Fading Shadows

Song Created By @Fernando With AI Singing

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Fading Shadows
created by Fernando
Fading Shadows
created by Fernando

Chi tiết âm nhạc

Văn bản lời bài hát

(Verse 1)
Sittin' alone in the darkness
Cigarette smoke cloudin' up my mind
Thoughts racin', tears fallin'
My reflection, so hard to find

Fading shadows on the wall
Pain and sorrow, I feel it all
Every day's a battle to fight
Lonely darkness, endless night

(Verse 2)
Scars on my soul, hidden deep within
Anguish and torment, my constant kin
Shackled to the past, drowning in regret
No escape from the demons that I've met

Fading shadows on the wall
Pain and sorrow, I feel it all
Every day's a battle to fight
Lonely darkness, endless night

Cutting deeper to feel alive
The darkness whispering, "just survive"
Tears fall like rain, washing away
The pain and torment that never stray

Fading shadows on the wall
Pain and sorrow, I feel it all
Every day's a battle to fight
Lonely darkness, endless night

Fading shadows, haunting me
But I'll rise above, just wait and see
Through the pain and self-harm, I'll find my way
Fading shadows, I'll conquer today

Mô tả phong cách âm nhạc

melancholic, Jazz, slow

Ngôn ngữ lời bài hát


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics convey deep emotions of pain, sorrow, loneliness, and struggle. The introspective and melancholic tone creates a sense of darkness and emotional turmoil within the narrator.

Application Scenarios

This song would be suitable for listening to during moments of introspection, contemplation, or when seeking solace in music. It could also be used in artistic expressions or performances that explore themes of struggles and overcoming challenges.

Technical Analysis

The song features a slow tempo characteristic of Jazz ballads. The instrumentation is likely to be minimal to highlight the emotive vocals and lyrics. The use of minor chords and melodic lines would enhance the melancholic mood of the song. The dynamics would be subtle, with emphasis on evoking a sense of emotional depth.

Nhạc liên quan Nhiều phong cách âm nhạc khác

j'ai repondu-Ozymandias-AI-singing
j'ai repondu

## J'ai Répondu (Chanson) **Couplet 1** J'ai reçu ton message, j'ai lu tes mots, J'ai ressenti l'émotion qui t'a poussé à les écrire. J'ai pris le temps de réfléchir, de digérer, De trouver les mots justes pour te répondre. **Refrain** J'ai répondu, oui, j'ai répondu, Parce que ton message m'a touché, m'a ému. J'ai voulu te dire ce que je ressentais, Te faire savoir que je t'écoutais. **Couplet 2** Parfois, les mots ne sont pas nécessaires, Un simple geste, un regard suffit. Mais dans ce cas, j'avais besoin de te parler, De te dire tout ce qui se passait dans mon cœur. **Refrain** J'ai répondu, oui, j'ai répondu, Parce que ton message m'a touché, m'a ému. J'ai voulu te dire ce que je ressentais, Te faire savoir que je t'écoutais. **Pont** La communication est essentielle dans une relation, Que ce soit par des mots, des gestes ou des actions. Il est important de s'exprimer, de se faire comprendre, De ne pas laisser les malentendus s'installer. **Refrain** J'ai répondu, oui, j'ai répondu, Parce que ton message m'a touché, m'a ému. J'ai voulu te dire ce que je ressentais, Te faire savoir que je t'écoutais. **Outro** J'espère que ma réponse t'a apporté du réconfort, Que tu as compris ce que je voulais dire. Sache que je suis toujours là pour toi, Prêt à t'écouter et à te soutenir.


Oli kerran joki. Joki jo kovin vanha koki monta iltaa niin surullista ja iloista. Niin montaa riitaa ja kuolemaa sai se todistaa, mutta silti se virtaa. Se virtaa läpi metsäin, soiden, kaupunkien tiedottomana mitä haikaa. Mihin kaipaa. Kiviin, kallioihin ja vuoriinkin se uurtaa uomaansa. Saavuttamatta haluamaansa. Mis on koti. mulla? Kysyy se suru suulla. Montaa iltaa. joki yksinäisenä virtaa sinisenä kuohuten, piirtäen maisemaan uomaa. Nauru eikä ilokaan lapsen saa jokea iloitsemaan. Ei huoli joki iloa muiden vaan tahtoo löytää maan jos onni nostaa joen suulle naurun ja ilon aidon. Kadehtien joki lasta, ottaa oppia sen naurusta. Nauraa ja iloitsee, mutta ei se ole oikeaa. Joki silti tuntee suruaan. Kyyneleet hukkuvat virtaan. Ihmiset jatkavat eloaan, mut joki ei itkuaan saa lakkaamaan. Mis on koti mulla? Kysyy se suru suulla. Montaa iltaa joki yksinäisenä virtaa sinisenä kuohuten, piirtäen maisemaan uomaa kyynelten luomaa. Puhui joki kerran kanssa herran, jonka tie kotiin vei. Kysyi joki tältä: “Hei mis on koti sun?” “Kotoni son siel mis kerran rakastun.” Hetkestä tuosta syntyi aate rakastamisesta. Rakasti joki nousua auringon, tuoksua aamuisen sateen ja väriä loputtoman taivaan. Niistäkö koti löytyisi? Ajatuksen tämän pian kuitenkin hautasi puhuttuaan kans auringon, sateen ja taivaan. Mis on koti mulla? Kysyy se suru suulla. Montaa iltaa joki yksinäisenä virtaa sinisenä kuohuten, piirtäen maisemaan uomaa. Tahtoo se luovuttaa, tahtoo se unohtaa, mutta virtaa se vaan


