AI beginners

Song Created By @Mrs With AI Singing


AI beginners
created by Mrs
AI beginners
created by Mrs



Certainly! Here's a song about the class of students in Cologne, eager to explore the world of AI. 🎵

**Title: "Waves of Code"**

In a classroom bathed in morning light,
Seventeen hearts beat with curious might,
Two teachers stand, their passion ablaze,
As they dive into the AI's mysterious maze.

**Verse 1:**
They gather 'round screens, eyes wide and bright,
Anxious whispers, dreams taking flight,
From neural networks to algorithms' dance,
They seek answers, fueled by chance.

Oh, waves of code crash upon their shore,
Binary tides revealing so much more,
Excitement and tension blend in the air,
As they unravel AI's secrets, rare.

**Verse 2:**
They learn of chatbots, language entwined,
How algorithms predict, analyze, refine,
In this digital realm, they find their place,
A symphony of data, a captivating space.

The teachers guide them through the fog,
Their passion igniting like a wildfire log,
They code, they question, they laugh, they strive,
In this Cologne classroom, AI comes alive.

Oh, waves of code crash upon their shore,
Binary tides revealing so much more,
Excitement and tension blend in the air,
As they unravel AI's secrets, rare.

**Verse 3:**
They ponder ethics, biases, and trust,
How AI shapes lives, both fair and unjust,
Yet hope blooms like spring flowers anew,
For these students, the future is painted in blue.

As the bell chimes, they leave the room,
Carrying algorithms, dreams, and a sense of bloom,
Seventeen hearts, two teachers, and more,
Bound by AI's magic on Cologne's classroom floor.

Feel free to hum along!





Emotional Analysis

The song evokes a sense of curiosity, excitement, and wonder as students delve into the world of artificial intelligence. There's a mix of tension, hope, and passion reflected in the lyrics, capturing the emotions of exploring the complexities of AI.

Application Scenarios

This song would be perfect for educational settings, AI workshops, tech conferences, or even as a motivational anthem for students learning about artificial intelligence. It can inspire curiosity and ignite passion for the subject matter.

Technical Analysis

The song 'Waves of Code' features a storytelling lyrical style, with vivid imagery that paints a picture of students engrossed in learning AI concepts. The structure includes an intro, verses, choruses, a bridge, and an outro. The rhyming scheme is consistent throughout, enhancing the flow of the lyrics. Musically, the hip-hop genre complements the narrative, providing a modern and engaging backdrop for the message of the song.

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珍九鼎食万钱, 我要开佑文圈钱, 开个佑文中学圈钱, 把我钱包充填, 我要秀智商下限, 我还要搞诈骗, 圈光你们这群傻逼的银元, 我们修不好门, 我们圈钱圈到你失魂, 我们要打击学生, 不然圈钱机遇难以产生, 我们不修水龙头, 我们不管学生的死活, 我们缝合各种级组, 四个级组是高一的鼻祖, 我们对着学生喊麦, 我们要将学生打败, 因为要圈钱开宝马, 我们相信佑文摁死所有学生, Crush the cheats,let's make it right, Earning cash to shine so bright, With hard work,we'll seize the day, Drive a Beemer, pave our way, 圈钱卖 学位只要10000块, 圈死你们这帮臭傻逼, 这就是佑文中学,你能怎么搞, 敢写举报就给你限制注册了,

Coming Out Ken-Jeff-AI-singing
Coming Out Ken

Verse 1: Ken with his fiery hair, always stood out in the crowd, But his secret was hidden, his true self not allowed, Hiding behind a mask, pretending to be someone else, But deep down inside, he was longing to be himself. Chorus: Ken, oh Ken, with your vibrant colors shining bright, Your flute playing sweet melodies in the dead of night, No longer hiding, no longer afraid to be true, Your rainbow flag flying high, in a sky so blue. Verse 2: For years he lived in fear, afraid of what they'd say, But now he's found his voice, and he won't be led astray, His loud obnoxious voice, now a symbol of his pride, No longer in the shadows, he's done trying to hide. Chorus: Ken, oh Ken, with your vibrant colors shining bright, Your flute playing sweet melodies in the dead of night, No longer hiding, no longer afraid to be true, Your rainbow flag flying high, in a sky so blue. Bridge: He's finally free, to be who he's meant to be, No longer bound by chains, he's finally feeling free, His true colors shining, in a world that's black and white, Ken is living his truth, and it feels so right. Chorus: Ken, oh Ken, with your vibrant colors shining bright, Your flute playing sweet melodies in the dead of night, No longer hiding, no longer afraid to be true, Your rainbow flag flying high, in a sky so blue. Outro: So here's to Ken, living his life out loud, Embracing who he is, standing tall and proud, No longer hiding, no longer afraid to be true, Ken's vibrant colors shining bright, in everything he'll do.

