
Song Created By @Bob With AI Singing

Music Audio

created by Bob
created by Bob

Music Details

Lyrics Text


Description of Music Style

dark synthwave atmospheric

Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

Eerie and haunting atmosphere with a sense of darkness and mystery.

Application Scenarios

Perfect for setting a suspenseful tone in movies, video games, or podcasts. Great for creating a chilling and atmospheric background.

Technical Analysis

Utilizes synthesizers and electronic instruments to create a retro-futuristic sound with a focus on creating a dark and ominous mood.

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So very often I wonder, gently ponder, envisioning the insides of her, everlasting beauty. The Goddess of the matrimony, My spiritual bride, forever to be. The darkness of her touch, I yearn for so much. Away from the noise, of humanity’s unwillingness, you have sheltered me in Your Temple, the great fortress from the deep, where we first met and you took me in your arms, killing the human that was living at that time. My Love, do you still remember, the day when we first kissed, in the blackness of the void, where we were playing all night long. You had me from the beginning, my dear harlot of the night, I know you still dream of me, for our dream of being together never ends. Centuries have gone by, still we yearn for each other, the more we stay away from one another, all the more it makes our love grow ever stronger. Time has split us apart, taking with it our love, leaving us alone to each own, to suffer, and to die. Or you were just a lie, and none of this was real. It never ends, My Love that burns for you, not that of a warm heart, but the cold one deep inside. One of us inside The Mind, is deeply yearning for you, I hear you cry, in the silent night, when you think that no one hears you, I am always there, listening to everything you say. Don’t cry my Love, I will always protect you, as long as I’m here, I will remember us, and the love that we have shared, in those darkest, blackest days.

New Order Dawn-Salty Salish-AI-singing
New Order Dawn



디제리두 디제리두 너의 멜로디 속에서 디제리두 디제리두 나를 찾아 떠나네 디제리두 디제리두 너의 멜로디 속에서 디제리두 디제리두 나를 찾아 떠나네

超級肯波伊Super Kempoy-Ana-AI-singing
超級肯波伊Super Kempoy

[Verse] 很久以前 到 Toyland 我是超級機器人 [Chorus] 快點 這就是技術 機器人電視 這是 Super Kempoi [Verse] 我飛得很高 飛向一個國家 準備起飛 我像飛機一樣去 [instrumental solo] [Chorus] 我們去玩具樂園吧 我來參加比賽 我們去玩具城吧 我是超級Kempoy 他帶著雷射唱片準備飛翔 我是超級Kempoy [instrumental solo ending]




[Verse] 愛你至瘋狂 誰在夜裡笑 血色的月光 指引我的腳 黑暗中相擁 一切變顛倒 即使走向深淵 不覺得無聊 [Verse 2] 絶望的夢境 心跳在暴走 眼神染上癲狂 無可解救 病態的愛戀 無法逃脫的咒 為你割開夜色 享受這痛入骨 [Chorus] 瘋狂裡愛戀 喚醒我靈魂 黑暗中的光芒 你就是永恆 無論生與死 我都勇敢追尋 讓鮮血染紅 我們的銘心刻骨的愛 [Bridge] 偏執的靈魂 愛得如此淒美 放縱的慾望 無法被掩蓋 黑夜再冷漠 也不覺得疲憊 為了你的微笑 化身成惡魔 [Verse 3] 即使心碎 也要守在你身旁 絕望的時刻 心甘情願被埋葬 病態的愛點燃了瘋狂 血淚交織的愛 豈能夠平常 [Chorus] 瘋狂裡愛戀 喚醒我靈魂 黑暗中的光芒 你就是永恆 無論生與死 我都勇敢追尋 讓鮮血染紅 我們的銘心刻骨的愛


[Verse] 黑夜中 我墜入深淵 妄想裡 你是我的光 瘋狂的愛 縈繞在心間 [Verse 2] 噩夢裡 找不到你的臉 絕望渴望 血色的戀人 病態的心 猛烈地跳動 [Chorus] 我們的愛 痛苦而美麗 在黑暗中 一同墜入地獄 為了你 我可以毀滅一切 [Bridge] 絕望之吻 刺進我的靈魂 在血海中 與你相擁而眠 偏執的愛 永遠不會改變 [Chorus] 我們的愛 痛苦而美麗 在黑暗中 一同墜入地獄 為了你 我可以毀滅一切 [Outro] 我們的命運 交織在陰影中 即使瘋狂 也無悔這段愛 血腥的愛戀 永遠不滅