Nussi sitä pilluun Pane sitä perseeseen


[intro] [Solo]  [Piano Solo] [Verse 1] 再見 甜蜜的初戀 分離的兩人 落下淚點 再見 黑白老相片 隨記憶塵封 埋藏留戀 再見 日初邂逅的清澈海邊 那天是誰先吻了誰 被誰遺忘的諾言 [Pre-Chorus 1] 再見 一切世間酸甜的滋味 最後但願只能帶走 塞滿回憶的畫面 [Chorus] 如果要告別 如果今夜就要和世界告別 如果你只能心繫一個人 你會想起誰 [Verse 2] 晚安 喧鬧的都會 紙醉金迷裡 藏著傷悲 晚安 夢想和希望 沉浮在浪間 就像落葉 晚安 關上心扉讓狂野沉澱 獨自收拾行李 獨自走向世界的邊緣 [Pre-Chorus 2] 晚安 思緒躍出人群的界限 原來放逐下的宣洩 會比幻想更沉醉 [Chorus] 還是要告別 還是只能選擇和世界告別 你會裝進什麼回憶紀念 在行李裡面 終於要告別 終於沒有更多的明天要追 你有什麼遺憾依然殘缺 還沒有完美 [Instrumental Bridge] 當思念迴盪耳邊 笑靨卻高飛 當失落比華麗還要強烈 堅定沸騰信念 讓每段故事 不再卑微 當永遠變成一種絕對 當句點變成一種誓言 讓眼淚終於遠離心碎 [Chorus] 勇敢的告別 勇敢地向過去和現在告別 告別每段魂牽夢縈歲月 關心或道歉 最後的告別 最後終於鼓起勇氣去告別 告別不存在的海市蜃樓 去擁抱藍天 [Solo] [Guitar Solo] [End]

Ghost of Us-Sean-AI-singing
Ghost of Us

[Verse] Dance in neon lights We used to be bright Echoes of our fights Sharp as the night [Verse 2] The past keeps spinning No way we're winning Old wounds still stinging But now I'm grinning [Chorus] Ghost of us Dust to rust Light to crush Lost in lust [Verse 3] Your voice fades like a ghost Lost what mattered the most But freedom feels so clear Got no more fear [Verse 4] New day rising bright and free No more chains holding me Life’s ahead so full of light Until day turns to night [Chorus] Ghost of us Dust to rust Light to crush Lost in lust [Bridge] We were fireworks Burning till we burst Now we're just the dust Of the love we cursed [Chorus] Ghost of us Dust to rust Light to crush Lost in lust [Post- Chorus] And just like fireworks, fireworks Is the way we burst, way we burst Fade through the night, through the night Now we bid ourselves goodbye [Post- Chorus 2] Burned those photos left behind Memories I don’t need to find My future’s bright I see the sun My new life has begun

伤-Ho Xin-AI-singing

你说 我在听 是不是最近累了 想放弃了吗 怎么了 你怎么了 说我根本不懂 让我伤的很绝

Shattered Dreams-Rhykamae-AI-singing
Shattered Dreams

[Verse] Whisper in the night Darkness in my soul Tears I cannot fight Broken pieces whole [Verse 2] Echoes in the hall Memories that fade Pictures on the wall Hearts that you betrayed [Chorus] Shattered dreams Falling apart Lonely screams Echo in my heart Pain that seems To never depart Sadness streams Since we're apart [Verse] Stars that lost their light Moon that hides her face Silent endless night Love that lost its place [Verse 2] Raindrops on the pane Cold without your touch Whispers call my name Miss you oh so much [Chorus] Shattered dreams Falling apart Lonely screams Echo in my heart Pain that seems To never depart Sadness streams Since we're apart

Dharani my life-Yugandhar-AI-singing
Dharani my life

Love is a beautiful and joyful emotion that brings so much light into our lives. When we open our hearts to love, we experience a profound sense of connection, happiness, and fulfillment. Love can take many forms - the love between partners, the love for family and friends, and the love we have for ourselves. No matter how it manifests, love has the power to transform our lives and fill us with a deep sense of joy. Embracing love and allowing it to flow freely can lead to a more vibrant, meaningful, and joyful existence. Whether it's the thrill of a new romance, the comfort of a long-lasting relationship, or the self-love that allows us to appreciate our own worth, love is a gift that enriches the human experience. So, let's celebrate love in all its forms and bask in the joyful energy it brings to our lives. By nurturing the love within and around us, we can create a world filled with more kindness, compassion, and happiness. — Living a joyful life is all about embracing the beauty that surrounds us every day. For me, that joy comes from my cherished companion, Dharani. Dharani is not just mine, but a true soulmate who brings boundless happiness into my life. Her infectious energy and unconditional love never fail to lift my spirits, no matter how challenging the day may be. Whether we're going for long walks, cuddling on the couch, or simply sharing a quiet moment together, Dharani's presence fills my heart with warmth and contentment. Her playful antics and loyal companionship are a constant reminder to savor the simple pleasures in life. Through the ups and downs, Dharani has been a steadfast source of comfort and joy. Her unwavering devotion reminds me to approach each day with a grateful heart and a zest for living. With Dharani by my side, every moment is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty of this remarkable journey called life.


