feres-AI-singing
hold tight

In the stillness of the night, where secrets hide In the land of the forgotten, where shadows abide A sorcerer weaves his tale, in a land forlorn In the echoes of history, where darkness is reborn (Chorus) Oh, in this realm of mystery and pain Where heroes falter and villains gain In a world cursed by the damned Where whispers carry your name Through the maze of doubt, where fears do grow In a fortress of sorrow, where tears flow A warrior with a soul, tarnished and cold In the depths of despair, where nightmares unfold (Chorus) Oh, in this realm of shadows and shame Where love flickers like a dying flame In a land marked by eternal gloom Where shadows beckon with whispering doom (Bridge) Beneath the moon's soft glow, where witches roam The blood moon casts its eerie indigo tone The world's destiny in the hands of fate In this twisted story, where darkness awaits (Chorus) Oh, in this world of unending fight Where courage battles against the night In the kingdom of shadows and fright The darkness claims what's right (Outro) So heed the shadows' plea under cover of night For in this realm of shadows, only the steadfast hold tight

Strahd's domain-Timmy-AI-singing
Strahd's domain

In the land of mists and shadows, under a blood-red moon, Lies a realm where hope is fleeting, and night comes all too soon. Strahd, the lord of ancient terror, with eyes like burning coal, His castle looms on high, a dark blot on the soul. Strahd, Strahd, the evil vampire king, His laughter echoes, as the night ravens sing. In the cursed land of Barovia, he reigns with icy dread, Where the living fear the sunset, and the dead are not truly dead. Through the twisted, thorny forests, where the wolves howl and roam, Strahd hunts for lost wanderers, to claim as his own. With a heart as cold as the mountain stone, He drinks the life from their veins, and sits upon his throne. Strahd, Strahd, the nightmare in the night, His shadow falls over the land, snuffing out the light. In the cursed land of Barovia, he's the monarch of despair, And those who dare to cross him, find only madness there. A pact with darkness sealed his fate, eternal life with a thirst, For every drop of innocence, to quench his endless curse. In the village of Barovia, the people pray in vain, For the vampire lord Strahd, is the terror they cannot contain. With a gaze that can enslave you, and a will that never bends, He's the ancient evil vampire, on whom the night depends. Strahd, Strahd, the tyrant of the night, In his land of cursed sorrow, there's no end to the fright. In the cursed land of Barovia, he's the storm that never ends, And the darkness he embodies, is where all light descends. So beware the evil Strahd, and the land under his spell, For in the world of the undead, he's the king of hell.

Strahd's domain-Timmy-AI-singing
Strahd's domain

In the land of mists and shadows, under a blood-red moon, Lies a realm where hope is fleeting, and night comes all too soon. Strahd, the lord of ancient terror, with eyes like burning coal, His castle looms on high, a dark blot on the soul. Strahd, Strahd, the evil vampire king, His laughter echoes, as the night ravens sing. In the cursed land of Barovia, he reigns with icy dread, Where the living fear the sunset, and the dead are not truly dead. Through the twisted, thorny forests, where the wolves howl and roam, Strahd hunts for lost wanderers, to claim as his own. With a heart as cold as the mountain stone, He drinks the life from their veins, and sits upon his throne. Strahd, Strahd, the nightmare in the night, His shadow falls over the land, snuffing out the light. In the cursed land of Barovia, he's the monarch of despair, And those who dare to cross him, find only madness there. A pact with darkness sealed his fate, eternal life with a thirst, For every drop of innocence, to quench his endless curse. In the village of Barovia, the people pray in vain, For the vampire lord Strahd, is the terror they cannot contain. With a gaze that can enslave you, and a will that never bends, He's the ancient evil vampire, on whom the night depends. Strahd, Strahd, the tyrant of the night, In his land of cursed sorrow, there's no end to the fright. In the cursed land of Barovia, he's the storm that never ends, And the darkness he embodies, is where all light descends. So beware the evil Strahd, and the land under his spell, For in the world of the undead, he's the king of hell.

Bog of Secrets-Cauê-AI-singing
Bog of Secrets

[Verse] In the shadows of the night Eamo walks there's no light Footsteps echo in the fog Searching near the haunted bog [Verse] Whispers carried by the breeze Chilling stories in the trees Every path a tangled maze Try to pierce the murky haze [Chorus] Bog of secrets dark and deep Where the restless spirits weep Eamo's hunting truth to find Ghosts and echoes fill his mind