Ghosts of Nu-Shoe

Song Created By @Lukeeez With AI Singing

Chi tiết âm thanh

Ghosts of Nu-Shoe
created by Lukeeez
Ghosts of Nu-Shoe
created by Lukeeez

Chi tiết âm nhạc

Văn bản lời bài hát

Dreams were whispered
Through the haze
Echoes linger in the maze
Guitars weep
Through the night
Their sound was pure
But out of sight

[Verse 2]
Jonathan's chords
Zete's voice
Nu-shoe was their only choice
Distorted waves
Chimed in tune
A symphony beneath the moon

World can't see it
Not ready for the vibe
Nu-shoe fading
Lost in time

[Verse 3]
Footsteps echoed
Empty halls
Songs that no one ever calls
Notes are drifting
Like a breeze
Innovation brings unease

World can't see it
Not ready for the vibe
Nu-shoe fading
Lost in time

They were the ghosts
Of sounds so rare
Too deep to care
Floating in the air

Mô tả phong cách âm nhạc

experimental ethereal shoegaze

Ngôn ngữ lời bài hát


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia, melancholy, and a feeling of being ahead of one's time. There is a dreamy and haunting quality to the words that creates a contemplative atmosphere.

Application Scenarios

This song would be fitting for introspective moments, indie film soundtracks, or as background music for art exhibitions or avant-garde performances.

Technical Analysis

The song features poetic lyrics that paint a vivid picture of a musical legacy that has been overlooked or forgotten. The use of metaphors such as 'ghosts of sounds' and 'innovation brings unease' adds depth to the storytelling. The mention of specific musical elements like guitars, chords, and voices gives a nod to the technical aspects of music production within the experimental ethereal shoegaze genre.

Nhạc liên quan Nhiều phong cách âm nhạc khác


Test over and over again

Lost in Wandering Woods-Da-AI-singing
Lost in Wandering Woods

[Verse] Wander through shadows bones creak in the night Twisted branches whisper tales no light Searching for truth in a forest of lies Hear the whispers surrounding my cries [Verse 2] Moonlight glimmers on a path gone astray Silent echoes guide me nowhere each day Fleeting visions of a peace I can’t find The Lost Woods haunt me drive me out of my mind [Chorus] Oh lost in the woods keep me wandering here Strange melodies pulling me near Oh lost in the woods tears mix with the rain Will I ever find my way out again [Bridge] Golden leaves rustle secrets untold Ancient spirits guard the paths of old Haunting notes lead me onward in vain Chasing echoes dancing in pain [Verse 3] Lost in the struggle of the forest deep Mists of confusion in which secrets seep Fading figures in the twilight appear Reveal the darkness feed off my fear [Chorus] Oh lost in the woods keep me wandering here Strange melodies pulling me near Oh lost in the woods tears mix with the rain Will I ever find my way out again

Cosmic Moment-Christopher-AI-singing
Cosmic Moment

[Verse] We are stardust in the galaxy Shadows in the cosmic sea Blink of time we hardly see Echoes in infinity [Verse 2] Floating through this endless night Fading in the pale moonlight An instant here and out of sight Whispers lost in cosmic flight [Chorus] Just a dot in the universe Insignificant we traverse Fleeting moments so diverse Cosmic story we rehearse [Verse 3] Nebulas and ancient skies Countless stars where silence lies Our small sparks that soon will die In the vastness we'll comply [Bridge] We leave no trace in the great expanse Just a tiny cosmic dance A moment's glance a fleeting chance Gone too soon a trance [Chorus] Just a dot in the universe Insignificant we traverse Fleeting moments so diverse Cosmic story we rehearse

Psychedelic-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing

Ayahuasca South American trip Oh boy will you trip and like Alice be six feet tall You will vomit up your breakfast and the toxin will take a hold of your soul Your in for a trip and the Shaman and tribe will always be a part Once you return to Boise, Idaho you will never completely return you will have connection that they don’t tell you Your Soul will be affected from here on out Avoid the Ayahuasca Trip and save your soul

Sinibole Love-Nomi-AI-singing
Sinibole Love


we nu uh-khalid-AI-singing
we nu uh

we nu uh yes or no



Római Fények-Balázs-AI-singing
Római Fények

[Verse] Fehér fény ragyog rám Gyertyák tánca csendes álom Kéklő ég templom falán Angyalok szárnya messze száll [Verse 2] Felkel a nap lassan ébred Egyszerű szavak imában szólnak Misztikus árnyak kúsznak fentről Zene hangja újjászületik bentről [Chorus] Halleluja énekelj Lelked szárnya égig érjen Halleluja érezzed Szíved békére leljen [Verse 3] Színes távlatok látomás Régi kövek szívéhez szólva Történelem fala mesél Halkan suttog múltja s regél [Bridge] Csillagok közt álmodozom Pipacsmezőn angyalokkal Szivárványos ég alatt Az örökkévalóval [Chorus] Halleluja énekelj Lelked szárnya égig érjen Halleluja érezzed Szíved békére leljen