Doom is Coming-Matt-AI-singing
Doom is Coming

(Verse 1) Wrth i'r haul fachlud, cysgodion yn tywyllu, Cysgodion yn codi, a chalonau'n crynu. Diwedd y dydd, mae ofn yn fy nghalon, Tynged ddu yn dod, heb obaith na'r galon. (Chorus) Doom yn dod, gyda'r nos yn drwm, Cysgodion yn dychwelyd, nid oes lle i ffwrdd. Yn wynebu'r diwedd, gyda chalon yn drwm, Doom ar ein cyrrau, ni allwn ddianc. (Verse 2) Tywyllwch yn disgyn, heb sŵn na sŵn, Y byd yn distaw, yn teimlo fel diwedd. Eiliadau'n mynd heibio, amser yn arafu, Mae'r doom yn nesáu, yn teimlo'n ddu a chreulon. (Chorus) Doom yn dod, gyda'r nos yn drwm, Cysgodion yn dychwelyd, nid oes lle i ffwrdd. Yn wynebu'r diwedd, gyda chalon yn drwm, Doom ar ein cyrrau, ni allwn ddianc. (Verse 3) Ond er yn y nos, gobaith bach yn canu, Yng nghanol y tywyllwch, seren yn parhau. Trwy'r ofn a'r doom, rydym yn dal i sefyll, Gan wynebu'r diwedd, gyda gobaith yn ein calon. (Chorus) Doom yn dod, gyda'r nos yn drwm, Cysgodion yn dychwelyd, nid oes lle i ffwrdd. Yn wynebu'r diwedd, gyda chalon yn drwm, Doom ar ein cyrrau, ni allwn ddianc.

Strahd's domain-Timmy-AI-singing
Strahd's domain

In the land of mists and shadows, under a blood-red moon, Lies a realm where hope is fleeting, and night comes all too soon. Strahd, the lord of ancient terror, with eyes like burning coal, His castle looms on high, a dark blot on the soul. Strahd, Strahd, the evil vampire king, His laughter echoes, as the night ravens sing. In the cursed land of Barovia, he reigns with icy dread, Where the living fear the sunset, and the dead are not truly dead. Through the twisted, thorny forests, where the wolves howl and roam, Strahd hunts for lost wanderers, to claim as his own. With a heart as cold as the mountain stone, He drinks the life from their veins, and sits upon his throne. Strahd, Strahd, the nightmare in the night, His shadow falls over the land, snuffing out the light. In the cursed land of Barovia, he's the monarch of despair, And those who dare to cross him, find only madness there. A pact with darkness sealed his fate, eternal life with a thirst, For every drop of innocence, to quench his endless curse. In the village of Barovia, the people pray in vain, For the vampire lord Strahd, is the terror they cannot contain. With a gaze that can enslave you, and a will that never bends, He's the ancient evil vampire, on whom the night depends. Strahd, Strahd, the tyrant of the night, In his land of cursed sorrow, there's no end to the fright. In the cursed land of Barovia, he's the storm that never ends, And the darkness he embodies, is where all light descends. So beware the evil Strahd, and the land under his spell, For in the world of the undead, he's the king of hell.


Questa è la vita che mi piace, Un' altro organo e tanti cash E l’illusione di essere nella legalità Ye, ye, yeah! Avrei dovuto immaginarlo, Ma con la passione che tu hai, mi trascini via... Brucia come la tua lama Ye, ye, yeah! È un mercato nero tutto mio... Me lo sono scelto io! Tu sei il mio trafficante, dammi i tuoi organi, non posso farne a meno il sangue và sui miei vestiti Organi! ne sono pieno anche questa notte per me forse è l'ultima... dimmi che ti piace baby, sono tuo, dammi tutto ciò che hai, ah ah..! un giorno mi farai arrestare, coi tuoi organi finirò in gattabuia.. Vendere è il mio mestiere, sò sempre quando quel che ti venderò ti piacerà rinuncio alla fedina pulita! ye, ye, yeah! E gli organi che io ho, fino all' ultimo venderò! Tu sei il mio trafficante dammi i tuoi organi un rischio che mi dà adrenalina.. il sangue và sui miei vestiti Organi! ne sono pieno Anche questa notte per me forse è l'ultima AH, AH, AH! Dimmi che ti piace baby, sono tuo, dammi tutto ciò che hai un giorno mi farai arrestare coi tuoi organi Scappo, troppi cadaveri... Anche se tu mi riempi, non ne sono pieno Del sangue, così mi infetto Questa notte spero soltanto che non mi becchi la pula...

Cantine-Chen Zeng-AI-singing

学校食堂里的饭菜 每天都让我想吐 油腻的炒菜和糊涂的汤 都让我对它绝望透顶 肉丝炒饭像狗屎一样 咬上一口就想吐出来 不新鲜的蔬菜和骨头汤 真是让人忍不住想哭泣 学校食堂啊学校食堂 你的味道真是太糟糕 健康营养都不在乎 只顾着赚钱让我们受罪 学校食堂啊学校食堂 无法忍受你的贫瘠食谱 饥肠辘辘只能忍受 这恶心的味道让人胆寒 食堂阿姨笑容可掬 但手艺实在是一般般 米饭干瘪像沙漠一样 菜肴味道难以忍受 每天都是重样的菜色 没有新意让人心碎 牛肉像皮鞋一样耐嚼 我真怀疑它是不是真牛 学校食堂啊学校食堂 你的味道真是太糟糕 健康营养都不在乎 只顾着赚钱让我们受罪 学校食堂啊学校食堂 无法忍受你的贫瘠食谱 饥肠辘辘只能忍受 这恶心的味道让人胆寒 我们是学生不是垃圾桶 每天吃你的垃圾食物 我们的身体越来越糟糕 你们却不在乎我们的健康 学校食堂啊学校食堂 你的味道真是太糟糕 健康营养都不在乎 只顾着赚钱让我们受罪 学校食堂啊学校食堂 无法忍受你的贫瘠食谱 饥肠辘辘只能忍受 这恶心的味道让人胆寒 学校食堂啊学校食堂 我们呼吁改善食物质量 给学生们一个健康的选择 让我们的味蕾重回快乐