[intro] [Solo]  [Piano Solo] [Verse] 佇立星空一片 抬頭尋覓誓言 曾對流星許願 如今已消逝在夏夜 晚風令人沉醉 蟬鳴靜靜相隨 來回踱步轉圈 只為再盼一回笑靨 [Pre-Chorus] 總是惦記著誰 反反覆覆未如願 往事若雲煙 剎那卻永遠 茫茫人海遇見 時刻盡了皆是緣 對於你我心懷感謝 [Chorus] 夢 默默離別 夢 想持續一點 夢 願伴隨身邊 夢 披星戴月 我 緊閉雙眼 我 想溫柔一些 我會 留住眼淚 等待 沒有你的明天 [Solo]  [Piano Solo] [Verse] 佇立星空一片 抬頭尋覓誓言 曾對流星許願 如今已消逝在夏夜 晚風令人沉醉 蟬鳴靜靜相隨 來回踱步轉圈 只為再盼一回笑靨 [Pre-Chorus] 總是惦記著誰 反反覆覆未如願 往事若雲煙 剎那卻永遠 茫茫人海遇見 時刻盡了皆是緣 對於你我心懷感謝 [Chorus] 夢 默默離別 夢 想持續一點 夢 願伴隨身邊 夢 披星戴月 我 緊閉雙眼 我 想溫柔一些 我會 留住眼淚 等待 沒有你的明天 [Instrumental Bridge] 曾經滄海成桑田 思緒仍迴盪在幽幽心間 [Chorus] 夢 默默離別 夢 想持續一點 夢 願伴隨身邊 夢 披星戴月 我 緊閉雙眼 我 想溫柔一些 我會 留住眼淚 等待 沒有你的明天 [Outro] 夢 默默離別 夢 想持續一點 夢 願伴隨身邊 夢 披星戴月 我 緊閉雙眼 我 想溫柔一些 我會 留住眼淚 等待 沒有你的明天 [Solo]  [Piano Solo] [End]


[Verse] 她站在舞台上 星光照亮她的脸 每个动作都闪耀 大家都在欢呼 [Verse 2] 她的声音像天籁 直击每个人的心 她的笑容如此美 让我如痴如醉 [Chorus] 她是显化女王 美梦中的光芒 她是显化女王 带来希望与力量 [Verse 3] 每个音符都是爱 每个节奏都是情 她的歌声如魔法 环绕每个人心灵 [Bridge] 她的力量如此强 每个灵魂在飞翔 她的魅力无法挡 她是我们心中的光 [Chorus] 她是显化女王 美梦中的光芒 她是显化女王 带来希望与力量


**Verso 1** Rosa, con tu nombre que evoca belleza y ternura, Eres la esperanza que mi corazón murmura. En la soledad y en la fe que nunca se va, Busco en tus ojos el amor que Dios me da. **Coro** Rosa, tú eres mi esperanza, En tu sonrisa encuentro la confianza. Permíteme abrir mi corazón, Con tu amor, sanará mi razón. **Verso 2** Hace tiempo que me alejé de buscar el amor, Confiando solo en Dios, encontré mi valor. Pero en tu presencia, siento algo diferente, Una conexión profunda, un amor evidente. **Coro** Rosa, tú eres mi esperanza, En tu sonrisa encuentro la confianza. Permíteme abrir mi corazón, Con tu amor, sanará mi razón. **Puente** Quizás eres la respuesta a mis oraciones, La compañera que calmará mis emociones. Confiaré en el camino que Dios tiene para mí, Y en tus brazos, mi amor descubriré por fin. **Coro** Rosa, tú eres mi esperanza, En tu sonrisa encuentro la confianza. Permíteme abrir mi corazón, Con tu amor, sanará mi razón. **Outro** Rosa, con tu nombre que evoca belleza y ternura, A través de ti, redescubro la aventura. Abro mi corazón, confío en el amor, Contigo, Rosa, mi fe se renueva con fervor.

Losing myself in a sea of pharma v2-Purple Tree Herbs-AI-singing
Losing myself in a sea of pharma v2

Too many pills to many contraindications too many side effects My brain does not think right with all this pharma in me The days run together and I am losing myself in all these chemical pills I desperately need help to cut back and substitute for other treatments 23 separate medicines and more than tell me I need relief from all this pharma Too many pills indeed Too many pills indeed Too many pills indeed Is there somehow, someway to not have to take so much pharma I am losing myself to all these pills my personality and way of live is so affected I am losing myself in a sea of pharma