
Song Created By @Antuan With AI Singing

Chi tiết âm thanh

created by Antuan
created by Antuan

Chi tiết âm nhạc

Văn bản lời bài hát

(Verse 1)
In the silence of the night, I fade away,
Lost in a maze where thoughts betray.
Caught in between what's wrong and right,
Chasing echoes of a fading light.

I'm M.I.A., lost in the haze,
Where whispers fade and memories erase.
In the depths of my mind, I roam,
Far from the world I used to call home.

(Verse 2)
Through the shadows, I drift alone,
Seeking answers in the great unknown.
No map to guide, no path to trace,
Just fragments of a fleeting embrace.

Is there a way to break free?
From this cycle of uncertainty.
In the silence, I find my solace,
Lost in thoughts, where time displaces.

In the silence of the night, I fade away,
Lost in a maze where thoughts betray.
Caught in between what's wrong and right,
Chasing echoes of a fading light.

Mô tả phong cách âm nhạc

r&b, acoustic pop, electro house,

Ngôn ngữ lời bài hát


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics convey a sense of isolation, confusion, and longing for clarity. The artist expresses feelings of being lost and disconnected from their surroundings, searching for answers in the unknown. There is a melancholic undertone throughout the song, with a hint of hope for a way out of the mental labyrinth.

Application Scenarios

This song could resonate with listeners who are going through periods of introspection, dealing with uncertainty, or feeling disconnected from their environment. It could be used in a reflective or emotional playlist, as background music for scenes depicting inner turmoil in film/TV, or as a soundtrack for storytelling content focused on personal growth and self-discovery.

Technical Analysis

The song features a mix of acoustic pop elements with electronic influences, blending soulful vocals with layered production. The use of electronic elements in an acoustic setting adds depth to the emotional resonance of the track. The lyrics follow a reflective narrative structure, with the repetition of themes in the verses and chorus creating a sense of introspection and contemplation.

Nhạc liên quan Nhiều phong cách âm nhạc khác




[Verse] 日出漫山耀眼光 牧羊人早起忙忙 羊群在绿草地上 无忧无虑没惆怅 [Verse 2] 风吹过山野一片香 牧羊人心中安详 夜晚繁星满天亮 梦里都是快乐模样 [Chorus] 牧羊人 牧羊人 心中永远的乐园 牧羊人 牧羊人 自在逍遥在世间 [Verse 3] 山谷间回荡歌声 牧羊人喜悦无穷 越过山岭与河川 每天都是新冒险 [Bridge] 在他心中有梦想 牧场就是天堂 岁月流走也不慌 永远跟羊伴游荡 [Chorus] 牧羊人 牧羊人 心中永远的乐园 牧羊人 牧羊人 自在逍遥在世间

No Questions Left-Mia-AI-singing
No Questions Left

[Verse] No sparks no fire No heart's desire No games no chase Just an empty space [Verse 2] No texts no calls Just silent walls No highs no lows No mysteries to know [Chorus] Why don't you wonder Why don't you care No questions left Are you even there No wonder light No midnight calls Just emptiness No rise no falls [Verse 3] No secrets shared No moments spared No long goodnights Just fading lights [Bridge] Dance in the emptiness Feel the hollow bliss Lost in the routine No new dreams to miss

love all-lariel-AI-singing
love all

(Verse 1) Nas estrelas, eu te encontrei Nossa galáxia secreta, só nós dois Brilhando, brilhando, lado a lado Como uma constelação, nosso amor é eternamente vibrante (Pré-refrão) Voa alto, com asas de sonhos Nossos corações dançam ao ritmo das estrelas E no céu noturno, encontramos nosso paraíso Você é minha obra de arte, incomparável e sublime (Refrão) Estrela cadente, guie nosso caminho Nossos sentimentos, como meteoritos em queda Em cada verso, escrevemos nossa história Nossa canção de amor, melodias celestiais (Ponte) Nossos olhos refletem o universo Cada olhar, uma constelação de desejos E quando nossos lábios se tocam Somos a harmonia perfeita, a sinfonia do infinito (Refrão) Estrela cadente, guie nosso caminho Nossos sentimentos, como meteoritos em queda Em cada verso, escrevemos nossa história Nossa canção de amor, melodias celestiais (Outro) Nossos nomes gravados nas estrelas Nossa música ecoa através do cosmos Somos K-pop, somos amor, somos eternidade Nossa canção, uma galáxia de paixão e felicidade