Es El Era-Elzy Jhay-AI-singing
Es El Era

[Verse] Lost in el shadow of mi mente, clouds dense Trapped en el fuego, heart palpitates, intense Found a flicker, ese rayito pequeño Escaping negativity, ya no soy el dueño [Verse 2] This light turns warm, melting hielo frío Guiding my camino, mi propio hero Bumped into faith, un aliado impensado Soul levitates, feeling energy renovado [Chorus] Es el era, iqué maravilla! From oscuro to brilla Esa luz, guía mía In the sky, estrellita brilla [Bridge] Rising with fuerza, un guerrero sin armadura Facing daytime spectros, mente segura Dark thoughts, ya no son mi yugo Este fuego, a beaming fuego [Verse 3] Fears siendo cenizas, viento se los lleva Dreams, colorful, mind se eleva Building mi kingdom, bricks of esperanza Aquí finalmente, il célula danza [Chorus] Es el era, iqué maravilla! From oscuro to brilla Esa luz, guía mía In the sky, estrellita brilla

Rap Kroher-Jonas-AI-singing
Rap Kroher

Kroher, Meister der Bewegung, der die Bilder tanzen lässt, Mit Pixeln und Frames, seine Kunst niemals verlässt. Er zaubert Welten aus Licht, seine Designs sind Magie, Kroher, der Motion-Designer, seine Visionen sind Genie. Kroher, Kroher, König der Animation, Mit unendlicher Kreativität, in jeder Komposition. Kroher, der Künstler, der die Leinwand belebt, Kroher, der Designer, dessen Werk die Welt erhebt. Mit After Effects und Blender, erschafft er Dimensionen, Kroher bringt Bewegung, lässt die Farben sich verschmelzen. Seine Hand erschafft Wunder, jede Szene ein Gedicht, Kroher, der Animator, der im Dunkeln Licht verspricht. Kroher, Kroher, König der Animation, Mit unendlicher Kreativität, in jeder Komposition. Kroher, der Künstler, der die Leinwand belebt, Kroher, der Designer, dessen Werk die Welt erhebt. Wenn die Pixel tanzen, und die Frames zum Leben erwachen, Weißt du, dass Kroher da war, mit seinen kreativen Sachen. Er bringt Bewegung in die Stille, lässt die Bilder explodieren, Kroher, der Motion-Designer, der stets neue Wege kreiert. Kroher, Kroher, König der Animation, Mit unendlicher Kreativität, in jeder Komposition. Kroher, der Künstler, der die Leinwand belebt, Kroher, der Designer, dessen Werk die Welt erhebt.


Kotmann schleicht durch die Nacht, Schatten werden lang, Kotmann kämpft für die Stadt, keiner ist ihm zu krank. Kotmann bringt Ordnung ins Chaos, Fäuste aus Stahl, Kotmann, der Unbezwingbare, sein Wille wie ein Pharos. Kotmann, Kotmann, Retter dieser Zeit, Kotmann, ungebrochene Kraft, im Kampf stets bereit. Kotmann schwebt durch die Lüfte, schützt uns Tag und Nacht, Kotmann, unser Wächter, der jede Dunkelheit zerschlagt. Kotmann sieht jede Gefahr, Adleraugen klar, Kotmann ist da, wenn du ihn brauchst, immer für dich da. Kotmann, kein Hindernis zu groß, kein Feind zu stark, Kotmann beschützt die Stadt, selbst im finstersten Park. Kotmann, Kotmann, Retter dieser Zeit, Kotmann, ungebrochene Kraft, im Kampf stets bereit. Kotmann schwebt durch die Lüfte, schützt uns Tag und Nacht, Kotmann, unser Wächter, der jede Dunkelheit zerschlagt. Kotmann in den Gassen, er bleibt unerkannt, Kotmann, der Name, der in jeder Ecke bekannt. Kotmann kämpft für Gerechtigkeit, lässt keinen im Stich, Kotmann, der Krieger, der für das Gute spricht. Kotmann, Kotmann, Retter dieser Zeit, Kotmann, ungebrochene Kraft, im Kampf stets bereit. Kotmann schwebt durch die Lüfte, schützt uns Tag und Nacht, Kotmann, unser Wächter, der jede Dunkelheit zerschlagt.