Magic of Spirit-Scott-AI-singing
Magic of Spirit


Signal Hill-Peter-AI-singing
Signal Hill

On the slopes of Signal Hill, where two clubs meet. The Atlantic Flying Club and the Two Oceans Flying Club enjoy slope soaring. In a gusty North Westerly wind a group of brave pilots braved the cold and ventured onto the slope. Fun was had by all. Bees flying combat. Fast composite gliders doing their speed runs and aerobatic manoeuvres. It was a great day of flying and chatting with friends who have a common interest. Rather a passion for flying. Hitesh was demonstrating his immaculate skill, flying a Jart. Whipping across the front of the slope, high speed rolls, clmb outs and dives. This Jart is something to admire at the hands of such a skilled pilot. Even has the mist rolled in, the die hard pilots kept on flying, despite their planes disappearing from site from time to time. A great way to enjoy the outdoors and be with friends.

the enigma of time-Mouctar-AI-singing
the enigma of time

--- The Enigma of Time Deep within a dense forest, where sunlight barely pierces through the leaves, lies an ancient clock. It resembles no other clock you've ever seen. Its hands are entwined, twisted like vines, and its dial is adorned with strange symbols. Some say this clock is cursed; others believe it holds the secret of time itself. Every night at midnight, the clock comes alive. Its hands whirl frantically, and a soft chime fills the air. Villagers nearby tell tales of lost souls who attempted to repair it, hoping to gain favor with time. But no one has ever succeeded in restoring it to working order. One day, a young clockmaker named Lucien decided to unravel the mystery of the clock. He spent nights studying its mechanisms, deciphering the symbols etched on the dial. The more he delved, the more he sensed that the clock was sentient, with a consciousness of its own. One evening, as the moon hung high in the sky, Lucien made an extraordinary discovery. By touching the hour hand, he was transported to the past—an era of wandering knights and troubadours singing love ballads. By touching the minute hand, he was thrust into the future—a world dominated by machines, where stars were veiled by pollution. Lucien realized the clock was a temporal gateway, bridging different epochs. Yet, he couldn't fully repair it. Each attempt caused the clock to shift, eluding his grasp, changing form. He spent the rest of his life studying the clock, trying to unlock its secret. He grew old and gray, but his obsession never waned. And one day, as he touched the second hand, he vanished completely, leaving behind a silent clock. Since then, the clock has remained motionless, awaiting a new explorer, a curious soul willing to solve its enigma. Perhaps it's you, dear reader, who will finally uncover the hidden truth within its mysterious gears. --- Feel free to adjust or modify the text further! 😊

মেঘেরি মতন-azad-AI-singing
মেঘেরি মতন

[Verse] ছন্ন ছাড়া আমি মেঘেরি মতন ভেসে বেড়াই আমি যেথায় ইচ্ছে যখন আকাশের বুকেতে তিরি মিরি করে স্বপ্নের রঙে আঁকি আকাশের পানে [Verse 2] ইচ্ছে হলেই বৃষ্টি হই ঝর ঝর ইচ্ছে হলেই আধার ঢাক পড় দিগন্তে ভাসি ঢেউয়ের ছন্দে আকাশে বাতাসে জুড়ে নতুন গান মন্দে [Chorus] ইচ্চে হলেই ছুটে চলে যাই দূর থেকে দূর আবার নতুন সূর্যর অরু মেঘেরি মতন সারাক্ষণ বদলায় হাওয়ার সাথে সাথে আমার গান বাজায় [Verse 3] যত্সুখে ফুরায় নীল আকাশে আমার মেঘেরি চুলে উড়ে যায় রেশে খোলা মনে হাওয়া লাগে উড়তে চায় ভেসে যাই দিগন্তে যত মুহূর্তে [Bridge] মেঘের খেলা আর বৃষ্টি সুর মিলে মিশে যায় দূরের অন্তর এই যেনো আমি একটু বেসামাল জীবনের গল্পে শুধুই হয় মায়া শিল্প [Chorus] ইচ্চে হলেই ছুটে চলে যাই দূর থেকে দূর আবার নতুন সূর্যর অরু মেঘেরি মতন সারাক্ষণ বদলায় হাওয়ার সাথে সাথে আমার গান বাজায়