昨夜的争执割破了心的线 翻过每一页,找寻原谅的路标 承诺用心守护每个瞬间 你是我的光,我会更珍惜你的微笑 爱是一首温柔的歌 你的温柔是我的幸福 让我们的心紧紧相连 直到时间的尽头,永不分离

Giant Heart, Ocean Soul-KaijuKid-AI-singing
Giant Heart, Ocean Soul

[Verse] In the waves I'm dancing In the night I'm bold Teenage heart is pounding Kraken tales unfold [Verse 2] Giants bear their challenge Monsters in the deep Balancing the chaos Dreams I strive to keep [Chorus] Ruby in the moonlight Warrior in disguise Defender of the Oceanside Bright beneath the sky [Verse 3] Big girl in small town Secrets down below Fighting for my people They'll never know [Chorus] Ruby in the moonlight Warrior in disguise Defender of the Oceanside Bright beneath the sky [Bridge] Underneath the water Bravery runs free Half a world above The other half's just me

Island Love-Nyze-AI-singing
Island Love


Růžový Démon-Miamji-AI-singing
Růžový Démon

[Verse] Blondýnka v růžovém snu Na první pohled do srdce vniknu Z klávesnice ukradl jsem dotyk A polibek jako nikdy [Verse 2] V rozvrzaném Daewoo červeném Píšeme příběh v noci potemnělé Jsi růžový démon v růžovém sny Vždy chrání mě v pádu třpytném [Chorus] Blondýno růžová vílo Ukazuješ mi nový svět Se srdcem v růžích skrýto Jsi démon můj růžový květ [Verse 3] Každý úsměv je jako rána Skryj mě ve tvém snovém hávu Přes den i noc cítím tebe Jsi můj růžový poklad v nebi [Chorus] Blondýno růžová vílo Ukazuješ mi nový svět Se srdcem v růžích skrýto Jsi démon můj růžový květ [Bridge] Skrz temnotu i světlé dny Tancujeme spolu ve snu Růžový démon střeží nás Navždycky v mém srdci jsi

První rande v centru-Štefan-AI-singing
První rande v centru

[Verse] Byli jsme v obchodním centru první rande tam Ona domácí limonádu já si kávu dám [Verse 2] První rande první polibek chvíle tak vážná Půjčila mi klávesnici psali jsme moc vážná [Chorus] Ty a já v centru kde všechno září Ruku v ruce naše srdce nezdárná Ty a já v centru kde všechno září První rande naše láska je jasná [Verse] Obchodní centrum plné světel barev Naše rande něco víc než par [Bridge] Jen ty a já proti všemu co přijde V centru světa našli jsme se v čase mizí [Chorus] Ty a já v centru kde všechno září Ruku v ruce naše srdce nezdárná Ty a já v centru kde všechno září První rande naše láska je jasná

První Rande-Stefan-AI-singing
První Rande

[Verse] Byli jsme v obchodním centru první rande tam Ona domácí limonádu já si kávu dám [Verse 2] Seděli jsme spolu čas se zastavil Blondýna v růžovém tajemná a zvláštní [Chorus] První rande první polibek chvíle tak spráááávná Srdce buší rychleji všechno je teď nádherné [Verse 3] Smích a krátká slova pohledy se střetnou Každá minuta je drahá v tvojí přítomnosti [Verse 4] Město kolem nás tak cizí svět nám patří V očích tvých vidím zázrak nekonečné možnosti [Chorus] První rande první polibek chvíle tak spráááávná Srdce buší rychleji všechno je teď nádherné

Blox Frustration-Daniel-AI-singing
Blox Frustration

[Verse] Running through the game Can't find no peace Dough kids on my tail They never cease [Verse 2] Ice users cold hearts No skill at all They hunt me down I always fall [Chorus] Blox fruits despair Can't win this fight Dough kids everywhere Feels like no light [Verse 3] I hit but no damage What's the point now Dodge or be doomed But I don't know how [Bridge] Why is this so tough I’ve had enough No skill they say Just feelin' rough [Chorus] Blox fruits despair Can't win this fight Dough kids everywhere Feels like no light


I will praise to the lord Oh my soul rejoice I will joy in your presence Oh Lord of my soul lift your hands smile all the time give him your words in your way, just praise