Darius, pas drôle-Cora-AI-singing
Darius, pas drôle

[Verse] Darius dans le coin, raconte ses histoires, Silence dans la salle, ambiance bizarre, Siham et Alexandra, seules à chopper, Quand les autres l'écoutent, ils veulent s’échapper. [Verse 2] Bit box en boucle, le son résonne fort, Blagues plates, atmosphère devient mort, Siham éclate, Alexandra rigole, Le reste du monde, se sent bien seul. [Chorus] Dans l'ombre, Darius balance ses lignes, Siham et Alexandra, ses seules reines, Rires discrets, cœur lourd dans l'arène, Trap beat, échos et peine. [Verse 3] Visage impassible, l’audience se tait, Chaque phrase enchaînée, continue d'essayer, Siham applaudit, Alexandra moud, Tout autre sourire, perdu dans le flou. [Verse 4] Le bit box monte, tension grandit, Cette soirée là, tout le monde le fuit, Siham et Alexandra, remparts de lumière, Face à la gêne, seules à se distraire. [Bridge] Darius persévère, ambition cachée, Piège du rire, souvent mal acheminé, Siham et Alexandra, l'exception rare, Darius à l'ombre, sans autre phare.

Bardella's Hustle-Florian-AI-singing
Bardella's Hustle

[Verse] Rap game hotter, Bardella on a mission Politique à vie, scène comme une prison Midi à quatorze heures, la rue parle raison Chaises musicales, ils jouent pour la démission [Verse 2] Élections chauffe, ça sent le malaise Dossiers brûlants, leur folie s'apaise Aspirant au sommet, l'ascension le pèse Faut bien payer le prix pour que la lumière se lèze [Chorus] Dans la jungle urbaine, Bardella se faufile Tirant les ficelles, il maitrise son fil La rue chuchote, le bruit est subtile Politique et cash, ça devient reptile [Verse 3] Bureaux plein de magouilles, regards qui se croisent Rumeur dans l’air, les alliances se brisent Une marée d’égo, dans un verre qu’on glisse La merde dans le vent, tout va en survitesse [Bridge] Fan de la rue avec code de survie Écorché vif, il lit l'âme de la ville Ghettos murmurent, la stéréo vibrille Vie dorée mais l'envers se profile [Verse 4] Code noir, bandeau rouge, attitude à la cible Seul dans la foule, il lit chaque bible Versets de combats, les voix sont dociles Chacun son rôle dans les cercles mobiles


Yo yo yo,大家听我说, 我是骄傲的心尘,心尘站长今天来报到, 全职做站,十多年闪耀, 小年轻站长见我都要叫我一声爷, 玩站老炮,在这圈曾经也独领风骚。 站长心尘,经验摆在这儿, 网络海洋,我是那嗷嗷的领航, 网站运营,SEO我都玩转, 年轻站长们千万别跟我学, 我怕学完,你会爱上我 大家好,我的名字叫心尘, 现在是一名风水师, 八面来财,风水有诀窍, 吉时吉位,我一眼就能看道, 家宅安稳,西面财源滚滚来, 跟随心尘,风水玄学其中很多奥妙。 快快跟着心尘,节奏快跟上, 未来我们一起玩站破浪, 站长风水师,样样我玩的有模有样, 心尘在这儿,梦想一起实现。 Yo yo yo,大家听我说, 我是心尘,今天来show, 粉丝突破五十,庆祝这一天, 带上你的耳朵,把阴尘清扫干净再见! 我是心尘,不只是个名字, 我的音乐让你心中阳光升起, 粉丝们集合,跟我一起唱, 让快乐充满在每一个晚上! 五十个粉丝,是个好的开始, 未来更辉煌,等你们见证, 不管有多少阴影,把它扫光, 跟着心尘,我们一起飞翔! 是的,是的,这是我们的节奏, 心尘在这儿,让你的心波动, 一起嗨,在这阳光里摇摆, 粉丝五十,未来一定更精彩!


සද කැලුම් වලා කුලු හුඟක් පුරා හද අරනේ පෑයූ එදා මහ හිතක පිරී දිය පොදත් සිදී ඔබ කොහෙද ගියේ මිතූරී.... මට පාර කියා තරු ඇසත් වසා හදවතින් මිදුනු යුවතී කඩදාසි ලියුම් කවි ගීත කියූ ඇස් අඟින් මිදුනු යුවතී පුර හදත් මිදී කෝ ගීත වැකී කදුලම නෙත් කෙවෙනි දරා මගෙ හුස්ම පවා මොහොතකට මිදී ඔබ හොයන් යන්න හිතුනා තවමත් පෙර සේ මතකේ රැදිලා ඔබ ඉන්න නිසා මගෙ හිතම දරා මේ හිතට තවත් පෙම් කරන කෙනෙක් මට ඕන නෑනෙ හිතුනා ආයෙත් පෙර සේ මතකේ දල්වා ජීවිත ගඟුලේ පැදයන්නම් මා මතු ඔබ ඒ නම් සසරේ පෙම හා මින් මතු කිසිදා වෙන් වෙන්නෑ මා...

AI beginners-Mrs-AI-singing
AI beginners

Certainly! Here's a song about the class of students in Cologne, eager to explore the world of AI. 🎵 **Title: "Waves of Code"** **Intro:** ``` In a classroom bathed in morning light, Seventeen hearts beat with curious might, Two teachers stand, their passion ablaze, As they dive into the AI's mysterious maze. ``` **Verse 1:** ``` They gather 'round screens, eyes wide and bright, Anxious whispers, dreams taking flight, From neural networks to algorithms' dance, They seek answers, fueled by chance. ``` **Chorus:** ``` Oh, waves of code crash upon their shore, Binary tides revealing so much more, Excitement and tension blend in the air, As they unravel AI's secrets, rare. ``` **Verse 2:** ``` They learn of chatbots, language entwined, How algorithms predict, analyze, refine, In this digital realm, they find their place, A symphony of data, a captivating space. ``` **Bridge:** ``` The teachers guide them through the fog, Their passion igniting like a wildfire log, They code, they question, they laugh, they strive, In this Cologne classroom, AI comes alive. ``` **Chorus:** ``` Oh, waves of code crash upon their shore, Binary tides revealing so much more, Excitement and tension blend in the air, As they unravel AI's secrets, rare. ``` **Verse 3:** ``` They ponder ethics, biases, and trust, How AI shapes lives, both fair and unjust, Yet hope blooms like spring flowers anew, For these students, the future is painted in blue. ``` **Outro:** ``` As the bell chimes, they leave the room, Carrying algorithms, dreams, and a sense of bloom, Seventeen hearts, two teachers, and more, Bound by AI's magic on Cologne's classroom floor. ``` Feel free to hum along!


Oh Mário, safadinho do armário... Que me pegou de surpresa sem avisar... Nunca mais vou esquecer daquele momento Em que tu me fizeste delirar! Foi uma noite de prazer intenso! Onde os nossos corpos se entregaram E eu não pude resistir À tua beleza e ao teu olhar... Mário, Mário, deixaste-me embevecido! Com a tua paixão incontrolável! E agora eu não consigo mais resistir..! A essa vontade de te amar! Então, vamos juntos nos entregar... A essa paixão que nos consome! E viver cada momento como se fosse o último.... Porque com você, Mário, eu me sinto completo! Mário, Mário, meu amante secreto... Que me conquistou com seu beijo gostoso! Eu quero te amar a cada dia mais... E me entregar de corpo e alma ao seu desejo...! Esta música é dedicada a você, Mário! Que me comeu atrás do armário! Uma noite cheia de amor, desejo, prazer, e muito....... SEXOOOOO!!!!

Cuộc Đời Trà Đá-Tahir-AI-singing
Cuộc Đời Trà Đá

[Verse] Mặc áo Gucci màu xám khói, Trên phố đông neo thường trôi, Công viên đầy trai gái vui chơi, Xe hơi lướt giữa trời không tả nổi. [Verse 2] Môi trường ngầu lòi dân chơi đất này, Tóc xanh tóc đỏ bay cả bầu trời, Tiệc tùng tí tởn cứ như là nhảy, Bia hơi, nhạc hip-hop bật tại chỗ ngồi. [Pre-Chorus] Nghe đi, cảm nhận vibe thật chill, Dòng thời gian trôi như nước thấm chầm chậm, Tự do, chúng ta sống không có cần chuẩn, Vì cuộc đời chơi là để mình khỏi dậm. [Chorus] Cuộc đời trà đá, rap tưng bừng hoà vang, Nhạc lên ngút ngàn, phố lên đèn hoàng mang, Tràn ngập đêm về tinh quang, Cùng chung niềm vui chúng ta không càn. [Verse 3] Điệu nhảy, chân sáo bước tung tăng, Người đẹp, trai tài chung quanh, Rap này mang cảm hứng những vùng xung quanh, Đi qua mảnh đời này ở trung tâm Sài Gòn. [Bridge] Ta yêu đời, không cần chi phải lo, Cuộc sống cứ thế, chill đến tận mấy giờ, Nhạc mình lên, tay ôm bóng mờ, Trải nghiệm từng khoảnh khắc, không hề giả vờ.